My roommate decided that he really really really really fucking like this theory on how your brain works. He has incorporated it into his life and everyone else's.
The theory is about your right and left brain and how it impacts and defines your personality. I am not retarded so I am left brained, while he is retarded and thus right brained. Apparently there is a huge commotion about the left and right brain theory and how it defines what your good at and bad at. The table would look like this
I am not a neuro-scientist, I have no credentials to say this theory is false. All I can say with my retarded knowledge is that I don't think it is as easy as that.
ITT: We talk about hoax's and pranks, whats your favorite?
This is a dumb thread. It's like kicking a tub of shit out of office and electing a bottle of piss in its place.
Yeah but relatively speaking that's one hell of a jump in quality. A few more hours and we'll be back to threads that remind you of a bottle of pubic hairs and then we'll be in fucking business.
whoa shit i saw the dancer turning clockwise at first and then counter clockwise when i looked again
now it's moving clockwise again
I will give it that the dancer link is pretty fuckin trippy, I could stare at her for hours and be completly entertained trying to make her go back and forth.
Look I know some of you have some great stories about pranks you've pulled or had done on to you. Or outlandish things people believe for no apparent reason.
My roommate is so into this whole left right brain thinking he has determined when he sleeps on his right side his brains are much more vibrant and colorful.
I once locked my sister outside when a pack of wolves were killing the neighbors dog.
One time I convinced my brother that he was going to die when he fell asleep.
I was a terrible older brother during his most precious years.
Once, around age eight, my sister and I convinced an overenthusiastic, clingy girl from our neighborhood that the bees in our front yard would befriend her, if she picked the clover they had alighted upon, and petted them. Even after she told us that she was allergic to bees.
After this girl got home from the hospital, our mother told us -- for the first of many times -- that she was too gravely disappointed in us to be angry.
I once locked my sister outside when a pack of wolves were killing the neighbors dog.
One time I convinced my brother that he was going to die when he fell asleep.
I was a terrible older brother during his most precious years.
I did the same thing to my cousin, except a did this big martial arts heavy breathing bullshit and slapped his chest real hard.
I told him I had bruised his lungs, and he would never live to have children, much less watch "My gym partner is a monkey."
He didn't stop crying till after we got Coldstone.
Hahaha usually my parents get all pissed when I do stuff like that to my little brother. I had him convinced that there was a pet leprechaun living under my bed. I had him leaving jelly beans under the bed for a good week (as food) until my mom caught wind.
I am here to hold you.
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Look fucker this could be going places, why don't try and make a new thread instead of contributing to destroying peoples?
Fuckin right brainer.
nap I'm so cold
It convinced my parents to join in on the water ban.
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shit naw son bitch can form bose-einstein condensates just by giving you the stink-eye
I think Bruce Willis has her beat.
dude looks straight up pouty in that picture
I am more inclined to maybe kiss him on his bald head and maybe bounce him on my knee than run in fear
Second, is Bruce Willis working on the Obama campaign, as our friend of the contratemporal cognomen is?
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Yeah but relatively speaking that's one hell of a jump in quality. A few more hours and we'll be back to threads that remind you of a bottle of pubic hairs and then we'll be in fucking business.
I have absolutely no idea what you just said (for the second part)
now it's moving clockwise again
I will give it that the dancer link is pretty fuckin trippy, I could stare at her for hours and be completly entertained trying to make her go back and forth.
freaking me out
Think "contra" as in "backwards" and you'll get the gist.
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MindLiberator - who had varicose veins
I can see clearly now the confusions gone
I can see all retards in this thread.
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You know we were being moderately decent to you, almost tolerating, mostly because we were ignoring you. Way to go piss in the wind, bucko.
My roommate is so into this whole left right brain thinking he has determined when he sleeps on his right side his brains are much more vibrant and colorful.
It wasn't even meant as a dig to him, I just wanted another lyric to tie to the first line so people saw the connection.
When I first read that I thought you were talking about for hosting files on different servers.
I was really really confused on its relevancy.
One time I convinced my brother that he was going to die when he fell asleep.
I was a terrible older brother during his most precious years.
Twitter | Facebook | Tumblr | | Pandora | LibraryThing | formspring | Blue Moon over Seattle (MCFC)
I did the same thing to my cousin, except a did this big martial arts heavy breathing bullshit and slapped his chest real hard.
I told him I had bruised his lungs, and he would never live to have children, much less watch "My gym partner is a monkey."
He didn't stop crying till after we got Coldstone.
Can you spell it out, I am not good with acronyms
After this girl got home from the hospital, our mother told us -- for the first of many times -- that she was too gravely disappointed in us to be angry.
Twitter | Facebook | Tumblr | | Pandora | LibraryThing | formspring | Blue Moon over Seattle (MCFC)
Hahaha usually my parents get all pissed when I do stuff like that to my little brother. I had him convinced that there was a pet leprechaun living under my bed. I had him leaving jelly beans under the bed for a good week (as food) until my mom caught wind.
He doesn't trust me anymore.
Shit, didn't this happen in Idahoe? They reintroduced wolves and a few months later this families three dogs were slaughtered by a pack.
IIRC the owner was in huge support for the wolves being reintroduced, then switched sides after the dogs were killed.
And I'm logical as hell so I maintain that the whole thing is bollocks.
Or does this mean....I FEEL that it is bollocks due to my inability to understand 'meanings'.