I have a problem. I just recently got an ethernet cable and I have a Motorola sbv 5220 modem, not router, in my room. All the router has running into it is a phone. I connected the cable to the back of my 360 and then to the router. When I do this, the one of the lights on the router by the world Link lights up orange. All the other lights are green. When I try to connect to xbox live, it doesn't connect, and when I run the xbox live test, it fails the very first one saying disconnected. The wire is good, everything is connected, but I don't know what's going on. Help would appreciated.
as for the exact procedure im not sure, im sure either microsoft or your router's manufacturer has an FAQ or something. or if your lucky someone more skilled than myself in these matters might be able to give you a quick walkthrough.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
So why do you have a phone line running into the router? Are you running VoIP?
Have you tried connecting to xbox live? That usually fixes the problem for me.
Yeah. The ethernet cable from the cable modem to the 360. If it fails to connect even then, you'll need to replace the 360 since I doubt all your cables are faulty.