This question seems to get asked a lot around here in various forms (I asked it at one point).
"How can I get my Xbox 360 on my wireless network without paying $100 for the Microsoft dongle?"
The answer is to use a 2nd wireless router as a bridge/receiver and plug your Xbox 360 into that. An appropriate router (such as the ubiquitous Linksys WRT54G) can be had for less than $40, plus you can use the other ports for other computers or peripherals.
The short version:
1. Get a 2nd router.
2. Install DD-WRT firmware on the router.
3. Configure your network.
4. Plug in the cables.
5. Profit!
A more detailed version of this procedure, including steps on how to update the firmware on your router, are
here and
I know there's a way to do it with Airport as well, but I don't have the info handy. If someone wants to fill in for that I'd be grateful.
I'd like to keep this OP updated with the latest info. If things go well, we can petition for a sticky or something.
WRT54G hardware versions 1-4 will take the linux firmware, v. 5 and later are less-capable and can only run "micro" versions of the custom firmware URL=""]refer to chart[/URL. Linksys re-labeled and re-released the original hardware as WRT54G-L (L for Linux) for enthusiasts.