Recently, I was playing TF2 on my laptop. Then it froze, crashed to desktop, and in the taskbar I received a message saying something along the lines of 'Driver has failed, but has restarted successfully' - Anyway I tried to go back onto TF2 again it did it again.
So I let the computer rest a bit, came back and it was working fine. But this started happening on the desktop, when I played WoW, and using an internet browser. Eventually it blue screened saying something about a memory dump.
Now I've turned it back on, but it displays nothing now but weird lines of colours or a black screen with lines going across. Its actually working because I can see the laptop signing onto MSN, and the startup sounds - I just can't see anything displaying.
I'm guessing its the videocard, which is a GeForce 8600M GS. Any ideas?
edit: Don't know much about the laptop itself as it belongs to my brother but its a BenQ Joybook S41 series.
edit2: Okay well I let it rest again for a bit, and its back to normal, but its going to happen again eventually. I cant find any drivers for the 8600M GS. Not sure if there is a fix for this or is the graphics card just dying?
Alternatively you could add the coolbits registry tweak and (assuming it works for mobile chipsets, and I don't know why it wouldn't) and down-clock your card so it doesn't get as hot. But overheating is an issue you ought to deal with properly.
You can try updating the video card drivers. Try to use the ones from the manufacturer, they are sometimes custom drivers.
This really sounds more like a heat issue than a driver issue... Once it gets so hot it is not gonna work right again. If it is still under warranty, call em up and get it repaired. I am on the phone dealing with notebook stuff like this all day, they should service it if it is overheating.