So, I ran accross a rather interesting tidbit on, which led me to this...
Hopefully the link works properly... Its little behind the scenes look at a new TV show that they've already got some 30 shows made for, or planned for.... Either way, the enimation is similar to the animation that was found in the cartoony animation that was aired awhile back, except here we have true story lines with characters...
Granted, the main charactors sounds a bit... Young, but all in all I think I'll be watching thsi for sure.... And I'm sorry, did that thing just keep walking up a WALL?
The bonus to this series? They can expand so much more on what actually happened between episodes 2 and 3... You know there was a war raging on, persaonally I felt a bit ripped off only seeing the end of the war, but come on... Now we can have THE ENTIRE war, we can see what all of those little thing-a-ma-bobs do now... No single frame "What was that thing", now they can make an actual "statement" of, this is a ALL TERRAIN WALKER, even vertical....
Also, their plans are to release the first episode in theatres August 15thish.....
In other news, George Lucas is releasing another Star Wars movie...
Edit: also found
this gem....
Edit again: Even more video withuot talking in the background....