Threshold is a high fantasy, real-time, multi-player, online role playing game. Once you step across the Threshold you will be absorbed by the rich, detailed, highly developed role playing atmosphere that comprises this fantasy realm. You become the hero, the heroine, or even the villain depending on your character and your imagination.
On Threshold, role playing is required and enforced. This policy creates and preserves Threshold's top notch role playing environment. Although there are places to communicate "out of character" within the game (after all, it is nice to get to know the people you are gaming with), outside of such areas players stay completely in character.
Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, this exciting gaming environment is home to thousands of players from all over the world. These players are indeed what makes Threshold RPG a truly unique and marvellous gaming community.
Yes, Threshold is text-based. Yes, roleplaying is
required to play there. Yes, you will be mercilessly punished for ever saying a damned single thing out of character. And you know what else? It's really motherfucking good.
Threshold has existed in one form or another for upwards of a dozen years. I, myself, played on it back in my youngin days a decade ago. It's a MUD, which means it uses a telnet client to connect, play, and interact with the game world. It has very strict rules about areas, spoilers, and keeping in-character that are designed to make your actions count, exploration fun, and death terrifying. This game has the capacity to be the most engrossing gaming experience, if you have the imagination for it.
List of PAers playing
PA - Threshold
defrag - Verm the catfolk Rogue
nefffffffffff - Breunter the Dwarf
Xzean - Xzeanelenan the elven Sorcerer
Depressperado - Naol the human Psion
EliteLamer - Dorthonion the elven Mage
Fiaryn - Fiaryn the elven Mage
Threelemmings - Selach the gnomish Fighter
Game information
Canis - Furry Race #1 lolol. Canine humanoids, strong and sturdy, but not too smart.
Catfolk - Furry Race #2 lawlz. Kitty humanoids, quick and charming, very lucky.
Dryads - All-female race of humanoids, born in trees or some shit.
Dwarf - Just what you think they are. Short, stout, fucking awesome.
Elves - Standard fantasy elves. Weak little prissy things good at pewpewpewing things with spells.
Gnome - All the shortness of Dwarves, none of the coolness, if you ask me.
Humans - Duh.
Kestrel - Avian humanoids, not quite as tough, but very proud and fancy.
Salamae - Little Amphibian guys. Cute.
Scorpien - Bred by alchemists to be some kind of super badass race of scaly humanoids.
Bards - Must apply to be a bard through months of good rp. Multi-talented performers.
Clerics - Servants of the Gods, who are really no joke in Threshold.
Fighters - Dur dur how i swing sword
Mages - pew pew pew!
Necromancers - pew pew raise dead pew pew! Necromancers have to start as Mages or Sorcs and apply later, proving themselves worthy of the mysteries of death.
Paladins - Clerics with swords, Paladins serve as the militant arm of the deities of Threshold.
Psions - Masters of the mind, Psions have tons of crazy spells and abilities.
Rangers - Rangers start as Fighters or Warriors, and join the guild later on. Tree-hugging sword-swingers.
Rogues - Very little is known about the Rogues guild.
Sorcerors - Sorcs are born with their pew pew ability, unlike Mages, who study it.
Templars - Begin as a Sorc or a Mage, dedicate your life to a cause, dedicate your body to it, and you can be a Templar.
Thieves - Skulkers, backstabbers, thieves. (formerly the) Most awesome guild in Threshold, joining the Thieves guild is a process that requires proving you ain't no snitch, ain't no fuckup, and ain't gonna get caught slippin'.
Warriors - Warriors are much like Fighters, but located in the city of Thrace, not Sable, and less of a military organization.
Coming soon. Read for now.
How the hell do you play this shit?
Step 1 - Go here: and downlad RosMud, a GMud client with a few nice little extras for Threshold.
Step 2 - Go here: and read as much as you can about the guilds and races of the game. Come up with a detailed character concept. Make sure it's something you really want to play, because multiple characters aren't allowed.
Step 3 - Connect to Threshold using RosMud, type "new" at the name prompt, and begin the character creation process. Be ready to do a LOT of help file reading, but it's all worth it.
Important shit to know.
Number 1 - Threshold really is 100% in character. This means no typing "AFK" or "BRB" in any chat channel. For all intents and purposes, you're interacting as your character all the time. There is an OOC channel that you can use as a newbie to ask questions, and another you can use for OOC chat, but people mostly interact in character.
Number 2 - Threshold is free to play with a registration option. Once you hit a certain level, you can register, gaining in-game rewards and citizenship.
Number 3 - If we have a thread about it, it should conform to all of the rules and help files of Threshold. Don't break any of em.
If anyone else is interested in this kind of thing, awesome. If not, let it die.
He ended up as the grand master of the Fighter's Guild. :P
I'd assume so, but as people seem to take RPing as serious business and I am unsure of my creative writing abilities, I've been a bit cautious to actually try my hand at it.
Ah yes, I remember a guy in the thief guild who couldn't stay in character worth a damn.
There was a global emote telling of his mutilated corpse found washed up on the beach.
I don't need an a deep and interesting past, shit
I never enjoyed RP heavy MUDs too much
That's perfectly fine too. You'll get plenty of new tales to expand with. :P
well exactly
my last RP MUD, I was a bard. basically I was just some common bar fly who decided to tag along with big fancy heroes to sing for them and come up with stories about them to tell at the pub (except I always embellished my involvement, usually making myself the big hero)
Echo: I remember that too. Good times.
Wren: Not having a huge backstory is fine, you just have to make sure you stay in-character.
I am back as Verm, the catfolk (furry furry lol) noble, going through heritage and preparing to unleash a long lost character on Sable once more.
Is there something I'm missing?
Diz: The gameplay is very much a MUD.
That was ten years ago though. :P
there was also a warcraft one I really enjoyed with a rather useful mini-map (rarity for MUDs imo) and diablo style loot system. it was pretty much pure pvp, with npcs only really being there to outfit you after a pvp death.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that CmdPrompt. Threshold has been around long enough to know that fresh ideas and fresh characters are vitally important to keeping a community vibrant. While Threshold is RP required, it is not "hard core" in the sense that we expect everyone to be some kind of RP super star.
The most important thing is for people to have fun. If for some people that means hanging more on the sidelines, that's totally fine. And when you feel comfortable enough to jump in a little more seriously, go for it.
Threshold RPG - Our World, Your Imagination
Primordiax RPG - A New Generation in online role playing.
If you're having trouble with one client, you can switch over to another to get connected. Pick any client for your operating system - there's dozens of good clients around. Also, if RosMud doesn't work for you, the author - ooh, that's me, as Baron Zeta said - will be happy to walk through some debugging. Just drop me an email or send me a PM via this board, and I'll do my best to sort out your problem. Alternatively, just log on to Threshold RPG using whatever client you can, and then ask for me there; Threshold has Out Of Character channels on which technical support can be given, and that would be in real-time, unlike email.
Please have your Customer Number ready when you call. Thank you for calling software technical support, your call is important to us and we will be with you as soon as possible. You may now listen to two hours of on-hold music while you wait for someone to get back to you. Please enjoy it, because if you enjoy our on-hold music, we'll give you more of it. Yes, I've suffered at the hands of this sort of treatment too. My policy is to make it really easy for people.
I've been spending way too much time in the Griffon, randomly popping out to extract some vengeance on the local chicken population.
Hell, I still get lost on the way from the docks to Thrace in Threshold. That's embarasing.
east until you hit a wall, then go north till you get a slight breeze, go east till you can hear the shuffling of feet then south until you hit a dead end then "open down", go down, close up, south, east. and now I'm safe in a magically shrouded room with food and water in an area no one ever goes to or even knows about.
I still remember this, sadly.
Mages/Sorcs in Threshold are bastards, with lots of good shit.
edit: i'm getting on now. dwarf named Breunter.
That is great to hear, especially coming from a dev team member (I'm guessing). Its always good to hear from the makers of a game at PA.
I'm reading through the help files now, hopefully I will be inhabiting some out of the way corner in the Green Griffon soon.