Red Faction: Guerilla
There's not too much I can describe so I'll let the videos do the talking.
Links to trailers are other general goodness.
On top of those
All the buildings are destructible.
And I mean every single one. Having played the demo I can say that each time you blow up a building I have never once witnessed two exactly the same.
But before we get deeper into that, let's talk about the basics. Guerilla is a third-person shooter and open world game. You can wander about taking down buildings or bridges at your leisure or go for the corrupt Earth Defence Force's main buildings to cause some real mayhem. From the humble sledge hammer to the mighty mining walker, that is a robot suit that was used for mining. It is now use for killing and destruction. You'll have an armory of a very will equipped miner. Remote charges, a smattering of guns, it looks as though you will not want for toys.
Here is a list of all the forum's gamertags, it's not everyone so just say so and I'll add it.
Forum Name - Gamertag
KingMole - Kaddion
Arrath - Arrath777
Septus - Kurahoshi
Big Dookie - BigDaddyDookie
BlueDestiny - BlueDouble
Sharp10er - SharpTenor
Blue map - Gray Adder
Saiga - Lost Physicist
Sagroth - sag616
ygrella - CorpsicIe
Nickle - NickleDL
Strikerkc - Strikerkc
elizabex - elizabex
You guys like maps, right? Of course you do. Can't find all those pesky crates or ore, Even a handful of radio tags? Well have no fear, Bamelin and co. have made a wonderfully convenient map to help you with this.
And who better to showcase the demo then our very own Kaseius? He made a fantastic Let's Play, which you can watch below.
P.S. If you want me to add anything to this post, just ask.
But Volition Inc. has been essentially dead for years.
Oh, and Fracture.
Yeah, Assassins Creed, I'm looking at you.
Thank god someone else pointed that out. I read every response just thinking "EDF! EDF! EDF!"
I only played the first Red Faction, it was such a let down I didn't bother with the sequel.
After spending time with Fracture, and having my socks both covered in rock and, I just have a feeling that the bar is in the process of being raised far beyond the reach of Volition.
Fracture doesn't seem to have much in the way of destructible buildings though, no? Correct me if I'm wrong.
But I thought it was all about terrain?
actually, no. the single player in the original was terrible and only saved by the fact that you can waste time making holes in the walls (usually). the second included an actually fun story driven campaign that i thought took what was just an idea in the first game to new levels.
Xbox : gunst4r
Is that even a response to the comment I made? I never said the first one was good, or even that the second was bad (I thought it was decent). I'm talking about the much hyped geomod feature. Which was rarely used, and never in any big way, in RF 2.
i'm arguing that it WAS used and was used more intelligently than in it's prequel. maybe i need to replay it but i recall the game having some pretty cool applications of destruction.
Xbox : gunst4r
You you are right, it's all about terrain defrmation and altering weather effects, but it's incredibly satisfying in a way that I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the new Red Faction being. Raising the ground in a bunker and squishing the people inside, or lowing the earth below a building's foundation so you can sneak inside...lotta fun. Make no mistake, I HOPE RF pulls it out though...2 fun games are better than 1.
Gamespot preview:
Gamespot video interview:
Sounds awesome, also J I'll add that stuff to the OP.
Red Faction 2 was not as much fun. The FPS gameplay was only slightly better than average, but the awesomeness of the first game disappeared for some reason. Red Faction 2 did have some pretty fun multiplayer (splitscreen), but the level of destruction was almost non-existent compared to the first one.
I beat it several times and aside from the first and last level in RF2 you only used it once or twice, and it was like... you could blow a hole in this wall, or walk through the door right next to it. RF2 was Generic Shooter #37 but it had a better story.
I remember being a little disapointed. It seemed there was a lot of good ideas, that never went anywhere. You did a lot of digging at the beggining of the game and it could be used to your tatical advantage, but then I felt that sort of died off and it turned into a game or corridor fighting with the odd segment where would could do some cosmetic damage.
I never did play the 2nd one though.
I'm looking forward to Guerilla. It looks like they're really working hard to make it be the best destructibility ever. And it's a massive, open game-world, too. Color me excited.
Yes please.
But before that, fighting the guards and the incredibly accident prone medics around the mines and the offices was a blast. Bloody stupid mutants ruin everything.
But yes, RF2 was appaling, apart from some part I remember where you fire large weapons from a chopper to kill certain people (and everyone within 3 floors of them) in a large building. It took about 50 rounds in the face to kill anyone.
But maybe the new consoles can do the destruction tech justice. It'll need a game to go along with it too though.
Oh, and I'm a multiplayer programmer on RFG.
Rail gun....PLEASE?
Bumpity, for some new coverage.
Cool sounds like Mercenaries.. IN SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!!
I never asked for this!
I've had fairly mixed experiences with RF1, mostly on the side of medicore. RF1 you're just some guy who thinks his job sucks, then suddenly transforms into the most important person in the uprising. The game itself was ok and the deformation was impressive considering the games age. Also liked the fact that the game just tossed a whole stack of weapons at you pretty much right from the start I didn't finish it because it all felt like work and the already weak story was falling to pieces.
RF2 is still gathering dust.
Screenshot of a medic with a remote mining charge stuck to his face here.
Cause I don't have my RF1 disks to make the SS myself
Like Superman Returns.. How awesome would that of been if you could fly through buildings and really break shit.
I never asked for this!