So, Claydol is listed as UU on Smogon. This seems odd to me, because off the top of my head I really can't think of a better Rapid Spinner. It's immune to Spikes, resists Stealth Rock, can hit ghosts super-effectively, and is a pretty solid wall. What's the OU Rapid Spinner?
So, Claydol is listed as UU on Smogon. This seems odd to me, because off the top of my head I really can't think of a better Rapid Spinner. It's immune to Spikes, resists Stealth Rock, can hit ghosts super-effectively, and is a pretty solid wall. What's the OU Rapid Spinner?
Give me your FC, I deleted it because I needed the space.
So, Claydol is listed as UU on Smogon. This seems odd to me, because off the top of my head I really can't think of a better Rapid Spinner. It's immune to Spikes, resists Stealth Rock, can hit ghosts super-effectively, and is a pretty solid wall. What's the OU Rapid Spinner?
Give me your FC, I deleted it because I needed the space.
Huh. Really? I mean, he's definitely good, but I'm not seeing how he's fundamentally better than Claydol.
Do any of you guys share a name with a character from one of the Pokemon games? I've been thinking about making a team based on my video-game counterpart. The only problem is that half the team is walls. Also it's packing a total of 3 quad weaknesses (common ones too,) as well as three weak to Water and Bug types (not so worried about Bug but Water is a pretty common type.)
I suppose I could modify his team a bit; as I imagined it it was only one Poke off from his team exactly.
Well, had I gotten Azumarill in without getting EQed that would have been an interesting situation.
The SR setup at the start was pretty annoying also.
Alright, I lost that but mainly because I changed from Gross to Houndoom for no reason I can think of. By the way Chomp is an asshole for being so bulky.
The Gross in question could likely have finished off Chomp with Mash and then taken out at least one Pokemon with Explosion if nothing else. Say Swampert.
It is really hard to recover from something like that against a fking Sd'd chomp.
Alright, I lost that but mainly because I changed from Gross to Houndoom for no reason I can think of. By the way Chomp is an asshole for being so bulky.
Yeah, 108/95/85 defenses ain't shabby. On the bright side it might get banned soon.
I'd have probably switched to Swampy at any rate if Gross got the speed boost, but this is just theorymon.
Well, Gross for Chomp and Pert is a good deal. Plus I would still have had my Gengar if Gross could have taken out Chomp. And yeah, it was Life Orbed, but I have no doubt the explosion was powerful enough to OHKO Pert, and Chomp was at maybe 85% so I think it had a decent chance with Mash... not sure if SDd outrage would 2HKO bulky Gross.
Alright enough. My dumb ass didn't even BRING the gross so it matters not.
Wow, that turned out better than I thought it would towards the end. I love how my guy took that 4x weak attack like a fucking BEAST. Max Def FTW...or delayed loss.
A battle of epic length!
Good game, sir! Extremely tough luck on the hypnosises.
Edit: or I guess just average length, but it felt like a long time! Yeah, he definitely stood up to that attack better than I thought he would. Also, I learned water is super effective against ground. Garchomp! You are spoiling me.
My favorite moment was predicting the sucker punch - least favorite was switching to beat to let you roost.
Yeah, if MJOLNIR was packing a certain move that I decided to leave off at the last minute (I think you know what move I'm talking about) that might have turned out better. Maybe...
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Give me your FC, I deleted it because I needed the space.
Huh. This is the wrong Gengar. This is what you get when you have 3 different Gengars.
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Huh. Really? I mean, he's definitely good, but I'm not seeing how he's fundamentally better than Claydol.
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I suppose I could modify his team a bit; as I imagined it it was only one Poke off from his team exactly.
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How can that chubby cat be so fast?
Well shit there goes my chances.
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The SR setup at the start was pretty annoying also.
Alright, I lost that but mainly because I changed from Gross to Houndoom for no reason I can think of. By the way Chomp is an asshole for being so bulky.
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Good game, man. At least you won the marill face-off.
It is really hard to recover from something like that against a fking Sd'd chomp.
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I'd have probably switched to Swampy at any rate if Gross got the speed boost, but this is just theorymon.
I am staring at my Houndoom with an expression of hatred
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Well, I mean, if Outrage didn't work a third time.
Also, coming, Rock!
Alright enough. My dumb ass didn't even BRING the gross so it matters not.
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My signal is kinda weak, just as a warning if there's a random DC.
This may be the last chance for FAILURE MAN
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Oh well. Gigaton, you up for it?
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I must warn you, I suck tonight. It's around 2:00am where I am.
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Good game, sir! Extremely tough luck on the hypnosises.
Edit: or I guess just average length, but it felt like a long time! Yeah, he definitely stood up to that attack better than I thought he would. Also, I learned water is super effective against ground. Garchomp! You are spoiling me.
My favorite moment was predicting the sucker punch - least favorite was switching to beat to let you roost.
Yeah, if MJOLNIR was packing a certain move that I decided to leave off at the last minute (I think you know what move I'm talking about) that might have turned out better. Maybe...
Heyyyy, crit pursuit. But Hypnosis missed so cool. I thought you were going to sucker punch.
By the way, thanks for knocking off my choice item ;p
Also, Azumarill is very light. Handy against grass knot.
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