I may go into urgent care later today if this doesn't get any better, and have a doctor's appointment scheduled for Monday (I have to miss my 1st day of a critical summer school course. Whee.).
So a little background. When I was in middle school about 7 years ago I had a very nasty summer where I got e.coli in the intestines and it basically fucked me up for quite a while. I was hospitalized for about a week with some of the most horrendous stomach pains I've ever had, vomiting, diarrhea, the works. It happened on a family vacation, and for the next few years I couldn't even go an hour out of town with them - the very thought of it would make me sick to my stomach again. I eventually got over that and here I am.
Except last weekend I ended up getting way sick, akin to the early stages of what I had last time. This was the morning of the day I had to shoot a good friend's wedding, but I muscled through it and did what I had to do, felt better since.
Until yesterday. Started a new job, boss bought me lunch and I couldn't eat a bite. Felt like I would hurl and could only stomach a few french fries. Ate light the rest of the day and passed out for 10 hours. Felt awful this morning, and drove to my boss' house/office, ready for my 2nd day of work. Except an hour into it and right before we were going to leave I make a fantastic first impression by getting sick, yakking in his toilet (I'm not sure he knows about that part) and excusing myself for the day. I'm at home right now, resting and recovering (still feel sick to my stomach, still running to the bathroom now and then but not nearly as bad as a few hours ago) and about to pass out again, if I feel the same when I wake up I'll head to urgent care.
What I want to know, is if it were possible that my e.coli from years ago is resurfacing, or if it could have possibly done something to my stomach. Or maybe this is stress related? Kind of an elaborate physiological response, but I have a lot of critical things going on in my life right now regarding school and this new job, and I have a little history with stomach illness induced mentally. And on a sidenote, I'm allergic to amoxacillin, which I'm aware is a potential treatment for e.coli.
I probably won't get better information here than I will at the doctor's, but like I said that's already scheduled and I'm wondering if anyone has anything helpful or insightful in the meantime.
Thanks H/A.
I don't think it's possible for e-coli to "flare up" again years later. You kill it from your system, it's gone (other than what lives in your large intestine). It's possible you've gotten it again, it's possible it's stress, or it could just be a stomach virus. Your doctor will be able to tell you more.
I second that, don't kill yourself worrying about what your boss thinks. It's not worth it, and if this is a stress related illness, you're only making it worse.
So don't say that. You had some stomach problems and went to the doctor. You're toughing through now though (say this is in case it is stress related and pops up again).