We took all 25 to kill her before Illidan one night cos one of our off-tanks needed the FR thing... It was so funny. She didn't even get to fly up into phase 2. o_O
Keeping the number of participants low in order to keep the cash per person high makes sense, but in order to speed things up I'd probably just aim for 4-5 people (like, tank, healer, 2-3 dps) in order to steamroll things.
Though now that I give it more thought, at around 50 gold a person for even half an hour of work (including travel time), it's really not a bad idea. I might try to get this together before our raid tonight.
How much actual cash does she drop again? Is it truly 200+, or was it more like 100 or so? ~40+ gold per person + a vendorable epic each would be a good incentive, but I'm not sure the interest would be terribly high for only 20 or so.
Forar on
First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKER!
Keeping the number of participants low in order to keep the cash per person high makes sense, but in order to speed things up I'd probably just aim for 4-5 people (like, tank, healer, 2-3 dps) in order to steamroll things.
Though now that I give it more thought, at around 50 gold a person for even half an hour of work (including travel time), it's really not a bad idea. I might try to get this together before our raid tonight.
How much actual cash does she drop again? Is it truly 200+, or was it more like 100 or so? ~40+ gold per person + a vendorable epic each would be a good incentive, but I'm not sure the interest would be terribly high for only 20 or so.
When I was in a raiding guild farming for t2 helms like 2 years ago, she dropped upwards of 200g.
Jail Break is probably the single worst quest in the game.
I would agree with you, but I got one of my few pre-TBC epics (the Freezing Band) as a random drop while doing it so I have no right to complain.
And for hard STV quests that have been nerfed? Stranglethorn Fever has *nothing* on a few in the Kurzen camp. Aggressive healer mobs that cast their healing spell constantly, with one of the most absurd aggro ranges in the game if done while level appropriate, and you have to kill them for something that used to be something like a 5% drop? Yeah, that sucked. Doing it as a class without an interrupt, like a shadow priest that hasn't gotten Silence yet because you picked up wand spec early? *shiver*
Well the kitten would only need 415 if it specced into Survival of the Fittest, as all kittens should.
Are you assuming that all kittens are druids now?
Sounds kinda racist to me.
Well they are either a Druid or they have to have a shield, and a Kitten with a shield is pretty silly.
In before someone Photoshops this. (Bulwark of Azzinoth plz.)
Man, all this talk of old instances is making me all weepy and nostalgic. I ran into fake-Rexxar on my paladin last night and was ranting about how I miss the whole fiasco of having to find him wandering around, and people told me I was crazy. But some of that old annoying stuff is just good memories, y'know?
If you think about it, some of the quests were really poorly designed. Horde Onyxia chain, having to find Rexxar 2-3 times, 5-man a harder instance, do UBRS 2-3 times, and find the blue dragon?
But, when you completed it all, you felt really damn good.
Compared to Kara attunement "woops fell into some instances."
Or BT/Hyjal which are linear
Most people I know who are leveling characters now skip the Onyxia quest line. It's hard to convince someone to do it anyway, even if it does net you a whole level of experience (possibly more now).
The best part of the Alliance Onyxia chain was, "let's see how many times I can die while running through the cave of elite dragons".
You forgot flying all over the fucking world to kill those 4 stupid dragons. What a fucking pain in the ass that was.
Got to turn into a dragonkin, tho. That was amusing, for a few minutes. And killing Rend, the false warchief, then turning his head in to the Big T himself, was kinda fun.
Well the kitten would only need 415 if it specced into Survival of the Fittest, as all kittens should.
Are you assuming that all kittens are druids now?
Sounds kinda racist to me.
Well they are either a Druid or they have to have a shield, and a Kitten with a shield is pretty silly.
In before someone Photoshops this. (Bulwark of Azzinoth plz.)
Man, all this talk of old instances is making me all weepy and nostalgic. I ran into fake-Rexxar on my paladin last night and was ranting about how I miss the whole fiasco of having to find him wandering around, and people told me I was crazy. But some of that old annoying stuff is just good memories, y'know?
If you think about it, some of the quests were really poorly designed. Horde Onyxia chain, having to find Rexxar 2-3 times, 5-man a harder instance, do UBRS 2-3 times, and find the blue dragon?
But, when you completed it all, you felt really damn good.
Compared to Kara attunement "woops fell into some instances."
Or BT/Hyjal which are linear
Well, yeah. I'm realizing it a lot more while leveling my paladin, how much they've improved things since the bad old times. I mean how they used to think "run around a lot" was a good quest basis. "Hey go to the Hinterlands. Now to Feralas. Oh talk to a guy in Org." That shit is bananas.
But yes there is the sense of "Back in MY day..!" and accomplishment having known you did those things when they were annoying but needed to be done. Like I don't wear my SSC/TK attunement title, but HAVING it makes me happy. Why yes I did do heroic SH before any nerfs, thankyouverymuch.
The best part of the Alliance Onyxia chain was, "let's see how many times I can die while running through the cave of elite dragons".
Hah, yeah. I stumbled on a couple of nekkid alliance running through that cave a couple times, while doing the attunement quest. Wondered what they were up to, until I heard about their questline. Mostly they seemed happy enough to help us, and us them, although ones that got greedy and tried to tag our dragons usually died.
The best part of the Alliance Onyxia chain was, "let's see how many times I can die while running through the cave of elite dragons".
Hah, yeah. I stumbled on a couple of nekkid alliance running through that cave a couple times, while doing the attunement quest. Wondered what they were up to, until I heard about their questline. Mostly they seemed happy enough to help us, and us them, although ones that got greedy and tried to tag our dragons usually died.
But, but, you can just hop over to the quest giver from the mountains... No wall walking required. O_o
The best part of the Alliance Onyxia chain was, "let's see how many times I can die while running through the cave of elite dragons".
Hah, yeah. I stumbled on a couple of nekkid alliance running through that cave a couple times, while doing the attunement quest. Wondered what they were up to, until I heard about their questline. Mostly they seemed happy enough to help us, and us them, although ones that got greedy and tried to tag our dragons usually died.
But, but, you can just hop over to the quest giver from the mountains... No wall walking required. O_o
If I remember right, you need an epic mount (or levitate, slow fall, or the right noggenfogger proc) to do that.
The best part of the Alliance Onyxia chain was, "let's see how many times I can die while running through the cave of elite dragons".
Hah, yeah. I stumbled on a couple of nekkid alliance running through that cave a couple times, while doing the attunement quest. Wondered what they were up to, until I heard about their questline. Mostly they seemed happy enough to help us, and us them, although ones that got greedy and tried to tag our dragons usually died.
But, but, you can just hop over to the quest giver from the mountains... No wall walking required. O_o
If I remember right, you need an epic mount (or levitate, slow fall, or the right noggenfogger proc) to do that.
It's a million times easier with one, but you just need really good aim if you don't.
I had an epic land mount on my rogue before she hit 70, I swear.
You didn't have an epic land mount for outlands? Jesus. That would be horrible.
Well, at the time, there was no outlands, and I had to get epic mounts for 4 level 60's. I had em for 3/4, but the toon in question on that particular quest chain had it.
It was my friend who was with me who couldn't get it :P
I can understand not having them pre-BC. They were expensive and not really needed as much since by 60 you had flight points and didn't need to run anywhere. But there was so much travel in BC that it would have been awful.
Epic flying mounts are the same way. They are awesome but not entirely necessary. I happen to have one on both of my 70s and they are awesome, but they aren't necessary.
So, I havn't played WOW for, checking my calender, a month this year. Crack free, yadda yadda, decided to start playing again because I'm a weak fool who can't protect my life from this addicting game.
I honestly don't even know what to play any more. My current existing characters are a 68 BElf Paladin, and a 63 or so Tauren Feral druid. I havn't played them in...well, a year. I tried hopping on the paladin and kinda fumbled around for 10 minutes until I figured out how to summon my horse, then ran off a cliff.
Lets not do that again.
Honestly I want someone to just pick what I'm going to play now. Everything appeals to me, really, I just have so many aspirations for every class... I just made a new Belf Rogue...which is uh...well. It's a blood elf rogue.
FYI I'm on a PVP server. I wanted to play a priest, but I don't want to raid. I don't have the time to do that whole guildy thing any more, what with a full time job and all. Mostly fun PVP/5-manning.
The best part of the Alliance Onyxia chain was, "let's see how many times I can die while running through the cave of elite dragons".
Hah, yeah. I stumbled on a couple of nekkid alliance running through that cave a couple times, while doing the attunement quest. Wondered what they were up to, until I heard about their questline. Mostly they seemed happy enough to help us, and us them, although ones that got greedy and tried to tag our dragons usually died.
But, but, you can just hop over to the quest giver from the mountains... No wall walking required. O_o
I tried getting there, failed a few times, and after an hour or so of trying I gave up and just did the naked run through the cave.
Roll a Dwarf, Undead, or Tauren(:rotate:) priest.
Good for PvP, good for 5-mans and Karas.
Though, if you want to get more specific, do you want to do anything in particular at 70? DPS? Heal? AFK?
Don't really have any level 70 aspirations. I'll pretty much just be doing the hop online, see what shenanigans I can get into during that session, go to bed kinda deal. I always did enjoy healing in instances as my pally, as much as I sucked at it. Maybe priest it is. If anything I'll go shadow and melt faces.
And I always play Horde, I refuse alliance. Although I really believe night elf priests are fantastic looking (my first WoW character, night elf priest)... I've got loyalty to the horde.
also the loyalty lies because I've got 1700g on my paladin which I could use...
Oh in that case, roll whatever, go nuts, have fun and enjoy yourself. I mean, if I make suggestions you'll take them, but if you find that you're not enjoying a class, just do something else :P.
Been playing since summer of 05, have 2 level 70 toons and 1 level 63. Never been to LBRS and I feel like I may be missing out on something. Is it solo-able for a 70 rogue? Might be interesting to take a look around
Been playing since summer of 05, have 2 level 70 toons and 1 level 63. Never been to LBRS and I feel like I may be missing out on something. Is it solo-able for a 70 rogue? Might be interesting to take a look around
How can you have never been to LBRS? WoW! (lawl) You're missing a lot. The little tent city, spider mother, Halycon was cool. Wyrmthalak was crazy.
I DOUBT you could do it as a 70 rogue, but then again I'm not sure what a 70 rogue is capable of these days. You could try it, I'd bring a 70 druid with you to heal and tank.
I would think a large portion of the player base these days have never seen LBRS. It's not necessary on the road to 70. So it's suffered the fate of most pre-tbc instances.
I fondly remember soloing the worg pup quest on my druid. It's like, can you successfully stealth in here and then drop stealth and avoid mobs long enough to cage a pup before the mama wolf sees and kills you?
Dunno about rogues soloing LBRS. Did it on my bear druid a while back. Wyrmthalak hits hard, but is stunnable. However, he summons adds to help him out... Might be tough.
Also, Druids used to be able to solo one specific boss at level 60, for the wildheart set. I think it was Ms. Smolderweb, maybe?
Dunno about rogues soloing LBRS. Did it on my bear druid a while back. Wyrmthalak hits hard, but is stunnable. However, he summons adds to help him out... Might be tough.
Also, Druids used to be able to solo one specific boss at level 60, for the wildheart set. I think it was Ms. Smolderweb, maybe?
Smolderweb and with a rogue, Halycon.
Fond memories of that.
Lots of deaths.
Good fun. I kinda miss pre-TBC times, back when BWL was like, WOAH. Back when raiding MC actually meant something.
I four-manned LBRS as a 70 on my druid several months ago. Not for nostalgia, because I couldn't get anyone to go there before expansion so I could complete this one quest. Pugs for UBRS, sure. Nobody had the key though. Ever. Pugs for LBRS? What you say, LBRS? *tumbleweeds roll by*
Mark of Tyranny. Couldn't find a Badge of Tenacity on the AH for lower than 1500g.
I ran LBRS only once on my lock, & that was for the caster trinket from that same quest, but I never had any reason to step foot in there again.
zagi on
TavIrish Minister for DefenceRegistered Userregular
Though now that I give it more thought, at around 50 gold a person for even half an hour of work (including travel time), it's really not a bad idea. I might try to get this together before our raid tonight.
How much actual cash does she drop again? Is it truly 200+, or was it more like 100 or so? ~40+ gold per person + a vendorable epic each would be a good incentive, but I'm not sure the interest would be terribly high for only 20 or so.
When I was in a raiding guild farming for t2 helms like 2 years ago, she dropped upwards of 200g.
That may have changed, it's been a while.
I would agree with you, but I got one of my few pre-TBC epics (the Freezing Band) as a random drop while doing it so I have no right to complain.
And for hard STV quests that have been nerfed? Stranglethorn Fever has *nothing* on a few in the Kurzen camp. Aggressive healer mobs that cast their healing spell constantly, with one of the most absurd aggro ranges in the game if done while level appropriate, and you have to kill them for something that used to be something like a 5% drop? Yeah, that sucked. Doing it as a class without an interrupt, like a shadow priest that hasn't gotten Silence yet because you picked up wand spec early? *shiver*
If you think about it, some of the quests were really poorly designed. Horde Onyxia chain, having to find Rexxar 2-3 times, 5-man a harder instance, do UBRS 2-3 times, and find the blue dragon?
But, when you completed it all, you felt really damn good.
Compared to Kara attunement "woops fell into some instances."
Or BT/Hyjal which are linear
You mean flying all over the world to kill 3, then flying back to the dragonspawn, then flying out to kill a fourth?
Good times.
The best part of the Alliance Onyxia chain was, "let's see how many times I can die while running through the cave of elite dragons".
Hey, it beat Jail Break.
Got to turn into a dragonkin, tho. That was amusing, for a few minutes. And killing Rend, the false warchief, then turning his head in to the Big T himself, was kinda fun.
I required that all my friends call me before they turned that quest in so I could get the buff on my newbs.
Heh, I would regularly whisper people in BRS about that, asking about their progress so I could time it.
On my alliance warrior that I dual-boxed with my druid(on follow casting heals) I'd do the same for the Onyxia buff.
Well, yeah. I'm realizing it a lot more while leveling my paladin, how much they've improved things since the bad old times. I mean how they used to think "run around a lot" was a good quest basis. "Hey go to the Hinterlands. Now to Feralas. Oh talk to a guy in Org." That shit is bananas.
But yes there is the sense of "Back in MY day..!" and accomplishment having known you did those things when they were annoying but needed to be done. Like I don't wear my SSC/TK attunement title, but HAVING it makes me happy. Why yes I did do heroic SH before any nerfs, thankyouverymuch.
Hah, yeah. I stumbled on a couple of nekkid alliance running through that cave a couple times, while doing the attunement quest. Wondered what they were up to, until I heard about their questline. Mostly they seemed happy enough to help us, and us them, although ones that got greedy and tried to tag our dragons usually died.
But, but, you can just hop over to the quest giver from the mountains... No wall walking required. O_o
If I remember right, you need an epic mount (or levitate, slow fall, or the right noggenfogger proc) to do that.
It's a million times easier with one, but you just need really good aim if you don't.
(On that note, I don't have an epic flying mount)
(Though I used one briefly when on another characters account.)
(So good.)
Well, at the time, there was no outlands, and I had to get epic mounts for 4 level 60's. I had em for 3/4, but the toon in question on that particular quest chain had it.
It was my friend who was with me who couldn't get it :P
Epic flying mounts are the same way. They are awesome but not entirely necessary. I happen to have one on both of my 70s and they are awesome, but they aren't necessary.
So, I havn't played WOW for, checking my calender, a month this year. Crack free, yadda yadda, decided to start playing again because I'm a weak fool who can't protect my life from this addicting game.
I honestly don't even know what to play any more. My current existing characters are a 68 BElf Paladin, and a 63 or so Tauren Feral druid. I havn't played them in...well, a year. I tried hopping on the paladin and kinda fumbled around for 10 minutes until I figured out how to summon my horse, then ran off a cliff.
Lets not do that again.
Honestly I want someone to just pick what I'm going to play now. Everything appeals to me, really, I just have so many aspirations for every class... I just made a new Belf Rogue...which is uh...well. It's a blood elf rogue.
FYI I'm on a PVP server. I wanted to play a priest, but I don't want to raid. I don't have the time to do that whole guildy thing any more, what with a full time job and all. Mostly fun PVP/5-manning.
Roll a Dwarf, Undead, or Tauren(:rotate:) priest.
Good for PvP, good for 5-mans and Karas.
Though, if you want to get more specific, do you want to do anything in particular at 70? DPS? Heal? AFK?
I tried getting there, failed a few times, and after an hour or so of trying I gave up and just did the naked run through the cave.
I never died getting there.
Don't really have any level 70 aspirations. I'll pretty much just be doing the hop online, see what shenanigans I can get into during that session, go to bed kinda deal. I always did enjoy healing in instances as my pally, as much as I sucked at it. Maybe priest it is. If anything I'll go shadow and melt faces.
And I always play Horde, I refuse alliance. Although I really believe night elf priests are fantastic looking (my first WoW character, night elf priest)... I've got loyalty to the horde.
also the loyalty lies because I've got 1700g on my paladin which I could use...
How can you have never been to LBRS? WoW! (lawl) You're missing a lot. The little tent city, spider mother, Halycon was cool. Wyrmthalak was crazy.
I DOUBT you could do it as a 70 rogue, but then again I'm not sure what a 70 rogue is capable of these days. You could try it, I'd bring a 70 druid with you to heal and tank.
Also, Druids used to be able to solo one specific boss at level 60, for the wildheart set. I think it was Ms. Smolderweb, maybe?
Smolderweb and with a rogue, Halycon.
Fond memories of that.
Lots of deaths.
Good fun. I kinda miss pre-TBC times, back when BWL was like, WOAH. Back when raiding MC actually meant something.
Poor poor Ragnaros gets so lonely these days.
that was a fun run.
Mark of Tyranny. Couldn't find a Badge of Tenacity on the AH for lower than 1500g.
I ran LBRS only once on my lock, & that was for the caster trinket from that same quest, but I never had any reason to step foot in there again.
I haven't played a warlock past 25 yet. I do have horrible problems playing alts, but oh lawd is drain tanking boring.