CLICK HERE to go over to and get your Atlantica Online Closed Beta key.
What is this?
This thread didn't do so well in regular G&T. Then I realized that it belongs here anyway. This is what I'm currently playing, waiting for WAR.. maybe you'll wanna play it too? So, what is it? Atlantica Online is a turn-based strategic MMORPG. Think pseudo JRPG-combat, guild-wars overworld play, diablo item whoring, and a whole bunch of other mechanics wrapped into one.
You begin by creating a character:
Your most important choice is your weapon. You'll choose from a sword, spear, axe, gun, bow, cannon, or staff. Each has it's own pros and cons, special abilities, and accompanying limitations for your character. For example, I chose to wield a bow for my character, essentially making him a "Ranged" class. He can only wear items geared toward that class.
But wait! The fun part is after you log in, when you get to pick your first 3 mercenaries. You begin with a selection from:
As you level up and gain new skills, items, and abilities, you also unlock extra mercenary slots. Eventually, you'll get to pick from such cool dudes as:
...and more. Your mercenaries can also level up to different classes. Every single unit in your party can be outfitted, skilled up, leveled up, and essentially grows along with your main character. They even age as you play, although I'm not sure how that affects them at this point.
Here are some screenshots. It's your typical Korean MMO, following in the graphical stylings of Lineage II and many games after it, but it's still pretty slick. The animations aren't too crappy and the actual handling of the game is fairly smooth.
Here are some videos with some gameplay footage. Some of them are in Korean (I think?) but the beta right now is English.
So what is there to do? Right now, it is very quest-centered. The quests mainly involve going to kill a certain number of mobs or collect a certain number of items, but the combat is so much different than your typical MMO that I'm still intrigued. I also take a strange delight in constantly outfitting my entire party in better and better gear. That, and I really want to get my dudes leveled to the next class to see what that's like.
Here are some of the things you can do:
This involves simply learning a crafting skill, choosing an item to craft, and waiting it out. You need to actually go fight battles for the crafting bar to complete over time, so it's kind of a "background" affair. So far I've only messed around with creating potions and stuff, but there are a whole ton of crafting skills that I havn't even bothered with so far.
This involves taking two of the same item and combining it with a required number of "enchant stones." If you take two spirit swords, for example, you'll get Spirit Sword + 1. You can keep combining and combining to get higher and higher modifiers. Right now, my Spirit Bow + 5 graces my main character, and I'm too stubborn to replace it because it took a LOT of regular bows to make it.
Item Whoring
A neat little dynamic they've got here is that items don't simply drop. Instead, you get item "boxes." Using the box will give you a random item based on your current party. This way, you're never stuck with a cannon, for example, if you don't have a gunner in your group.
Capturing Cities
I'm not sure how this works yet, but involves guilds and gives you access to special shit: extra quickslots on your characters and what not.
The game is in closed beta right now, but you can get a key if you're a fileplanet subscriber. Otherwise, I guess you would have had to have signed up. I don't see an open beta being far off, since this is one of those "free to play with pay to play options" kind of games... and they tend to get released pretty quickly.Some more sites are partnering up to release closed beta keys. Check here to see if there are any left.
You'll see a lot of "Licenses" in the game. The "Auto Move" license, lasting 14 days. The "Patrol" license, lasting 7. These are basically like really really long "buffs" that do different things. Right now you get them free through quests and what not, but at launch these will be the ways the company makes money....
Want to see your enemy's health during combat? That can happen for the next 7 days.. for.... $$$
At least you can't blame lag in this game, I guess! *waits 10 mins* Yeah, Jim must be lagging because it's been his turn like...forever.
Nah, rounds are timed, so lag can still be a factor. If you're lagging on your turn badly, you could "wake up" on the next guy's turn.
New and exciting, no. New and exciting in an MMO? Yes.
Any interest in a guild? I'm level 20 now so I can form one if a couple people are willing to join... name suggestions would be appreciated too.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
I havn't bothered looking. With a FP subscription, it was downloaded in a matter of hours.
In game name is vechloran, give me a shout out.
For finding it in the list: the guild number is apparently 238. I don't know if that's permanent or changes based on ranking.
PSN: Dyvion -- Eternal: Dyvion+9393 -- Genshin Impact: Dyvion
You're not talking about Wakfu, are you? Please tell me you just played the shitty Dofus instead. Because if you were in the Wakfu beta and it sucked, I'll be very sad.
e: Dofus 2.0? No thanks.
PSN: Dyvion -- Eternal: Dyvion+9393 -- Genshin Impact: Dyvion
Aaand window closed. Thankfully the anti-JRPG legions grow every day. One day we will purge those horrid blights from the world.
Steam friends-waterrmelonn
I come down pretty hard on battle systems in games I play, and while Atlantica is certainly no Disgaea I wouldn't do it the disservice of describing it as having stereotypical JRPG combat. The closest analogue is Riviera.
Ten Ton Hammer has been pushing AO for a while now, so might want to take it with a grain of salt. I played for about an hour or two and thought it had promise (at least the combat, if you're into turn based). Still, the first few quests are all Kill Ten Rats so it may just end up being your typical F2P grind, but slower
I would also say the first 10 levels are nothing like the later combat when your enemies start using magic and strategy (aka they will attempt to gang bang your team members if they think they can kill them, and they often can if your not quick). I'm glad I spent the 3 or so hours to get past the tutorial stage and on to the meat which is proving to be tasty.
The quests don't get any better. The story-lines are poorly written, hard to follow, and culminate in you killing a specific amount of odd enemies. Fuck, one quest had me killing "Female otters." They looked like ferrets, and they had huge metal blades attached to their backs.
I was somewhat disappointed when I realized that most gear doesn't actually show up on your mercs. I was even more disappointed when I saw that your mercs still don't change appearance after upgrading them. When you do it, a little box shows what they would looked like upgraded, but they look the exact same when you enter combat.
All of this, and I've noticed the game slows down substantially now that there are dozens of players crowding the very path-like world map.
In my head this is Final Fantasy Tactics Online.
Let me disappoint myself!
Also, please give a play by play of the combat, if you don't mind. Like, running around, sudden random battle, set up your side of the map, move, move, shoot, annihilate, slash, hack, move, obliterate... Uh, but a little more detail than that. plzkthnx.
I live in a fantasy world btw.
PSN: Dyvion -- Eternal: Dyvion+9393 -- Genshin Impact: Dyvion
It's not FF:Tactics. You don't actually move around while you're in battle. You can change formation, but there is no movement phase like Tactics.
Moving around in the actual world works exactly like Guild Wars. You can use WSAD or you can click-to-move. When you first start out, you won't enter combat unless you actually initiate it with a mob you see. As you get higher, mobs will attack you if you're nearby. So far, I havn't experienced any "random" battles, so I think you usually see the actual mob moving around... when you enter combat it goes to that phase and that single evil unicorn is now an entire battalion.
So yeah, you are thinking FF:Tactics, but this is more FF.
Sigh. One day it will exist. And I will fall in love. And my wife will slap me for playing too long. But I suppose this will suffice for now.
Someone earlier said it was kinda like Riviera (which I thoroughly enjoyed), would you say it's like that? That'd be at least somewhat cool.
PSN: Dyvion -- Eternal: Dyvion+9393 -- Genshin Impact: Dyvion
So, being able to auto-move to the next quest giver, get their missions, kill some things, is still better then just being told theres an area to grind for nothing. Sometimes I might even read what the NPC's are saying.
The merc models do change appearance in combat after their upgrade. There's a clear, though not enormous, difference between my Swordsman and Sword Fighter. There was also a patch last night - we'll see if the lag is any better today or in the near future.
Just a reminder that people playing should join the guild! This opens up a third usable item slot on your characters (not really that necessary early on, but not bad) and more importantly your presence and doing guild quests gets points that we need if we ever want to run a city, which might be kind of neat.
So I'll be starting my download when I get home around noonish on friday, so do I need to contact someone, or put in an application... or whathaveyou... how do I join the guild?
PSN: Dyvion -- Eternal: Dyvion+9393 -- Genshin Impact: Dyvion
There are 2 ways you can either look through the guild recruiting things and it will let you PM the leader or whatever officer is on. Or there is also the guild listings that has all the guilds and it lets you put in a request that will show up to the leader.
Do we have some sort of official PA guild. Right now I have just been hanging with a guild called NOOB.
That's the idea, anyway.
Because we're not actively recruiting outside of PA I haven't put up a guild ad, so what you'll need to do, Dyvion, is go to the guild office in any city, click on Guild List, go to page 15 where DeepCrows is listed, click on our guild, and as long as you're not currently in another guild you should see the option to apply.
I don't think they do. You see a change when you upgrade them in a little preview window (spikes on the shoulder) but later that change goes away when you enter combat.
Your shield and your weapon are the only things that change appearance on your mercs, from what I've seen... and I've upgraded: Swordsman, Spearman, and Shaman.
Applied to the guild. My characters name is Kardis.
The preview window shows you what you will get once you upgrade your current merc - spikes on the shoulder are the second upgrade on the Swordsman path. Sword Fighters, the first upgrade, get black pads along the upper arms.
Well, the change was so insignificant that I could not tell the difference between the two: I had one upgraded and one not beside each other in battle.