So, I'm sure most of you have heard that California
might possibly be voting on legalizing weed in the future. This could open the door for all sorts of awesome legislation, and hopefully as it gets more and more mainstream, some of the stereotypes about stoners might be proven wrong (LOL WE'RE ALL STUPID AND LAZY M I RITE?)
So what drugs is SE++ on? Any awesome stories/experiences you feel like sharing?
As Always
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.
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Littering and...
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
just imagine people stoned all day eating doritos watching sanford and son
imagine if it was legal
and they taxed weed
they would get rich and be 1 step closer to that 1984 reality
Now every time I hang out with him I have to hear story after story about, "We were so fucked up this one night, and . . ."
And then after the stories it's, "You should come smoke with us."
I hope blockbuster has it.
it was fucking amazing
i played this video game and man it was so great it was like i was in the game
The proposed tax is $5 per 8th oz sold, or $50 for a liscense to grow a plant.
So, assuming that 10% of the population of california (36 million give or take) smokes an 8th a week, that means the state will be raking in $1,800,000 a week in revenue from this deal.
God i hope this happens. With that kinda cash being tossed around, it's only a matter of time before we have Marijuana lobbyists in washington. Not that lobbyists are a good thing per se, but they do get shit done with their bribes and shady deals.
Oh no! Your friend has a hobby that you don't share with him, and he pursues what he enjoys without getting your permission first! How terrible that must be for you. He sure is a jerk.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
Also, do you go to jail for marijuana use in the US?
judging from his story it sounds like his friend only ever talks about that hobby.
which is a little different from doing something that you don't share.
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I wouldn't call smoking weed a hobby
it's a lifestyle, man
depends on the state
Sometimes for life.
You know Rank, like people kill people everyday. I always thought it was stupid for killing to be illegal, because lots of people do it. And if you kill someone, even if it's in the heat of the moment or someone hassling your ladyfriend, you may then want to take a chainsaw to a daycare just to prove a point.
Wait...I forgot what I was shooting for.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
always shoot for the moon
boo for the US.
They sell that shit in coffeebars over there. Crazy dutchies
Crazy awesome dutchies.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
God it is such a pervasive criticism though and it is so entitled. Your friends do not have an obligation to engage only in activities that you condone, nor do they have an obligation to hide something from you if you disapprove.
It's not like we're talking about a situation where someone is watching a friend harm themselves or others -- an instance that would not only warrant disapproval but action.
This is a case of a person and their interests changing (gasp), and being their own goddamn person. I'm not saying ShimSham has to like it but there is an implicit criticism of the drug and/or the friend in the comment that I hear all the time and drives me nuts. It is not your friend's goddamn obligation to stay exactly the way you want them to.
good effort, though