So I took the plunge, and bought a used 360 120 gig HDD, only now I have no idea how to transfer the data over. I have the transfer cable itself, which I borrowed from a very generous friend of mine, but he did not remeber any disc coming with it, and could not find his instructions.
According the the MSoft website there is a disc that I need, though. Is this the case? If so, is there any way for me to get a hold of this disc?
I appreciate any help folks can give me. I currently have 260 megs free on my 20 gig HDD, and the XBLA games and RB tracks just keep coming.
But I might try calling them, I guess.
It's also bundled with new 120gb HDDs, obviously, so perhaps you could find someone else in your area who's bought one.
> turn on light
Good start to the day. Pity it's going to be the worst one of your life. The light is now on.
Live is a Hard Drive in the sky... no need to really keep EVERYTHING local that you have ever downloaded unless your connection is just super slow... IMO anyway
The Elites don't come with the tranfer cable, you have to go online and do the form. We just picked one up and had to go through the same.