I hope it's 4E... a couple months should give people enough time to learn the rules. Although, there would be a lot fewer options if the chars weren't 3.5... there were a lot of addition books to choose stuff from before.
Oh i'm sure there will be WotC RPGA con-adventure stuff being run, but I don't think they've been the ones to run the duels in the past- that's been the area of Technomancer Press
yeah I was kinda wondering if technomancer press was going to host this again. last year I had fun with it other then knocking my weekly gaming groups dm out in the first round. so god of cheese do you think you can win it again :P I was the one last year with the elder tattoo monk. I think if I would have faced you I probably could have knocked you out. This year 6 out of 7 people in my weekly group are probably going to enter, so I hope they post something about it soon.
yeah I was kinda wondering if technomancer press was going to host this again. last year I had fun with it other then knocking my weekly gaming groups dm out in the first round. so god of cheese do you think you can win it again :P I was the one last year with the elder tattoo monk. I think if I would have faced you I probably could have knocked you out. This year 6 out of 7 people in my weekly group are probably going to enter, so I hope they post something about it soon.
I'm on the fence. On the one hand, three years is a long time to go undefeated. I'm feeling like I should be helping instead of competing. TimeStopMan and Jamm and I have been chatting about ways to improve the Dueling community over the past couple of years... so maybe helping out Tony and his gang would be good karma. Maybe we can learn from Jamm's xp at V-Con...?
On the other hand, how can I back down from a challenge like that? :winky:
So, what do you people think of the viability of 4e duels now? They seem a bit limited in possibilities to me, and I don't think any more books are going to be released before PAX...
By 'duels' do you mean D&D miniatures? Or actually playing D&D 4e? I'm very very new to the whole D&D scene, and recently got into playing 4e (for what.. 2 weeks now?), and I'd like to get into playing the miniatures as well.
I would personally want some 3.5 because I like all the things I can make my character into. Not to mention I don't really like how Over powered most of the spells are in 4.0
"You cast Eldritch Wrath! Thats 1d10 Damage at first level and you can cast it as many times as you want!"
I would personally want some 3.5 because I like all the things I can make my character into. Not to mention I don't really like how Over powered most of the spells are in 4.0
"You cast Eldritch Wrath! Thats 1d10 Damage at first level and you can cast it as many times as you want!"
Yeah, that's not gonna one shot anyone in 4E. As opposed to Magic Freakin' Missile which actually has a chance of dropping a 1st level caster in 3.5. It's obvious you've not paid the slightest attention to what 4E really is. PCs are a lot more durable now, especially at 1st level.
I would personally want some 3.5 because I like all the things I can make my character into. Not to mention I don't really like how Over powered most of the spells are in 4.0
"You cast Eldritch Wrath! Thats 1d10 Damage at first level and you can cast it as many times as you want!"
Yeah, that's not gonna one shot anyone in 4E. As opposed to Magic Freakin' Missile which actually has a chance of dropping a 1st level caster in 3.5. It's obvious you've not paid the slightest attention to what 4E really is. PCs are a lot more durable now, especially at 1st level.
Interesting how I just played a game with a level 1, got hit with a Magic Missile, and didn't die.
huh. Odd how that happens. I just find the idea of having a bunch of spells that you just blast away and do a bunch of damage at 1st level is way over powered. The idea of level 1 is to try and get a foot hold to higher levels. If you die, oh well. Not to mention in 4.0 all you do is blast creatures into dust. I liked having to fight and try to live, rather than stand there and cast some uber spell and kill everything.
I haven't heard any indication of whether Technomancer (or anyone else) is going to be running Duels this year. Anyone? Bueller?
I haven't even seen the 4e books (my wife had the smooth suggestion that I wait until I have a legitimate need for them before obtaining, and since my campaign isn't switching over, I don't have one... yet...), but everything I've read ABOUT them suggests that 4e seems to have been built to make one-shot-builds hard to construct... can you guys confirm/deny this?
I would personally want some 3.5 because I like all the things I can make my character into. Not to mention I don't really like how Over powered most of the spells are in 4.0
"You cast Eldritch Wrath! Thats 1d10 Damage at first level and you can cast it as many times as you want!"
Yeah, that's not gonna one shot anyone in 4E. As opposed to Magic Freakin' Missile which actually has a chance of dropping a 1st level caster in 3.5. It's obvious you've not paid the slightest attention to what 4E really is. PCs are a lot more durable now, especially at 1st level.
Interesting how I just played a game with a level 1, got hit with a Magic Missile, and didn't die.
huh. Odd how that happens. I just find the idea of having a bunch of spells that you just blast away and do a bunch of damage at 1st level is way over powered. The idea of level 1 is to try and get a foot hold to higher levels. If you die, oh well. Not to mention in 4.0 all you do is blast creatures into dust. I liked having to fight and try to live, rather than stand there and cast some uber spell and kill everything.
You know, I had this big post all laid out, but what it boils down to is that you're talking out of your ass and it's painfully obvious. You haven't played 4E. You haven't read the PHB (or you have and your reading comprehension is sorely lacking). You basically have no fucking idea what you're talking about, and that's the end of it. From now on, you're not allowed to make statements about 4E unless you preface them with "My uninformed opinion is..."
everything I've read ABOUT them suggests that 4e seems to have been built to make one-shot-builds hard to construct... can you guys confirm/deny this?
There tends to be a lot more back and forth, and the design philosophy certainly seems to lean away from the "I win initiative - you die" school of play. There is a level 30 build out there that claims to be able to one-round Orcus, but some of the math is suspect. To be honest, though, that just makes 4E more suitable for tournament play. It's not really a fight if your first action is to drop 20 negative levels on your opponent, no save. There's still plenty of room to showcase your skill in building a character and choosing equipment, but I suspect a 4E tournament would see a higher percentage of battles where both parties get to act. That's better for everyone.
Sorry I didn't see this sooner, but to help clarify, no Tony and Technomancer Press will not be in attendance this year, so that means their form of D&D Duels will not be happening.
WotC will be there in force, but they aren't likely to host a duel either
Freeplay is of course open to all play types, so you can always set up your own duels.
Alternatively, since I am in the middle of scheduling tournaments, I could be persuaded to add duels to the list
That being said, I haven't been an active part of the previous D&D Duels, so I'm not very familiar with how they were run and organized, so hit me with the details of what it was like, what was done well, what failed, and what you'd like to see and I'll try to get something put together.
PucSpifo on
redhaloAlso a Professional AlcoholicRegistered Userregular
edited July 2008
I really don't want to feed the argument, but I have to agree with everything HotSake has said. Grooveman23, it seems that you are focusing on one thing that you've read about 4.0 and can't compute how the greater whole works. You see the spells being overpowered, yet when I play I have a true feeling like my character's life hangs in the balance of making wise choices, not "blasting" creatures to "dust". Please stop talking garbage until you have a few games of 4.0 under your belt.
Considering 4.0's role-based combat balance, I'd suggest a small-team format.
4.0 class customization is much more limited compared to the endless expansion books 3.5 is comprised of today, so competition variety is going to be pretty stale in an individuals duel format. A small team format (say, 2v2 to 5v5) would be far better suited for D&D 4.0, as emphasis would be more on tactics and synergies than trying to build a broken character from dozens of different books.
All characters are capable of taking significant damage and still surviving while using relatively limited skill and item selections, making for more emphasis on the actual battle instead of the time spent trying to break the rules.
End result: a more fun tournament that emphasizes tactics and strategy instead of planning.
If you want to win or lose before you even play, go enter a Magic tournament.
I'd really like to see how 4.0 holds up in a PvP scene. Of all versions, it certainly looks like it'd be the most tactical and fair for adversarial play.
Fall on
redhaloAlso a Professional AlcoholicRegistered Userregular
Considering 4.0's role-based combat balance, I'd suggest a small-team format.
That's a great idea, and I suspect the point of the new direction.
Indeed. It can almost resemble a tightly focused war game at times. Can you image what a Warhammer tournament would be like if it played like 3.5 duels todays? Both opponents bring in tackleboxes of intricately painted miniatures. They carefully array them on the board, noting the terrain and lines of sight. Finally, the first player begins his turn. He picks up a d6.
"If this rolls 1 or higher, I win the game...4."
Unpacking a stack of books 3 feet high, he constructs a logical argument from scattered paragraphs, lines out of context, and photocopied errata to show that, yes, he does win the game on a roll of 1 or higher. His opponent shakes his hand in congratulations. "Good game, mate. See you next year."
I haven't herd anything about D&D duels coming back this year, but I do know that 3.5 will not be at PAX, or at least WotC will not be hosting it. Do you know if the D&D Duels were organized by WotC last year? I do know they are doing a dungeon delve. I posted a list of the events they have planned for this year here. I'm actually surprised that no one has responded to it considering the amount of other threads I've seen asking about WotC and RPGA presence at PAX.
I think the team format sounds fantastic, though I don't know how easy it would be to get compatible teams together. I'm pretty sure I could get one together, but if there were only a few teams (<4) I don't think it'd be worth it
Might want to look into limiting the number of healing surges that can be used. I could see a team of 2 clerics figuring out a way to use 7 healing surges in one encounter.
Might want to look into limiting the number of healing surges that can be used. I could see a team of 2 clerics figuring out a way to use 7 healing surges in one encounter.
I think the built-in limitations on healing surges will be enough. If you're laying down healing powers left and right, you're not blasting. No need to gimp the healers any more.
3v3 (and 2v2) also forces players to leave at least one role out of their party. If I were in charge, I would make this level 10, as paragon and epic abilities add a huge amount of complexity to the board, and with six players at each table, it needs to be as streamlined as possible. Also, level 10 gives enough hitpoints that the fight won't be over too quickly.
Edit: I kind of doubt Technomancer Games will be running this, as the 4e GSL probably won't be done in time.
delroland on
EVE: Online - the most fun you will ever have not playing a game.
"Go up, thou bald head." -2 Kings 2:23
3 vs 3, 10th level sounds pretty awesome to me.
I think someone volunteered on the first page of this thread to help run this?
Are we going to say no magic items, only non-magic weapons / armor / equipment? Or should we allow a level combination of items for each character (IE, 20 levels of magic items per character, none above 14th level, maximum four items per character)
Also I would suggest we limit use to the races and classes in the PHB. No races from the MM, no classes from D&DI articles.
I say magic items stay, but appropriately restricted. I don't know if WBL is still around or we'd have to make up an appropriate guideline. Haven't mastered the DMG yet.
If people want duels (3.5) like the ones ran by Technomancer last year, they have the rules on their website for the general set up. The scenarios would still need to be built, but the framework would be in place.
For 4.0 duels, I'd like it to be open for any race, including the ones in the MM, as the MM races are just as balanced as the PHB. Magic items are fairly easy to handle if you give each player a set amount of money (you could use the amount from the same level parcels as the players, eg. 10th level gets 10,000 gp).
I'm on the fence. On the one hand, three years is a long time to go undefeated. I'm feeling like I should be helping instead of competing. TimeStopMan and Jamm and I have been chatting about ways to improve the Dueling community over the past couple of years... so maybe helping out Tony and his gang would be good karma. Maybe we can learn from Jamm's xp at V-Con...?
On the other hand, how can I back down from a challenge like that? :winky:
What level?
"You cast Eldritch Wrath! Thats 1d10 Damage at first level and you can cast it as many times as you want!"
All hail the Hypno-Spode!
Yeah, that's not gonna one shot anyone in 4E. As opposed to Magic Freakin' Missile which actually has a chance of dropping a 1st level caster in 3.5. It's obvious you've not paid the slightest attention to what 4E really is. PCs are a lot more durable now, especially at 1st level.
Well, last year, and i think the year before, the chars were at level 12, which would be equivalent to about level 18 now
Interesting how I just played a game with a level 1, got hit with a Magic Missile, and didn't die.
huh. Odd how that happens. I just find the idea of having a bunch of spells that you just blast away and do a bunch of damage at 1st level is way over powered. The idea of level 1 is to try and get a foot hold to higher levels. If you die, oh well. Not to mention in 4.0 all you do is blast creatures into dust. I liked having to fight and try to live, rather than stand there and cast some uber spell and kill everything.
All hail the Hypno-Spode!
I haven't even seen the 4e books (my wife had the smooth suggestion that I wait until I have a legitimate need for them before obtaining, and since my campaign isn't switching over, I don't have one... yet...), but everything I've read ABOUT them suggests that 4e seems to have been built to make one-shot-builds hard to construct... can you guys confirm/deny this?
There tends to be a lot more back and forth, and the design philosophy certainly seems to lean away from the "I win initiative - you die" school of play. There is a level 30 build out there that claims to be able to one-round Orcus, but some of the math is suspect. To be honest, though, that just makes 4E more suitable for tournament play. It's not really a fight if your first action is to drop 20 negative levels on your opponent, no save. There's still plenty of room to showcase your skill in building a character and choosing equipment, but I suspect a 4E tournament would see a higher percentage of battles where both parties get to act. That's better for everyone.
WotC will be there in force, but they aren't likely to host a duel either
Freeplay is of course open to all play types, so you can always set up your own duels.
Alternatively, since I am in the middle of scheduling tournaments, I could be persuaded to add duels to the list
That being said, I haven't been an active part of the previous D&D Duels, so I'm not very familiar with how they were run and organized, so hit me with the details of what it was like, what was done well, what failed, and what you'd like to see and I'll try to get something put together.
4.0 class customization is much more limited compared to the endless expansion books 3.5 is comprised of today, so competition variety is going to be pretty stale in an individuals duel format. A small team format (say, 2v2 to 5v5) would be far better suited for D&D 4.0, as emphasis would be more on tactics and synergies than trying to build a broken character from dozens of different books.
All characters are capable of taking significant damage and still surviving while using relatively limited skill and item selections, making for more emphasis on the actual battle instead of the time spent trying to break the rules.
End result: a more fun tournament that emphasizes tactics and strategy instead of planning.
If you want to win or lose before you even play, go enter a Magic tournament.
I'd really like to see how 4.0 holds up in a PvP scene. Of all versions, it certainly looks like it'd be the most tactical and fair for adversarial play.
That's a great idea, and I suspect the point of the new direction.
"If this rolls 1 or higher, I win the game...4."
Unpacking a stack of books 3 feet high, he constructs a logical argument from scattered paragraphs, lines out of context, and photocopied errata to show that, yes, he does win the game on a roll of 1 or higher. His opponent shakes his hand in congratulations. "Good game, mate. See you next year."
What size teams? Too large and the duels will take an hour each.
How do they usually do judges?
Might want to look into limiting the number of healing surges that can be used. I could see a team of 2 clerics figuring out a way to use 7 healing surges in one encounter.
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Well, the game's already broken into tiers. 10, 20, 30 feels natural. If players know the rules and their abilities, 3v3 would probably be manageable.
Oooh! Dibs on Heavy Weapons Guy! (Plate and a Maul aww yeah)
Edit: I kind of doubt Technomancer Games will be running this, as the 4e GSL probably won't be done in time.
"Go up, thou bald head." -2 Kings 2:23
I think someone volunteered on the first page of this thread to help run this?
Are we going to say no magic items, only non-magic weapons / armor / equipment? Or should we allow a level combination of items for each character (IE, 20 levels of magic items per character, none above 14th level, maximum four items per character)
Also I would suggest we limit use to the races and classes in the PHB. No races from the MM, no classes from D&DI articles.
For 4.0 duels, I'd like it to be open for any race, including the ones in the MM, as the MM races are just as balanced as the PHB. Magic items are fairly easy to handle if you give each player a set amount of money (you could use the amount from the same level parcels as the players, eg. 10th level gets 10,000 gp).
Honestly, the Duels are kinda why I go to PAX... I'm bummed there's no actual duel. :-/