Here's the deal.
I've been playing for a little over 2 weeks now...
And I am a level 19 dwarf hunter...
So far, to me anyways, its been killing and looting, killing and looting...
Leveling is always fun...
But does it get any better than this? Or is this about it for the whole game...
Is there something I am missing? How come I am not as into as everyone seems to be?
What the hell am I doing wrong?!?!?!?!
I hate sports games. Like, I can't understand why people would ever get together and sit around playing the latest version of Madden for hours on end, or how people would buy a new version of the same game every year. What am I doing wrong there? I'm not into it. That's it.
Extrapolate and apply as you see fit.
Seriously though, it doesn't sound like this game is your cup of tea. WoW, and really all MMOs, are about character progression, so killing and looting is pretty much the core of the game. If you don't dig that, there's nothing wrong with you, it's just not for you.
But that's just me.
Oh yeah, and you basically kill things and loot things the entire time. They just try to mix up how you do it and what order you do it in.
What game are we talking about again?
Im taking bets Im taking bets
MS warrior?
and ...
Not even close. Play a shaman, but class in the battlegrounds tends to be slightly ill relevant simply due to the fact that you are throwing a lot of people together at once. It's more about having a mix of classes who know how to work together. Arena, that's different, but as far as BG goes if you have some friends or guild mates who aren't goofy it can be a good time.
At this point, you still don't have a lot of your core skills, the instances you have access to aren't particularly interesting (deadmines is kinda cool, but there aren't many entertaining things to actually do in there), and a lot of the people you're playing with probably don't have any idea what's going on, or are alts who are just interested in leveling as quickly as possible.
The first thing I would do is get into a large-ish guild, even if a lot of the people in there are dumb. The social aspect, even if it just means finding people to do instances/quests with, is part of what makes it fun. And then I'd level up to level 40 or so, doing as many quests and instances as you can. It won't take you too long, and if you still aren't liking it at that point, it might be that it's just not for you.
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
You need to do the Deadmines.
Get your ass to Westfall.
I was going to ask what MMO but, really, this works for any of them.
The game lacks action. WoW needs a physics engine. That would change everything.
The PvP was fun, for a while, but got old very very fast. I am personally looking forward to WAR and Conan for this reason. I do not like PvE that much, and I'd love an MMO focused on the PvP as endgame instead.
I dunno about how it's all meant to be best at 70, the most fun i've had playing WoW has all been pre-70. Perhaps because it was when i'm in a group with guildies and first discovering new places, like how me and a fellow guildie at level 30 managed to somehow get to the caverns of time and survive. Of course, all we could do was look around.. but it was the fun of managing to get to an area meant for higher levels.
For example, at 70 all the latter quests appear to turn into big group quests. Which isn't necessarily bad. It's just bad if the rest of your guild with the exception of you and another guy are below level 70. And because they're essentially the last of the group quests very few people are willing or able to even get the quest.
The fun of pre-70 is that most people in WoW are pre-70, therefore it's easy to find people to group up with and generally have fun.
I've got a spare copy of Portal, if anyone wants it message me.
I've been playing WoW since closed beta although I usually play for a year straight then take a few months off. My last break was a few months ago. I basically play 2-3 nights every other week with my guildies -- the game held no more interest to me itself but I love my guild. 90% of us have been together since closed beta if not within the first few weeks of retail. We're very casual and we've even become RL-friends, too.
We've been working on Karazhan the past few months, we raid 3 nights every other week which allows us to make progress but still have plenty of off-time. Most of my guildies are on every day or close to it but we prefer 5-mans to spending 10 hours in a 10-man. More just that it takes more concentration and serious play vs fooling around.
I wouldn't be playing WoW anymore if it weren't for my friends there. But. I do have them. Lots of them and that's what makes the game fun. I've started playing more the last few weeks and having a blast again. I've decided my main character has enough to be happy and am happy for my hardcore non-guildie friends that look awesome in their gear, too. In the meantime I am leveling another character, helping people of all levels along the way and trying to make new friends, too.
Basically, MMOs are all about what you make of it and just remember: it's a game. Have fun (whatever that is to you is up to you) and as soon as you're not having fun, stop
First of all, joined a guild with some other players that were around my level.
Secondly, even when my guild members weren't on, I would actually mingle with some other players in Inns...eventually forming groups...not even to do dungeons and instances...but just normal looting quests. Turns out this way, they get done a lot faster, and I can kill things way higher level than I am...
NEways...after a week or so of doing this...
What if you hate people?