So there was some mass waterfight organised on facebook that took place in Hyde park the other day.
It all started as some harmless fun until
Yay this is fun, oh, no more water, I know I'll throw some tizer on this boy.
She's still having fun, thinking "hee hee, chase me, spank me lalala". He doesn't look happy, that t-shirt cost him £3 from H&M and tizer is a bitch to get out in the wash.
So yeah, she got a spanking, but not the one she was hoping for.
He let's her know she'd better stay down.
So hitting girls is pretty low but what would you have done if she tizered you're favourite t-shirt?
Also, isn't it funny how these Myspace or Facebook arranged events always have some properly stupid shit happening. Here is the full
article on all the other dumb stuff that happened when a water fight turned nasty!
Twitter - discolouie PSN - Loupa Steam - Loupa
are you a sexist
You don't get hard from punching girls?
Twitter - discolouie PSN - Loupa Steam - Loupa
Yeah but she was wasting Tizer. And he was wasting her.
No, I mean if she's a really big girl and can take it then....
Twitter - discolouie PSN - Loupa Steam - Loupa
last time i went people were doing that oh my god hilarious trigger happy tv prank with the wet paint on your shoulder.
it was fucking infuriating seeing them do it on like ten people in a row who all saw each other and expected it.
Seriously though, that guy would have my foot in his ass. Any man that lets another man punch a female like that and get away with it needs to turn his balls in to the proper authorities.
weapon escalation dawg.
on a related note...
We start carrying water pistols, they buy raincoats.
We start carrying supersoakers, they buy water balloons.
A guy in a bat costume starts spraying them down with a waterhose...
You should organise a super fun facebook party then when everyone arrives send Pik van Cleef and friends from Hard Target after them, I'm sure there is money to be made aswell.
He is smiling because he is thinking of hunting you down and gutting you.
Twitter - discolouie PSN - Loupa Steam - Loupa
Public too frightened to say no, terrified to go
Also in the news; return of the beloved headline format.
choke a bitch
because all the girls need your manly protection right
Dude that guys bicep was like as big as her waist.
I mean I'm all for equality but man
no, because you don't fucking do that shit.
No, but in a state of "fun" some dude decides to knock a female down he needs to have reality re-centered for him. Excuse the fuck out of me for siding with the victim.
What the fuck
you could have made with a nonspecific foot in the ass
god, you are the worst, most retarded troll.
i hope you die in a cancer-related car fire.
Like this.
If you read what I posted you can see that not only did I declare a good "foot in ass" but I also expressed my disgust at some other dudes letting that shit happen. What is the point of having values if they are not enforced?
you need to be able to walk the I'm sorry this is probably the dumbest thing I've typed this week