This came up from a thread in H/A, but I couldn't help myself but notice how ridiculous some of it is. Effectively this is supposed to be the "
man bible". It starts with 5 core tenants, some aren't actually that stupid:
1- You talk too much. Most guys yak way too much. They talk about things that don't raise Interest Level. They don't even think to ask themselves, "Is this going to help my cause?" No, they just blabber. Quit blabbering, guys.
3- You BS. You all know that my articles are rated G, so I have to say this as delicately as possible: guys fling the horse manure. And here's the problem with BS -- she's got built-in radar. She knows when you're telling the truth. She knows how to perceive sincerity. She knows that you weren't really an all-state first-team quarterback and that you're not writing best-selling novels under a pseudonym.
4- You talk about sex. It's a turnoff. It might work in Hollywood movies, but it turns out that the girl you're taking out is conservative. She actually goes to church and she's a nice girl. The last thing she wants to hear from you is bad dialogue out of a porn flick. Yet you insist on doing your worst imitation of Ron Jeremy. Drop it.
5- You don't walk erect. Don't laugh. This falls under the heading of personal grooming. Some guys don't walk -- or look -- like human beings. It might have worked for Keith Richards when he snagged his hot young model wife, but then again, you don't have his zillions in the bank. And don't forget to get a haircut, take a good shower (and use soap), and make sure you don't have holes in your wardrobe. It's basic, but lots of men forget the basics. It's like trying to play basketball without knowing how to dribble or shoot. On the other hand, if you're in a band, it doesn't matter -- the dirtier the better.
But then there is some seriously stupid things as well.
Remember: A woman can't just ask a man if he is the kind of guy who can stand up to the world on her behalf, but she can test you to see if you are the kind of guy who can at least stand up to her.
What a complete crock of shit. I mean, who is seriously stupid enough to believe this? My ex-girlfriend basically dumped me because I let her use me as a walking carpet, then when she tried to get me to buy a house and financially bury myself for the rest of my life (which was stupid) I stood up to her. The instant I did that, she dumped me less than a week later and never spoke to me again. Clearly, the above is quite wrong and there are women (and men!) who look to just use their partner as a carpet for whatever they want. Standing up to them has the exact opposite effect on the relationship.
There are other equally ridiculous things as well, but I just have to wonder who on earth believes these sorts of things. Everyone is different, women (in my experience) are not just automatons running around seeing what men are 'dominant' (god I want the rolleyes smiley at this point) for them or similar nonsense.
Take this for example:
Remember guys; when they have low Self-Esteem, one guy isn't enough.
No, low self-esteem among many women couldn't be caused by poor relationships in the past, the current media climate about 'beauty' and other factors. I'm sure many of them don't respond by cheating on their boyfriends either. But hey, I had low self-esteem for a while before, perhaps I'm going to cheat on my girlfriend, or is it only because women are weak and emotional that this counts or something?
Who honestly buys this crap?
Everything else is infuriatingly... bad.
There's no way this could apply to most women. Just no way. I can name about 20 off the top of my head who would (and will) read this and agree.
Well, okay, you can't really take our word for it because women don't know what they want. for realz. MY bad.
Are YOU that man?
Because I noted some confidence there. You took control and didn't aks me what I wanted. That was awesome.
(Flowers? But act nonchalant. But attend to my needs!)
As many men are wont to do.
Everyone wins with double presents at Christmas.
This is great sex advice.
While I find your analysis fairly accurate, your arguments are flawed.
Highly anecdotal. I would say that women probably do this, but only as much as men do. Part of being in a relationship is compromise, so the first urge is to figure out who's bending where by pressing issues. The reason its associated with women is the fact that men have controlled the narrative and don't notice their own instincts. The housing issue is quite separate. She was doing the "if you love me" routine, but she actually believed it, which is probably a bad sign.
While you are right to oppose this generalization, you aren't doing so. You are opposing the generalization that women sleep around. You need to argue against a negative correlation between self-esteem and what I'm going to call sexuo-materialism.
Does anyone?
I know what I want.
Given adequate resources I could plan the entirety of my life.
If you're actually using this thing, not very.
Paging The Cat, Paging The Cat,
Misogyny in Thread 1, Misogyny in Thread 1
He can still put things on shelves I can't reach. I suppose there might be truth in there somewhere.
The results are always rather depressing and disturbing.
From what I've seen and experienced low self esteem tends to lead to the opposite. I get the stereotype of the girl who needs to validate herself by sleeping around, and sure, there are some people who fit all stereotypes, but the whole point of a stereotype is that it's not the truth for... well, almost everyone.
I've met these women
They are typically not worth pursuing
Those first four rules are fucking awful (not to mention the rest of it).
The worst hypothetical would be a naturally dominant woman who believes this.
Somehow I get the feeling they just transcribed as many cliches as possible. There's no coherent line of thought at all.
edit: I thought this was for money. Upon further review this appears to be pro bono.....
You say that now, but just wait until she starts running all your science. Then you'll come back Aegeri, you'll come crawling back.
That's only a small part of what being a man is about, this infuriates me.
But I could very well be understanding things wrong and I'm open to that. I guess I'm confused, because from what I've learned the premise for these kinds of things doesn't agree with data, even though the premise seems to be implying some sort of universal nature.
edit: I grant that the man bible doesn't specifically make this kind of appeal, I was curious because other similar guides often do.
As far as I'm concerned, you're not a "nice guy" until you start resenting women.
On the black screen
I guess gay dudes are going to need some other Man Bible.