I have been a gamer for something like almost three decades now and I got thinking about some of the many special moments over the years. Maybe you have some as well you want to share:?:
Here is a few of mine.
Played it through with a friend taking turns in the "driver" seat. I came to a place with sort of a guard house at some mountain pass, sneaked up to the building and looked in through a window only to find three guards standing in a circle playing some sort of dice game. Nicely animated with them taking turns throwing the dices to the floor, looking, giggling and having a good time. Ending the party with a few rockets but my friend and I agreed upon that the right thing was to just sneak past and leave them to their game 8-)
Need for Speed Porsche Unleashed/2000
Again with my friend taking turns trying to set a record time on the Normandy track. It's a fast place with big hills and lots of air time which my friend used to have a huge crash. One second there was screaming engine sound and loud impact noises and the next moment the car came to a rest next to a barn. And in the silence there was the "grinning" sound of a mule or something. Of course just random ambient game sound but it was like the mule was laughing at my friends mistake and it literally made us ROFL
Terminator Future Shock
To my knowledge this was the first FPS PC game to use mouselook. It also had you moving in and out of buildings without loading, driving a car and even flying some futuristic helicopter. All this before there was a 3D hardware but this was the first game I really felt brought across a sense of being inside that 3D world. Of course the game was crude by todays standards but it really made you be in that future post apocalyptic world. Two moments in that game has really stuck in my mind - one is playing the game on a windy summer night with open windows so the sound of wind and distant cars mixed with the game sounds and then coming across of sign in the game waving in the wind making just the right creaking rusty sound. The other one was having a gun fight with some Terminators while crawling in high voltage masts and sort of getting vertigo8-)
Deus Ex
Properly predictable this is on my list. Having completed the game two times on the "realistic" skill level I decided to go all pacifistic and not kill anyone while completing for a third time. This of course turned to be harder than expected as I got spotted the first time I tried sneaking up on a terrorist with the baton in my hands. He simply yelled out "Facist" and killed me with a single shoto_O Anyway I tried again and got better at being careful, got longer into the game only to learn that fully boosting the strength and blunt weapon skill suddenly meant the baton killed people instead of knocking them out - that ended my no killing streak in Deus Ex
Bones heal, glory is forever.
Also beating those two Stalfos to get the bow and arrows in the Forest Temple. Fuck them.
That is a damned great feeling, isn't it.
"Behold Ragnaros, the Firelord! He who was ancient when this world was young! Bow before him, mortals! Bow before your ending!"
And then this huge creature made out of fire burts out from the lava.
It's just the most epic introduction of a bad guy ever. Even though the Molten Core got old and boring very, very quickly, Ragnaros never stopped being awesome.
2.) Trying to block those fucking fast zombies OUT on HL2 in Ravenholm. I felt really proud, backed myself into a corner and jammed everything in front of the door that I could. Phew. Then I looked up. The room I was in had a gorram skylight, and a second later 2 of those zombies crashed through it and started ripping me to shreds... I can't even remember if I survived that one or not.
3.) Killing the dark Queen in Ico is highly cathartic... and almost all of Shadow of the Colossus, but particularly the flying desert one. Truly epic.
4.) Bioshock - Fort Frolic - full of intensely creepy moments. Also the famous 'would you kindly' moment.
5.) Halo 3 single player- I know this game is a point of contention around here, but for letting you pull of ridiculously OTT action movie stuff very simply, this game works really well - That desert level in which I a) warthogged onto a scarab... always fun. and b) managed to maneuver a brute chopper through all of the tiny corridors right until the end of the level. 'oh you have a hammer? I have a shooty...motorbike...thing... so ha!'
6.) Hitman... Blood Money. Such an underrated game IMO. Lots of moments so i'll choose one. That last bugger of a fight during the credits. Got everyone except wheelchair dude and he was kicking my ass. I hid downstairs and really expected the game not to have taken this into account, but next thing i know the dude is at the bottom of the stairs dead, with wheelchair by his side.
7.) Any scene when I get to talk to the Homunculous in 'Shadow of Memories' - He is one of my favourite ever video game characters the sarky bastard.
8.) FFVII... an oldie but a goodie...
9.) Portal... just... any of it.
10.) Struggling to fing a significant number 10... errr... Outlaws for the PC, okay I was a dirty little god mode cheater at that young age which was still no help on puzzle levels where i got lost, so dynamiting myself into the sky in a failing attempt at suicide, which coincidentally lands me on a cliff next to the final boss of that level can be my number 10
But the greatest moment in gaming I can think of at the moment is probably the final boss fight from the 1st Serious Sam:
Yes, he really is that big.
Europa Universalis series multiplayer with friends.
Planescape Torment, all of it.
And so many others... :rotate:
Also, clearing all of Kara, Grull's, and Mag in WoW, not great accomplishments to most but for me when I started out completely unable to instance/do anything really with my horrible connection and computer during launch to now having gotten through some fair amount of raiding was really satisfying, especially on a spec that most people used to not care for much.
I also love multiplayer games that put you in a commander's role. I'll never forget my first win as marine commander in Natural Selection. Or the accolades from my team after we won a particularly brutal round in Project Reality. Leading a bunch of nerds to virtual victory always gives me a warm glow inside.
The fact that Crackdown will never get a sequal is one of the greatest travesties of gaming. Such awesome potential.
Godspeed, Ironsides.
Actually captured Arnhem's railroad bridge intact once. It's a mission you're set up to fail, because it's the first of many tragic turns in the historical campaign. The Germans are supposed to blow the bridge up in your face while your troops hug the ground in a flat plain swept by machinegun fire. Except I pulled it off once. Made the whole rest of the campaign a cakewalk.
Climbing to the top of the center tower place in Crackdown was AMAZING. I felt awesome, and then got vertigo just from seeing it and pulled off the jump for the achievement... wow.
Most games I finish them and I'm sorta "okay, all done, that was pretty good." Games that don't even have endings, such as WoW, make it even more difficult to hit that feeling. Yet, I have really enjoyed raiding and finally getting down those nasty first kills. I remember our first Rag kill, my first Nef, first full ZG clear, first Vashj, first Kael, first Arch and hopefully tonight we'll have our first Illidan kill. Sure, we're not up there with the A+ guilds that are clearing Sunwell, but I helped start and run this guild, so it feels really good when you finally get down that boss that has been stalling you for days or weeks.
Edit: Whoah, no Crackdown sequel ever? I thought they were just working on other stuff and then might go back to it? Awww
That looks to be the case. After their current game, they're supposedly considering a sequel.
If they do a sequel, I want two things;
non-carrish vehicles. Motorbikes, aircraft, etc.
Area beyond the city. Think like San Andreas. You had all this dense forest and wide-open desert for stuff to hide in and the like, and it was AWESOME. If I get those, I'm happy.
I almost shit myself.
Wii U NNID: MegaSpooky
So we hopped in the 2 on 1, and I figured they were going to just pump zealots and try for a decisively fast kill to settle the issue and make me look suitably stupid for being hot-headed in issuing such a challenge. I plugged up a choke point with supply depots and a bunker and kept a good stream of marines going, even so far as to bother with a second barracks. I hid a couple SCVs around the map figuring I'd need to sneak up an expansion if I actually held off a rush.
Well, one guy did a zealot rush, which was fended off handily enough, but the second guy had teched right up to reavers under his partners cover, given that I obviously wasn't going to be leaving my base to fight anyone. So right after I finished off a zealot rush, a reaver showed up and started chewing up my supply depots and bunker.
I evacuated the bunker and pulled my marines back, spread into small groups around the core of my base. The reaver finished off the obstruction, then rolled in with the partner that had joined it (as it turns out the robotics facilities were not that far off from my base.) I danced marines (which at least I had scads off) like they were possessed, dashing in individual stimmed guys to suck up a couple scarabs, pulling them back around buildings to try and get the scarabs to detonate on timers before killing the marine, dashing in with small groups from several directions to kill them. While fighting off zealots, of course, from the asshole partner of his.
Of course, marines don't really fight zealots too well in the relative open, let alone reavers, let alone zealots AND reavers, so despite my micro-heroics, it was a losing battle. But then it happened: reaver-rusher had gotten shuttles going, and sent two of them packed with reavers to come in from the side and hit my SCVs, while zealot-rusher came in head-on. The zealots showed up, but the shuttles went right over my previously hidden SCVs and their outpost, which at this point had managed to get me a factory, two starports, supply depots to replace the ones dying in my main, and best of all, wraiths to shoot the shuttles down. Marines and wraiths finished off the zealots quite handily without any reaver support, I added a machine shop to my factory and started up tank production, and with wraiths cutting up their probes before they could get detection going, won handily.
The best thing is that after pulling off a win that I knew shouldn't have been mine, I learned to be a lot more tactful and less prone to hot-headedness when arguing with people who disagreed with me, knowing how stupid I would have looked otherwise. I'm somewhat proud to be a competent gamer who is also not a complete asshat in-game (despite whatever status of asshatery I might have outside of the game.)
Then you have to fight that giant blob on the train. i was like. what the fuck
MineCraft: Menetherin
Steam: Vloeza_SE++
Man, that is seriously the best game ever made.
1. FF VII - I was so pulled in when they offed Aeris. Nothing hit me like this.
2. Contra, finally beating it all in 1 life.
3. Master Blaster ont he NES, finally beating this game. Damn it was so frickin hard.
4. Beating my buddy at SNES Mario Kart. Fucker was a freakin master at that game.
5. Finally beating a raid boss first on our WoW server. It was a 25 man in Ahn'Qiraj, but god damnit I was raid leader and we were first bitches. Thank the lord I don't play anymore.
After so many times hearing "BEWARE I LIVE!" then finally taking him out in one go.
Absolutely epic.
I never asked for this!
1. Meeting Andrew Ryan.
2. Becoming The Guy.
3. Playing Zombie Panic as a survivor and perching atop a doorframe with three other guys like pigeons, waiting for the zombies to walk into our trap... and when they did, it was like a glorious fireworks display of gore.
I was floored that it actually worked.
That is all.
tube vid
Gawd i love this game.
Felt so good.
Oh, and taking off over a quarter of the whip chick's (final boss) health bar in one shot from the same challenge.
This topic might as well be called "I BECAME THE GUY! Greatest Moments in Gaming!"
I never asked for this!
There is something about raiding in WoW that they got so right. I quit a while ago, but I doubt I will forget the first time I fought and killed Ragnaros, or the weeks of preparation and practice it took to kill C'thun.
Ragnaros has the best opening speech ever, and C'thun took so much coordination, 40 people all tuned to their specific jobs, all depending on each other not to fuck up. That was a fight that took so much precision and teamwork.
Also, TF2, I killed a pyro with the heavy taunt and then ate a sandwich. Hilarious and memorable.
now it was Me and Keving against Mike. Kevin was a noob so he of course died first to mike. No problem, heh, but the problem was that they had never played halo before or at least...with the energy swords. so they didn't get the part where you had to wait for the reticle turns red before you hit the trigger, needless to say i picked them off one by one until finally i got bored of kicking ass with my gun and decided i'd even the odds up by using the sword too. five minutes went by with me pulling off the most spectacular consecutive executions, perfect grenade placement so they never two teamed me, and pulling off sick mid air kills until finally i killed kevin and mike got me before i could swing my sword again.
was i bastard for not explaining this beforehand? yes, i admit it but holy fuck was that most fun i've had.
Anyway because I was the only one without an N64 I fucking sucked compared to the rest of these bastards. It got to the point that they would all be looking at my screen to see where I was to get the easy points. I would be loosing against one guy and the other two would leech and take me out. Or I would be loosing badly in one fire fight, try to run for health/armour straight into another of the bastards that knew where I was and was waiting for me.
They didn't like to square off against each other because that was too much work, they would take pot shots at each other but never went mano a mano, all the while I was screaming in the background, "go after someone else, ffs, you just let him get away, stop fucking going after me". This probably spurred them on more.
That was until one Christmas where Santa basically turned round to me and said "Time to fuck up those three Ho Ho Hoes" and lo and behold I got a fucking N64 of my own. The tables turned by quite a considerable margin. It didn't just even the playing field, it gave me the deed to the playing field.
Now I thought these guys were amazing but turns out they weren't that hot. Owning the game and completing it to the point where all the cheats were unlocked made me quite adept at the game. Add to this my familiarity with the controller increased ten-fold. I was then pretty much able to kick their ass on every N64 game. In Goldeneye all 3 were still coming after me trying to kill me untill they learned I was no longer easy pickings and some of the time I was taking on two of them at once. It got to a point where I was winning every game, there was only one of my friends who could go toe to toe with me and have any chance of winning.
Its not like I played anymore of the game than them they had all unlocked most of the Goldeneye cheats themselves (some of them were so much fun to unlock) but I like to think of gaming as my main hobby and like to think that I'm a lot better than the average gamer, so that would probably be on par with anyone in G+T.
Morale of the story: Revenge is oh so sweet.
Earlier on, beating a Raptor with only my Protector standing with, I shit you not, exactly 1 HP.
Who says turn-based RPGs can't be intense?
Platinum FC: 2880 3245 5111
Bunting, Owls and Cushions! Feecloud Designs
Also, when you're alone in Gears of War in multiplayer. You're a COG, you're alone. You have a longshot and a shot gun. There are four locusts out there hunting your ass down.
And suddenly you're empowered by this fucking aura where your longshot always active reloads, bringing two of them to their knees as they bleed out and headshotting one of them, finishing the last one with your shotgun in an epic fight to the finish.
And then when you go to the screen that counts down to the next round, there's a silent 'whoa' in the air. Yeah, that's awesome.
I remember playing as an alien, slowly crawling on the roof of the hive while a 3 man marine fireteam waited below. I dropped off the roof into the middle of them, headbiting one on the way (who jumped out of his chair), then leapt away as the guy next to him jammed on the minigun and turned round, killing the third. Ran round some cover, heard him start to swear as he ran out of ammo, so leapt back and clawed the shit out of him
Destiny Profile : http://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/7028016