What's going on with this game? I figured it would be out by now, as it's been over 2 years in development and considering how popular the original was I would assume Steam would officially license them and make it a purchaseable thing like L4D or TF2.
But then again They Hunger 2 isn't out yet so I guess it really does take a long time to make these mods. Who else here loved the original NS?
I never asked for this!
The guys that made the first one went independent developer, they call themselves Unknown Worlds Entertainment now. Their office is in San Fransisco if I remember correctly. They have made much more progress than a single picture, several have been up on their site for more than a year now. There's also a clip demonstrating the "dynamic infestation" which is exactly what it sounds like - alien slime procedurally infestating where the aliens conquer territory - it looks really cool!
Steam has licensed them and it will be realeased on there 'when it's done' .
They have a developer blog here: http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2 although I haven't been on there for a while and it's appearantly down for maintenance as of right now.
I can't wait!
They sure did buy a Source license though. Or got one for free from Valve or something.
Someone should really start a Natural Selection [Game On!]. Would be fun to play with PAers.
I feel kicked in the balls.
Kind of a shame. I picked up HL2 just because I figured glorious mods would be coming my way.
What did I do to deserve this fate, oh cruel and cold Gods?
Uhm, and what mods are those worthy of playing?
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
I bought HL2 based on the promise of a ton of great mods, just like you.
But I'm not disappointed, because I ended up playing hundreds of hours of CS:Source, which I didn't think would hook me at all.
As far as NS2, it looks like they're just going slowly because they're all broke. They put out that sudoku game to try and make some money, but I can't imagine that really helped too much. If you really want to see NS2 and you're willing to support Unknown Worlds, you could always buy the sudoku game and view it as a donation with a free thank-you gift.
I play The Hidden far more than I should.
I stopped playing when Lerks lost the bite attack. I used to be a one-man army, flying into a turret farm dropping an umbra, eating the turret factory, and flying away.
Shit, I wonder if it's been seriously updated since our first Game On.
EDIT: ooooooh there's a new playable class for each side. I've got to try out the beta again!
You should try Dystopia, Zombie Master, Sourceforts and maybe Ballmen
And I'm just talking about mp ones
the first few versions showed huge promise, but it just didn't really work well enough to be fun
This was me to, I played hundreds of hours of this game, even som much to play 3 seasons of CAL. My team was even in CAL-M after the first season we played. Didn't make it any farther that that though. I haven't played it in months though now and I fear how much I would suck if I did...that and most of my clan went to TF2, which I can't really seem to get into.
I'm pretty certain there's engine code in the SDK (I could obviously be wrong) but yes they surely have a license as they're gonna sell it.
And the Steam part, it was written the wrong way; Steam is more than a program - it's a store, and you have to have a license to sell through it so that's what that part is about.
The hell? When did this happen?
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
Nobody ever mentions Empires.
It's basically Battlefield 2 with RTS elements.
Wow, it looks pretty good but let me guess, huge open areas? I hate those
And what about Minerva? That certainly doesn't feel like a kick in the balls.
It happened in the 2.x version, but it was returned in 3.x IIRC. Bast's revolving door, however, remains gone.
:edit: Hmm, TotP. Wheeee. I guess I'll add in a little story about how on the one server I played on lots (mainly because it was like the only server at the time that had double-digit ping), the stoner server owner/clan leader declared me a leg humper of death for my skulking ability.
Warframe/Steam: NFyt
he gets an attack parrot
They're up to 3.x? Damnit, I'm going to be a noob again if I go back in, aren't I.
I still miss my Wall of Lame.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
So i start the game and join their server....and everyone is shooting eachother and leveling up with kills and shit.
They told me that this is "Combat mode" and it is "the best mode ever,the other one is boring"
I left with my computer 10 minutes later.
Yeah, they're up to 3.x, they had another patch that they decided was big enough to jump a full version number. As a couple people have already noted, it added the Combat game mode, which, while fun in small-ish doses, shouldn't end up completely replacing the normal game mode in the internet community, complete with mods to add fifty billion extra possible upgrades and stuff.
:edit: Oh yeah, they also made a nifty trailer for the 3.0 release.
Warframe/Steam: NFyt
I remember Combat mode ... I remember it blowing hard enough to shame a Kenne Bell.
So I guess I can't be that out of date. Maybe I'll fire up Steam again tonight and see if I can find an ns_ server.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
It feels like most new games, less and less people care about modding.
Look at Oblivion Vs. Morrowind
skate, halo 3
What? Oblivion has a massive mod community. If anything, its bigger than Morrowind's was, and certainly more ambitious.
Except there are like a million mods for HL2 AND Oblivion.
Warframe/Steam: NFyt
Also, I've seen no mention of Insurgency for HL2 mods. One of the best around and they are still in active development (new update pending).
I just think people really got bored of classic. You can only deal with stupid teammates for so long.