I'd like to consider myself to be reasonably computer literate. I know more things about computers then the average slob who uses their computer for youtube and porn, but I've come to the realization that I really don't know as much about them as I'd like to think I do. For the most part, I use my computer for games, which is pretty decent considering I don't own a console. I've got a reasonably strong rig (3.2 dual core processor, 2 gigs of RAM, x1650 128 meg graphics card etc) and it blasts through most games that are a few years old with ease. The other day I picked up Age of Conan, and it runs like crap.
Now, this isn't a thread about AoC not working well, I'm just using it as the springboard for me wanting to know more about how to get more performance from my computer. I know the very basics about keeping my computer running reasonably well. I have my graphics drivers updated, I've defragged, I've ran virus/adware/spyware scans and such, and now I'd like to know what more I can do.
Please, arcadians, impart your knowledge onto me about how I can make my computer better!
(I don't think this belongs in H/A. I think it would be better suited here since it's a general thread about optimization rather then me begging for help)
1. If you're using Windows XP, format often. Once every 6 months to once every year. Performance of the OS just tends to degrade as time continues.
2. Keep drivers and OS up to date.
3. Keep your file system well maintained. This makes backups easier (assisting #1), and also removing clutter off your system will ensure lots of space for the OS to use for virtual memory.
I'm not a big fan of messing around with the usual nickle-and-dime performance gains you get out of tweak guides, they usually don't make significant differences.
I'd hate to derail the thread, but I've been meaning to reformat for a few months now for that exact reason. The thing is, is that I have a second, smaller harddrive that I use exclusively to store movies and music and such on. I've never formatted a computer before and I was wondering if I'd have to disconnect that drive before I formatted so I wouldn't accidentally erase everything on it, or is the process pretty intuitive and I shouldn't have any problems?
And one last thing, I had partitioned the harddrive with XP on it so I could dual boot with Ubuntu to play with it and now I just want one partition with XP on it. Will formatting do that automatically or will I have to repartition it manually? And if so, how?
Sorry about the long, probably off-topic, post. :oops:
You should be able to just format the drive that contains your OS, if you haven't done anything exotic settingwise. I'd create some alternate backups of the secondary drive's contents before you dive into the reformat, just in case. You shouldn't need to disconnect the drive while reformatting.
As far as multiple partitions, you'll have to repartition the drive back to a single partition. It should be a fairly simple process through the provided tools.
I have tidied up as much as possible on the computer. I have as few programs as possible installed, and have as much free space as I can considering how many videos and such that I have. If I get an external HD and dump the videos and such (I'm talking about 100 gigs worth of stuff) onto it, will I notice a better performance? I could use an external HD, but the idea of getting a performance boost from it might just push me over the edge into buying one.
And I have all the windows upgrades and such up to date and check once a week for new ones. Thanks for the help, Dehumanized.
-Update drivers, especially GPU drivers. Don't forget to use something like DriverCleaner (I think it's called iirc) before installing newer drivers.
-Defrag your drives
-Limit background programs, use things like HijackThis or msconfig (Start - Run... - type msconfig press enter, click the startup tab) these can prevent things running at startup.
-Regularly check for spyware / viruses.
Tom's hardware has a pretty good article about this
The X1650 should be thought of as slightly worse than the 6800GT
Bunting, Owls and Cushions! Feecloud Designs
I have to disagree that regular formats are needed. They definitely were back in the Win98 days, but XP runs far more effectively than its predecessors. Careful attention to what programs you choose to run will go a long way to avoid the headaches that can be caused by unnecessary formatting.
If I was going to buy one, then I'd be buying an ATi one since I've have issues with nVidia before. What's the recommended mid-high range card at the moment from ATi? I'd like not to break my already shattered bank much further.
Is it Intel, or AMD? Intel doesn't have any dual core processors for sale that run at 3.2ghz. They have one that runs at 3.16 and 3.4, but not 3.2ghz. AMD does have a 3.2ghz processor (the 6400 X2) but I can't believe you'd put a x1650 in there with it.
Try turning down the graphics quality, or run the game in a window at a lower resolution. Past that, just upgrade to a cheap $150ish 8800GT
It's Intel, and I assumed that it was duel core.
And this computer is a hand-me-down from my brother. He had some nVidia card in it which died, and he was only going to be using the computer for another 6 months or so so he stuck a x1650 into it.
I'm with antipop: Formatting and reinstalling your O/S is like bulldozing your house and building it again because you don't know how to use a vacuum and a mop. The reason why re-installs work is because it "fixes" problems that people don't understand, but with a little effort, you can be back on track without such drastic measures. Most Windows slowdowns can be attributed to (IMO) 3 common things that can be fixed:
1) Extra processes and startup programs and services which have no business running in the first place
2) Adware and viruses and the like
3) Hard drive fragmentation
1 can be fixed by using tools like ccleaner and editing your startup files. If you don't use something every time you turn on the computer, it probably shouldn't be in your startup.
2 can be fixed by using good AV software. It also helps to prevent #1 from occurring without your knowledge.
3 takes more than the default XP defrag software. It's a poor man's defrag program at best. There are other better programs out there, many of them free. There's a thread in this forum already on this topic, but I use JKDefrag which works extremely well for me.
How high are you talking? If you can afford it, a 3870x2, or a 3870 are both pretty solid from my understanding. my x2 is on the high end, but it is a true beast, and I would assume that the support I have will carry over well to the 3870 as well.
The ATI card I use is a X1950 Pro and while I get some stuttering from Crysis, I can at least run it reasonably well and it still looks good (most of my settings are on medium, some on high). SupCom also runs very well.
I realized after I said that I meant it wasn't a core2duo and after re-reading the OP i realize he never said it was so now I look really foolish and you can ignore what I say.
I have a 3850 and it runs everything I have very well (Crysis, CoD4, SupCom, CoH, Oblivion, STALKER...etc...)
I had to turn it down from my usual 1280x1024
It ran everything on high except for obviously crysis which it was tweaked at medium.
I liked the x1650, it was cheap and it worked.
But yeah i'd recommend the HD3870 (which i have now), it's a small beast.
Bunting, Owls and Cushions! Feecloud Designs