I'm posting this because I keep trying to jinx people, and they either don't know what I'm talking about, or stubbornly refuse to stop talking until I say their full name.
So, this is the deal, right? If we say the same thing at the same time, I get to say jinx. And that means you can't talk until I say your name. If you do talk, I get to punch your arm. OK? So don't look all hurt and angry when I punch you. You broke a jinx, you deserve it.
And another thing, if I ask you a really easy question, then say the answer at the same time, then shout JINX at you, don't say "well why did you ask me if you know the answer, and why did you just shout jinx?"
Because if you DO say that, you'll be talking whilst jinxed, and by GOD, I will punch you. (In the arm.)
Consider this posting a formal notice, served to the world.
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for instance my brother and I often followed the rule of double and triple jinxing
and then i just talk anyway because that's just dumb
And then you get hit in the arm.
Thats how it works!
And you have to spend the rest of the day with them sight-seeing.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Thats how it works!
they're probably getting punched in the teeth
Totally warranted retaliation.
But only if you don't agree with them politically
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Pretty much.
You got to agree to these games beforehand with a group of people. Like the one where you make a circle with your thumb and index finger below the waist. You don't just go doing that shit to anybody, because people'll get angry. You only do it to friends who would do it to you too.
and when they hit back, what then?
if punched i will punch
and then i punch them back
that's how that works
does anyone do the circle of death?
or hey, would you be mad if i said
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then tongue kiss
your = belonging to you
their = belonging to them
there = not here
they're = they are
Yes and no.
The game is dumb but the circle of death is good times. we do it at ren faire all the time.
your = belonging to you
their = belonging to them
there = not here
they're = they are
I'm sure that's what they'd want
that is when it's called fisting
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Unless you like, got a punch dagger or something.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Now, Punchbuggy, there's a game for men.
We had a VW lot by my house when I was a kid. I'll never forget the day all the new bugs came out and filled the lot. The backseat of my mom's car turned into a war zone.
did your school have a lot of murders?
Agreed. possibly not teeth, though. maybe the sack.
All I think, when I see that, is 'handjob'.