Wait a minute. So Butch Guice, who was already the artist on the ongoing Captain America monthly is still the artist on the ongoing Captain America monthly? I don't see any news here.
And hasn't Brubaker already used Baron Zemo during his Captain America run? I seem to recall him showing up, and a quick search on wikipedia has a picture that was drawn by Epting. A pretty good clue that he has already appeared in Captain America.
I guess I'm not really understanding what the fuss is about since this doesn't really seem like anything out of the ordinary. Same artist with a villain who has already appeared.
Lucascraft on
TexiKenDammit!That fish really got me!Registered Userregular
Speaking of Captain America do you think that it would be cool to see him go after terrorists? I know that he had fun hunting down the Nazis in World War II. If he stands for American justice then they should definitely make a comic series with him in the Middle East kicking butt and taking names.
I get tired of constant pigeon-holing of all Marvel Heroes really fighting old nazis and AIM and Hydra, create some more diverse villains. Iran right now would probably have lots of super villains in the Marvel Universe. Back during the Gulf War the Liberators (the old Brotherhood of Evil Mutants working for the US) fought Iraqi super soldiers, and despite it only showing up in X-Annuals I thought that was a pretty original take.
This is where the Marvel Knights Cap run could have really been modern, but nope, it fell on its face right out of the gate.
TexiKen on
TexiKenDammit!That fish really got me!Registered Userregular
Wait a minute. So Butch Guice, who was already the artist on the ongoing Captain America monthly is still the artist on the ongoing Captain America monthly? I don't see any news here.
And hasn't Brubaker already used Baron Zemo during his Captain America run? I seem to recall him showing up, and a quick search on wikipedia has a picture that was drawn by Epting. A pretty good clue that he has already appeared in Captain America.
I guess I'm not really understanding what the fuss is about since this doesn't really seem like anything out of the ordinary. Same artist with a villain who has already appeared.
That Zemo that shows up in GIS is Heinrich Zemo, the one who blew up Bucky. The one everyone is annoyed at being changed is Helmut Zemo, the Thunderbolts one and the reformed villain, now going back to being a villain (you know Bucky has done just as much nastiness as Zemo has probably done, this better be mentioned).
Ahh I guess I didn't realize there were multiple Baron Zemos. I haven't read Thunderbolts, so I'm not really annoyed. Plus I have enjoyed every issue of Cap in the ongoing, so I don't see any reason why I won't like the next arc. In my opinion, Brubaker has been very consistent since the relaunch like 4 years ago.
I started collecting Cap during the Civil War, and I've often though about trying to track down the first 20 or so issues that I'm missing. I've got it all in trade, but I'd like to own the issues too, just for the sake of completion. I've got the civil war to present in issue form, and I've loved it all, with the exception of Reborn, which to me was entirely unnecessary and really predictable. But as I say, the ongoing has been good the whole time (at least to me).
Zemo is the one responsible for destroying the Avengers mansion back when it didnt get blown up every week. He had villains infiltrate the team as heroes (all Thunderbolts like), they beat Jarvis half to death, put Hercules in a coma and pretty much fucked shit up as much as villains possibly could. Pretty sure that's when they trashed all of Cap's keepsakes from before he was frozen (old pictures, etc) too. Helmut wasnt A-list, but definitely still quite good back then. HOwever, based on that interview, he's basically been reverted to rent-a-nazi with daddy issues.
And Moonstone on Ellis's Thunderbolts wasn't bad. Kind of a step backwards, but not a full retcon. Bendis took the slut part and ran with it with her as an outright villain, ignoring everything. Ellis blended both so she wasnt a goodie two shoes but not evil either.
I loved how Zemo was portrayed in Thunderbolts as a hero who wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty for the greater good. His reformation tied in to his ego, in that he believe only he could make the world a better place. I hope they don't destroy all this character building that has gone into him, it has really made him a more interesting character.
Did 'Born Better' ever come out in trade? I'm thinking of picking it up.
TexiKenDammit!That fish really got me!Registered Userregular
edited February 2010
It did. It's a good story, a bit wonky with time travel but still good, great Grummett art.
Edit: So there was some hubbub over Cap #602, which Brubaker is chalking up to the letterer.
That doesn't bother me. What bothers me is that it is again a shallow use of how everyone not in New York or San Francisco in the Marvel Universe are racists. And I got a sense from the preview with Falcon as the IRS guy that Brubaker was trying to allude to the Census worker who committed suicide but for a while people were saying he was killed by radical redneck conservatives.
There was an article as regards to that issue of Cap to which the response was the most rediculous nerd rage post on Scans_Daily. Seriously, the guy who posted that needs to chill the fuck out, or he's gonna have heart problems in later life. Silly Goose.
There was an article as regards to that issue of Cap to which the response was the most rediculous nerd rage post on Scans_Daily. Seriously, the guy who posted that needs to chill the fuck out, or he's gonna have heart problems in later life. Silly Goose.
Edit: So there was some hubbub over Cap #602, which Brubaker is chalking up to the letterer.
That doesn't bother me. What bothers me is that it is again a shallow use of how everyone not in New York or San Francisco in the Marvel Universe are racists. And I got a sense from the preview with Falcon as the IRS guy that Brubaker was trying to allude to the Census worker who committed suicide but for a while people were saying he was killed by radical redneck conservatives.
I don't think it's a stretch to say the Tea Party protesters, or a fictional group based on them, are a bunch of racist fuckfaces. Google "tea party racists" and you'll see a bunch of white people holding signs that either outright call Obama derogatory names, or allude to it with the sledgehammer-like subtlety that only a group of uneducated backwoods retards could muster.
And I say this as someone from a relatively conservative area of the South.
I'm not looking for subtle or nuanced depictions of this country's political state from a comic where a guy dressed like the American flag runs around punching garishly dressed Nazis and terrorists.
Especially when the publisher thought that the proper format of a debate over privacy and security ought to be a civil war.
I'm not looking for subtle or nuanced depictions of this country's political state from a comic where a guy dressed like the American flag runs around punching garishly dressed Nazis and terrorists.
Especially when the publisher thought that the proper format of a debate over privacy and security ought to be a civil war.
I agree. Mark Waid wrote a great Cap yet he calls himself very liberal. It doesn't show through at all in his writing (or even his Superman work).
And Quesada did a Cup Of Joe story about this hubbub, but according to Bleeding Cool they didn't want to talk with Fox News about it. Now, [insert joke about Fox News here], the point Johnston raised about being unable/unwilling to answer something more serious than softball CBR questions is valid I think. Especially when they run to every big news outlet to promote the death/return of Captain America but shy away when they made a boo-boo. Hell, have Quesada wear a Captain America t-shirt during the interview, holding a poster of the Heroic Age teaser, brilliant!
But hey, the editor was probably just counting his paycheck and tweeting instead of proofreading the issue before sending it off to print, it seems to happen a lot these days.
I'm not looking for subtle or nuanced depictions of this country's political state from a comic where a guy dressed like the American flag runs around punching garishly dressed Nazis and terrorists.
Especially when the publisher thought that the proper format of a debate over privacy and security ought to be a civil war.
I agree. Mark Waid wrote a great Cap yet he calls himself very liberal. It doesn't show through at all in his writing (or even his Superman work).
But hey, the editor was probably just counting his paycheck and tweeting instead of proofreading the issue before sending it off to print, it seems to happen a lot these days.
Hey, you should enter that "Have lunch with a Marvel editor" contest Texiken!
I'm not looking for subtle or nuanced depictions of this country's political state from a comic where a guy dressed like the American flag runs around punching garishly dressed Nazis and terrorists.
Especially when the publisher thought that the proper format of a debate over privacy and security ought to be a civil war.
I agree. Mark Waid wrote a great Cap yet he calls himself very liberal. It doesn't show through at all in his writing (or even his Superman work).
I don't see how being liberal has anything to do with anything. Captain America has no affiliations with any particular political party or ideology.
I'm not looking for subtle or nuanced depictions of this country's political state from a comic where a guy dressed like the American flag runs around punching garishly dressed Nazis and terrorists.
Especially when the publisher thought that the proper format of a debate over privacy and security ought to be a civil war.
I agree. Mark Waid wrote a great Cap yet he calls himself very liberal. It doesn't show through at all in his writing (or even his Superman work).
I don't see how being liberal has anything to do with anything. Captain America has no affiliations with any particular political party or ideology.
His point is that Cap shouldn't be expressing a political affiliation, but that he nonetheless does in this recent issue.
But it's Bucky, not Steve, and Bucky isn't the paragon of nonpartisan patriotism that Steve was. As such, the only way I can see a basis for complete is if you think the book itself or the name itself carries a special obligation to be apolitical.
i alllllmost bought "road to reborn" today. should i have?
God no!!! I bought it, and deeply regretted it.
Its a mishmash of old stories, no continuing storyline. And if I recall correctly, its all fluffed with reprints. And it has next to nothing to do with Reborn, other than "I miss Steve, I wonder how Steve would handle this situation."
I'm not looking for subtle or nuanced depictions of this country's political state from a comic where a guy dressed like the American flag runs around punching garishly dressed Nazis and terrorists.
Especially when the publisher thought that the proper format of a debate over privacy and security ought to be a civil war.
I agree. Mark Waid wrote a great Cap yet he calls himself very liberal. It doesn't show through at all in his writing (or even his Superman work).
And Quesada did a Cup Of Joe story about this hubbub, but according to Bleeding Cool they didn't want to talk with Fox News about it. Now, [insert joke about Fox News here], the point Johnston raised about being unable/unwilling to answer something more serious than softball CBR questions is valid I think. Especially when they run to every big news outlet to promote the death/return of Captain America but shy away when they made a boo-boo. Hell, have Quesada wear a Captain America t-shirt during the interview, holding a poster of the Heroic Age teaser, brilliant!
But hey, the editor was probably just counting his paycheck and tweeting instead of proofreading the issue before sending it off to print, it seems to happen a lot these days.
Why would you want to speak with FOX News about it? They're not even a news outlet and just twist facts to suit their agenda. It has nothing to do with not willing to answer "serious questions" (and how the hell is anything remotely related to this nonsense considered serious?) and I dont see how you can even blame an editor for this when there was nothing wrong with it. If anything, you should be chiding them for changing it in future print runs just because some idiotic FAUX News people needed something to run on a slow day.
i alllllmost bought "road to reborn" today. should i have?
God no!!! I bought it, and deeply regretted it.
Its a mishmash of old stories, no continuing storyline. And if I recall correctly, its all fluffed with reprints. And it has next to nothing to do with Reborn, other than "I miss Steve, I wonder how Steve would handle this situation."
hah alright, good to know.
i was really in the mood for either more daredevil or more cap, but there isn't a new daredevil trade out and flipping through the cap trade made me unsure.
Servo on
TexiKenDammit!That fish really got me!Registered Userregular
edited February 2010
Servo, if you can find the Mark Waid Cap runs in trade, Operation: Rebirth or CA: To Serve & Protect.
i actually already have those, though i appreciate the suggestion!
i recently got the "war and rememberence" trade (all john byrne's stuff) at half price books for like eight bucks, and have been reading it during breaks at work. it's what got me into a cap mood.
Servo on
TexiKenDammit!That fish really got me!Registered Userregular
edited February 2010
A good Cap story that I don't know if they will ever collect was Dan Jurgens Protocide story (it deals with the first first Cap, before Bradley unless they changed that as well)
TexiKenDammit!That fish really got me!Registered Userregular
edited February 2010
Since it happened in this thread, why don't we put Servo in suspended animation for future generations to gaze in awe of the hunky dorey times of 2010?
TexiKen on
AngryThe glory I had witnessedwas just a sleight of handRegistered Userregular
edited February 2010
i give you awesome gifts and this, this, is how you repay me.
The "Road to Reborn" trade isn't THAT bad, the problem is it's only 4 issues and they're all pretty much one-shots. The first story focuses on Sharon Carter, the next on Bucky celebrating his birthday, Issue 600 which is vitally important to understanding Reborn, and the last is a flashback story featuring artwork from the legendary Gene Colan. Every story is very well written I thought and adds to Brubaker's Cap story overall.
wirehead26 on
Garlic Breadi'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm aRegistered User, Disagreeableregular
The Teabagging incident doesn't seem to mesh well with Captain America, though I'm a trade-waiter on Captain America so maybe I don't have the right context to associate teabagging with Captain America.
P.S. I saw the Captain America vs Red Skull on Super Hero Squad. Man, they made Nick Fury black there too! Though I must admit it could be cool to have Samuel L. Jackson playing Nick Fury in the Captain America movie.
The current Cap title will be renamed "Captain America and Bucky" and keep the original numbering. Also Brubaker will start the simply titled "Captain America" series this month as well with Steve McNiven as the artist. Both books will pretty much be flashback stories until Fear Itself ends but that's fine since Brubaker is fantastic at writing WWII stuff.
And hasn't Brubaker already used Baron Zemo during his Captain America run? I seem to recall him showing up, and a quick search on wikipedia has a picture that was drawn by Epting. A pretty good clue that he has already appeared in Captain America.
I guess I'm not really understanding what the fuss is about since this doesn't really seem like anything out of the ordinary. Same artist with a villain who has already appeared.
I get tired of constant pigeon-holing of all Marvel Heroes really fighting old nazis and AIM and Hydra, create some more diverse villains. Iran right now would probably have lots of super villains in the Marvel Universe. Back during the Gulf War the Liberators (the old Brotherhood of Evil Mutants working for the US) fought Iraqi super soldiers, and despite it only showing up in X-Annuals I thought that was a pretty original take.
This is where the Marvel Knights Cap run could have really been modern, but nope, it fell on its face right out of the gate.
That Zemo that shows up in GIS is Heinrich Zemo, the one who blew up Bucky. The one everyone is annoyed at being changed is Helmut Zemo, the Thunderbolts one and the reformed villain, now going back to being a villain (you know Bucky has done just as much nastiness as Zemo has probably done, this better be mentioned).
I started collecting Cap during the Civil War, and I've often though about trying to track down the first 20 or so issues that I'm missing. I've got it all in trade, but I'd like to own the issues too, just for the sake of completion. I've got the civil war to present in issue form, and I've loved it all, with the exception of Reborn, which to me was entirely unnecessary and really predictable. But as I say, the ongoing has been good the whole time (at least to me).
And Moonstone on Ellis's Thunderbolts wasn't bad. Kind of a step backwards, but not a full retcon. Bendis took the slut part and ran with it with her as an outright villain, ignoring everything. Ellis blended both so she wasnt a goodie two shoes but not evil either.
Did 'Born Better' ever come out in trade? I'm thinking of picking it up.
Diablo 3 - ArtfulDodger#1572
Minecraft - ArtfulDodger42
Edit: So there was some hubbub over Cap #602, which Brubaker is chalking up to the letterer.
That doesn't bother me. What bothers me is that it is again a shallow use of how everyone not in New York or San Francisco in the Marvel Universe are racists. And I got a sense from the preview with Falcon as the IRS guy that Brubaker was trying to allude to the Census worker who committed suicide but for a while people were saying he was killed by radical redneck conservatives.
For a second I couldn't figure out what was so bad about that article, then I realized I was only reading the quoted part
Comic-book fans can be such self-parodies sometimes.
I don't think it's a stretch to say the Tea Party protesters, or a fictional group based on them, are a bunch of racist fuckfaces. Google "tea party racists" and you'll see a bunch of white people holding signs that either outright call Obama derogatory names, or allude to it with the sledgehammer-like subtlety that only a group of uneducated backwoods retards could muster.
And I say this as someone from a relatively conservative area of the South.
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Especially when the publisher thought that the proper format of a debate over privacy and security ought to be a civil war.
I agree. Mark Waid wrote a great Cap yet he calls himself very liberal. It doesn't show through at all in his writing (or even his Superman work).
And Quesada did a Cup Of Joe story about this hubbub, but according to Bleeding Cool they didn't want to talk with Fox News about it. Now, [insert joke about Fox News here], the point Johnston raised about being unable/unwilling to answer something more serious than softball CBR questions is valid I think. Especially when they run to every big news outlet to promote the death/return of Captain America but shy away when they made a boo-boo. Hell, have Quesada wear a Captain America t-shirt during the interview, holding a poster of the Heroic Age teaser, brilliant!
But hey, the editor was probably just counting his paycheck and tweeting instead of proofreading the issue before sending it off to print, it seems to happen a lot these days.
Hey, you should enter that "Have lunch with a Marvel editor" contest Texiken!
Diablo 3 - ArtfulDodger#1572
Minecraft - ArtfulDodger42
I don't see how being liberal has anything to do with anything. Captain America has no affiliations with any particular political party or ideology.
His point is that Cap shouldn't be expressing a political affiliation, but that he nonetheless does in this recent issue.
But it's Bucky, not Steve, and Bucky isn't the paragon of nonpartisan patriotism that Steve was. As such, the only way I can see a basis for complete is if you think the book itself or the name itself carries a special obligation to be apolitical.
God no!!! I bought it, and deeply regretted it.
Its a mishmash of old stories, no continuing storyline. And if I recall correctly, its all fluffed with reprints. And it has next to nothing to do with Reborn, other than "I miss Steve, I wonder how Steve would handle this situation."
Diablo 3 - ArtfulDodger#1572
Minecraft - ArtfulDodger42
Why would you want to speak with FOX News about it? They're not even a news outlet and just twist facts to suit their agenda. It has nothing to do with not willing to answer "serious questions" (and how the hell is anything remotely related to this nonsense considered serious?) and I dont see how you can even blame an editor for this when there was nothing wrong with it. If anything, you should be chiding them for changing it in future print runs just because some idiotic FAUX News people needed something to run on a slow day.
hah alright, good to know.
i was really in the mood for either more daredevil or more cap, but there isn't a new daredevil trade out and flipping through the cap trade made me unsure.
i recently got the "war and rememberence" trade (all john byrne's stuff) at half price books for like eight bucks, and have been reading it during breaks at work. it's what got me into a cap mood.
celebrate me
for shame servo.
i'm a cruel tyrant.:oops:
P.S. I saw the Captain America vs Red Skull on Super Hero Squad. Man, they made Nick Fury black there too! Though I must admit it could be cool to have Samuel L. Jackson playing Nick Fury in the Captain America movie.
Diablo 3 - ArtfulDodger#1572
Minecraft - ArtfulDodger42
Or is it on hiatus for FearItself?
The current Cap title will be renamed "Captain America and Bucky" and keep the original numbering. Also Brubaker will start the simply titled "Captain America" series this month as well with Steve McNiven as the artist. Both books will pretty much be flashback stories until Fear Itself ends but that's fine since Brubaker is fantastic at writing WWII stuff.