Welcome to SANDVICH fortress 2.
What is SANDVICH fortress 2? It is a team-based, first-person shooter that offers nine distinct classes to play as. TF2 requires players to work together to achieve objectives such as point control or objective theft. Work together, or fail.
Unlike many shooters, TF2 streamlines the process, making it very easy for new players to learn the ropes yet remain compelling to the hardened veterans. The game also features a very stylized look that sets it apart from the competition. If the movies
The Incredibles and
Austin Powers had a violently awesome lovechild, it'd be SANDVICH fortress 2.
The official SANDVICH Fortress 2 blog can be found
How to obtain SANDVICH fortress 2
SANDVICH fortress 2 has two purchasing options. First is the Orange Box package for
$39.99. That includes new puzzle game Portal and the what's been released of the Half-Life 2 Saga so far (if you already have HL2 and Episode 1, you can give them away! Use
this thread for that). If you are just itching for SANDVICH fortress 2, the game is available alone for
$19.99. Both can be found on Steam or in retail stores.
And get the PC version. Seriously, you are going to be LONELY otherwise.
Penny Arcade Servers
If you wish to join us for gaming ons, join the PA Steam group! Ask for an invite in this thread. In addition to the main PA group, if you're interested in trying out fun new custom maps, ask for an invite to the PA Honk group. You don’t need an invite to either group to play with us, but it can make organization easier.
All of the PA servers listed here try to be relaxed and we're not going to harass you for sucking (well, maybe a little). You might hear about “scrims” in this thread, which is where our PA folk play in competitive games. If you are interested in that sort of thing, just speak up and one of our competitive players will help you out. The following servers, however, are for casual play.
Just remember,
don't be a dick! And have fun shooting mans.
Server Details:
Job's server
Donatejonxp's server
DonateJob and jonxp’s servers are straight-forward games consisting mostly of official Valve maps that are popular with the PA crowd. Some high-quality maps from PAers are included, but only official modes are in the rotation here.PMAvers's server (custom maps)
Download pack for custom maps
(Unzip to Steam\steamapps\<your account>\SANDVICH fortress 2\tf\maps)
Donate The House of Non-Conformity sticks with custom maps and modes that are player-created. A server for those always looking for something new.Cake Army & Penny Arcade TF2: Knowledge is Flour! - Demitri's Chicago Server
DonateThe Cake Army / Penny Arcade joint server has some interesting characters as well as a mix of both stock and a bunch of close-to-valve-quality customs.
shf's Kingdom of Lobstah
Sometimes we play on shf's (shoot him first!) competitive server, usually only if an admin is on.
Server owners: Please PM me if there are any changes to your servers.
Password for all PA servers: wangMeet the Team Class Videos. They are awesome.A list of "How-to-Play" videos.FeaturesLook on the Bright Side: If your "round" is a personal best (most damage inflicted, kills made, time alive), the game will let you know when you die.
Capture the Moment: Kodak invites you take a screenshot of your murderer.
Taunts: You can do several short animations. They depend on your class and current weapon. You temporarily enter a third-person view when this is done, and you can’t cancel it. Some taunts can even kill players if you catch them unawares.
Critical Hits: Some shots do more damage. These shots, when fired, will glow, make a crackling noise and a satisfying “CRITICAL HIT” will pop above your target (if they land). If you are racking up kills, your crit rate will temporarily increase to around 20% or so.
Some Critical Hits are conditional. For example, the Pyro’s Backburner always gets a crit when attacking from behind.
Valve is so nice. We are getting free “Class Packs” that feature achievements and unlockable weapons for a class (among other goodies). Three have been released so far:
MedicPyroHeavyOther Fun Stuff
You can find them in Program Files\Steam\steamapps\<account name>\SANDVICH fortress 2\tf\screenshots .
bind f5 jpeg into your console to take screenshots as .jpg instead of .tga. Use
Paint.NET to convert .tga files to another format.
PAX is a day and a half Away!
UPDATEJonXP is making buttons for PAX!UPDATE
To recap: I'm making 100 of them.
When they come in I will be sending one off to each person who has donated to my server as of an e-mail I sent this weekend. After that I will be handing them out to you guys at PAX. Then the remainder I will try to find some cool way to give out, but most likely will be on a first-come first-serve basis via e-mail.
To get one look for the guy at PAX wearing the one on the left, and tell him the password to get the one on the right. You know the password.
For those of you that want to find me, look for this hat:
Come tell me the password, and we shall have good fun (and you get a button!). For those of you of the legal drinking age in the US (21), there seem to be a number of bars in the area, and perhaps we could all meet at one...say...Saturday evening? That'd be swell. I'll make sure that all you yungins get a nice tall glass of milk, too.
I should be easy to find during the show, especially if you come to the BYOC area and shout "JonXP!!!".
Also, for those of you who want to know, my backpack style camera bag that I will be wearing will have a large [+] on it.
(Right after the Medic and Heavy mow down some gullible morons, they have a chat)
Heavy: This Never get old, right?
Medic: Nein.
Heavy: It makes you want to-
Medic: Break into song?
Heavy: Da.
Medic (healing): I love the heavy.
Heavy (punching): I love when babies cry.
Engineer (building sentry): I love mah sentries.
Soldier (shooting down then shooting up): I love when magets fly.
Sniper (while scoped): I love the whole world.
All: And all its sights and Sounds!
All (with explosions everywhere): Boom-de-yada, Boom-de-yada
All (moar ecksploshuns): Boom-de-yada, Boom-de-yada.
something something something
something something something
Scout (being a dick): I love to go fast!
something something something
Spy (decloaking, about to backstab): I love the whole world.
All: And all it's craziness.
All (dancing and rocking): Boom-de-yada, Boom-de-yada
Demoman (firing pipe bombs): Boom-de-yada, Boom-de-yada!
Heavy (firing while uber'd and kruber'd): I love crit ubers!
something something something
Pyro (torching everything in sight): mmfh hmmmf mmf hm hmf (I love Propane tanks).
something something something
All (celebrating a recent victory): I love the whole world.
All (still celebrating): It's such a brilliant place.
Pyro (while torching a heavy): mmf mm hm hm, mmf mm hm hm (Boom-de-yada, Boom-de-yada)
Someone (doing something): Boom-de-yada
Soldier (while rocket jumping): Boom-de-yada!
(While all are still singing Boom-de-yada, splash screen comes up with the words "Team Fortress 2 is just awesome. Then fade the music and singing and go to credits.)
Baseless criticisms, expressions of utmost hatred, and lyric suggestions are all welcome. I most likely won't be making it into a machinima so anyone is free to steal it and use it to their heart's content.
EDIT: I also can't wait for PAX. I'd love to have a cool one with ya Jon, except I'm only a month away from being able to drink legally so I guess I'll have to settle for skim.
now im in dx 80 all low, same res, and getting about 30-50 fps.
this is my first computer with a graphics card in it, and as such its stuck into the computer and i cant replace it. if it keeps getting worse i might have to just stop playing pc games
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That's amazing. If someone makes this machinima: .
EDIT: Maybe.
EDIT: The instructional video is gone, and this worries me.
Sounds like you need to do some virus scans, or possibly reformat.
Also, PAAAAAAAAAAAAX! I'll be Cervetus in Pictochat, so you should be able to find me.
That's really good.
All i fixed up was some formatting and who's singing the second to last "boom-de-yada."
Is this cause of guest passes and peeps buying the game or just me being retarded?
PSN: Dyvion -- Eternal: Dyvion+9393 -- Genshin Impact: Dyvion
Are you tell us you're using onboard video?
[x] Radisson Hotel Boston
[x] Pre-Pax Dinner
[x] BYOC and 3 Day Pass
You know... I experience something similar. I put more or less all my options on max and it runs pretty well. The other day I thought "hey maybe I want a better fps cause I'm completely sucking at scout and can't aim" and lowered the detail.
The game ran worse.
It actually ran slower and was laggier.
Since then I've put it back up to near max again and decided just to live with it.
It's probably something wrong with your pc, Sueve, I've had this happen with my old desktop pc
What type of hardware are you running? I had an ATI card before I replaced it, and I noticed all "source" games (HL:2, CS:S, TF2, etc) ran worse with anti-aliasing turned off at higher resolutions. Maybe that's just me, I don't know. So I compromised: AA at 2x, and everything else at med/low. Really helped more than the converse of no AA and higher textures.
Unless it was iowa cause fuck that guy.
Anyone who Krubers a fucking engy is a good man.
oh hi I capped your intel and critwrenched your face
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
Got a GeForce 8600M GT (256 mb), 4 gigs of RAM and a 2.4ghz CPU. The CPU and card are a bit slow for my tastes but it's the best I could get while still staying in budget and with a laptop.
(in before "OMG LAPTOP WTF?!?! you can get laptop+better desktop for equal money - well fuck you guys, I didn't want a desktop, I wanted a laptop I could game on).
Yeah and I think it might've been that I turned off AA... I'll have to experiment tonight.
It's annoying.
Good thing it's a five rung ladder.
Desktops - normal (Windows)
Laptops - normal (Windows)
Linux - Desktops+Laptops
Mac - Desktops+Laptops
But Linux will soon lose their place to Mac due to bootcamp and the like.
wait what? why wasnt i informed of this?
Thanks, this is exactly what this thread needed. For the record, I comfortably play TF2 and several other games on my Macbook Pro just fine thanks very much (on Bootcamp, of course).
But on the subject of gaming laptops, what you have should be plenty fine. There's documented instances of where on newer hardware you get better rates with AA on. Which makes no sense, but then again...
Just curious, too: what resolution you playing at?
Yeah but some cool games are actually released for Linux, no cool games are ever released for Mac.
Come to think of it though console gamers should probably be between Linux and Laptops...
Sniper humping? Is that the practise of overhealing snipers constantly?
Oh yes I went there