Remember Alien Hominid? Well, the same folks at The Behemoth are making Castle Crashers, a four-player co-op game that plays like ye olde Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game. You control one of four different knights, each with a different power. Apparently, you can go back to past levels a la a Mario 3 map, and buy new potions and weapons from a blacksmith.
Not to mention that farting deer.
Along with a general action board, we played a level that was reminiscent of the speeder-bike level in Battletoads, though not nearly as hard and twenty times weirder. We hopped onto deer and started sprinting to the right while a giant monster nipped at our heels. The goal was to hop over logs blocking the path and guide the deer through doors to avoid slamming into walls. Also, the deer farted incessantly.
Castle Crashers comes out on Live this summer, and I can't wait.
Streets of Rage and TMNT: Arcade are okay... but man. This game looks SO GOOD.
This looks to be awesome too
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
ur analugeez need wurk
Same here. Find it a bit ridiculous that it's taking them 2 years to put this game out.
This is one of the reasons I got a 360.
Farting rabbits, sure, but deer...what is wrong with me?
It feels like this game was announced last generation, come out all ready so I can play you for two weeks and then never again like all of the other XBLA games I own. Though I'd play Luminous and Puzzle Quest more if they didn't fucking glitch out and force me to delete my saved files all the goddamn time.
It was pretty much the greatest thing I ever put in my SNES.
Next to my penis, at least.
Seconded, though there might be some wacky rights issues with Tecmo and Tradewest. Hm, come to think of it, who has the rights to all of Tradewest's stuff nowadays?
You might have put your penis in your SNES but I was blowing my Mega Drive cartridges instead.
I was comparing them both to 8-bit games, thank you very much.
not a big deal though, the longer it takes the better it'll be I'm assuming. Still looking foward to it
I heard it was in processing for release the same time MS announced the cap on XBLA was upped from 50 to 150mb.
Then Behemoth said 'fuck that', took the game back out of certification and have just added like 200% more content to the game.
So, so much.
Counting the days until this co-op drunken winfest hits.
Went to Wikipedia and answered my own question.
So, unless something has happened behind the scenes, Midway has the rights to Battletoads.
First time when it was near release MS upped the Live limit to 150 megs and they wanted to make use of the extra space.
Castle Crashers is content complete.
Now it just needs to pass through cert and all the deer-farting will be ours.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
TMNT 1986 was SO AWESOME when it came out, then everyone got bored with it.
Hopefully this has some better replayability.
With as long as its taken to get it out to the masses, its no surprise people have lost interest. I'm sure interest will be renewed upon release, but until then, don't expect much of a rise.
NintendoID: Nailbunny 3DS: 3909-8796-4685
Guess we won't see Castle Crashers until next year.
It's about time.
Pretty much. That and like only 3 guys are making this game. An artist, a coder, and a musician/sound guy!
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
To sum everything up, purchase this game when it comes out. I believe I overheard them talking about it being released at the end of the summer.
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[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
It's promised before the end of August, and there's only five Wednesdays left (and this week is almost assured to be Geometry Wars RE 2), so it'll be soon. There's also Galaga Legions, Braid and Bionic Command Rearmed to contend with, and I'm wagering that Microsoft won't double-stack two of their larger XBLA titles together. I'm going to guess that this one is coming in the last two weeks of August, but I'm keeping my eyes peeled too.