A GIBBERING BEAST IS AN OOZELIKE CREATURE covered with eyes and mouths. It serves little purpose beyond spreading murder and madness, mouthing nonsensical yet disturbing verses.
Level 27 Solo Controller
Huge aberrant magical beast
XP 55,000
Initiative +22,
Senses Perception +20; all-around vision, darkvision
Merciless Eyes aura 5; at the start of each enemy’s turn, if that creature is within the aura and in the gibbering orb’s line of sight, the gibbering orb uses one random eye ray power against that creature.
HP 1,230;
Bloodied 615
AC 41;
Fortitude 33,
Reflex 39,
Will 40
Saving Throws +5
Speed fly 8 (hover)
Action Points 2
Bite (standard; at-will)
+30 vs. AC; 4d6 + 10 damage, and the mouth detaches from the gibbering orb and makes a new bite attack against the target each round at the start of the gibbering orb’s turn. When the mouth misses, it drops off and turns into useless, dead gray flesh.
Gibbering (free, once on its turn before it takes other actions; at-will) ✦ Psychic
Close burst 10; deafened creatures are immune; +29 vs. Will; the target is dazed until the end of the gibbering orb’s next turn.
Eye Rays (standard; at-will) ✦ see text
The gibbering orb can use two different eye ray powers (chosen from the list below or rolled randomly). Each power must target a different creature. Using eye rays does not provoke opportunity attacks.
- Mindcarving Ray (Psychic): Ranged 10; +30 vs. Will; 2d8 + 12 psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
- Flesheating Ray (Necrotic): Ranged 10; +30 vs. Fortitude;2d8 + 12 necrotic damage, and ongoing 10 necrotic damage(save ends).
- Bonewarping Ray: Ranged 10; +30 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 12 damage, the target is weakened (save ends).
- Bloodfeasting Ray: Ranged 10; +30 vs. Refl ex; 2d8 + 12damage, and ongoing 10 damage (save ends).
- Farsending Ray (Psychic, Teleportation): Ranged 10; +30vs. Reflex; the target is briefly transported to the Far Realm,reappearing in the same space (or the nearest unoccupied spaceif that space is occupied) at the end of the gibbering orb’s next turn. Upon its return, the target takes 2d8 + 12 psychic damage and takes a –5 penalty to saving throws until the end of the encounter.
- Souleating Ray (Necrotic): Ranged 10; +30 vs. Will; the target is slowed (save ends). First Failed Save: The target is immobilized instead of slowed (save ends). Second Failed Save: The target dies.
Alignment Unaligned
Languages —
Str 27 (+21)
Dex 28 (+22)
Wis 15 (+15)
Con 22 (+19)
Int 17 (+16)
Cha 31 (+23)
Gibbering Orb Tactics
A gibbering orb keeps its distance, attacking enemies with its eye rays while gibbering each round as a free action. It uses its action points to make additional eye ray attacks. If forced into melee combat, it makes bit attacks, detaching its mouths and retreating as they continue biting foes.
Gibbering Beast Lore
A character knows the following information about gibbering beasts with a successful Dungeoneering check.
DC 15: Gibbering beasts spontaneously arise when creatures, especially sentient ones, die in a place touched by the Far Realm.
DC 20: For the most part, gibbering beasts speak nonsense. Occasionally, a gibbering beast speaks an intelligible word or phrase, usually mingled with its mad gibbering. The word or phrase could be a clue or warning, or it could just be something of no importance whatsoever.
DC 25: Gibbering orbs are denizens of the Far Realm that wander the planes and the places between, consuming living creatures. Although they appear insane, gibbering orbs are perversely rational, and they pursue secret objectives all their own.
Oh, not much, just spreading murder and madness.
Those guys actually report to other just mull on that for a while.
Motherfuckers, you do not want to cross paths with a Phane.
I ain't even been to Africa.
I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
It made her a valuable asset during games of Monopoly.
I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
I think Hastur is an Old One. Don't say his name three times. He will eat you.
There are some freaky fuckers in previous versions that haven't made the conversion yet.