After much anticipation I've decided to finally cave and get myself a DS. I'll be picking it up later tonight most likely but I need some suggestions on what game to get along with it. I was thinking Pokemon Pearl (or Diamond? What's the difference?) but to be honest I haven't done a whole lotta' research on the other games. I've watched a friend play Pokemon and FFTA2 and the former seemed almost nostalgic for me (I played a bit of the Pokemon games back on Gameboy Colour, or whatever) but FFTA2 seems kinda' boring.
Anyways, throw some titles at me, preferably RPG but anything else will do as well. plz and thx.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
Well what did he expect? There are a lot of awesome games on the little handheld that could.
I've heard about this. Everyone keeps praising it. Is it comparable to any other RPG game? So I can have some kind of reference.
Seriously, if you buy one game at all for your DS, make it this one. I'm absolutely serious. This game is better than Pokemon Diamond/Pearl.
Just make sure you play it longer than an hour since it starts off kinda slow.
Unless you're particular about what music you like. Listen or at least look at the track list first because...seriously, it might make you want to wretch.
Also, I recommend Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker but only if you like Dragon Quest's monsters and taking a a ton of time just fighting and messing around with monster breeding. It's fun but there's not much else too it but for that.
That would be a smart thing to do before buying, though suprisingly I find that some of the more terrible songs in the series are somehwat remedied by the gameplay
Not to mention that the covers make some of them better. I had no idea that LaLa was an Ashley Simpson song before I played it, and dammit I like it! So clearly the problem with her songs is her and nothing else.
The Avril Lavigne one is still bad though.
Maybe, but then you get to the cover of Jumpin' Jack Flash and...ugh. Just, no.
It bums me out a bit.
- The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (2017, colorized)
If I had bad taste I would be bummed out too.
Oh, and invest in some screen protectors asap.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
I haven't used a screen protector on my lite, and it has no scratches even in direct sunlight. Yes I have played screen intensive games as well.
Final Fantasy games are traditional RPGs with traditional RPG combat. Final Fantasy Tactics games are traditional Strategy/RPGs with traditional Strategy/RPG combat. Strategy/RPGs tend to different from standard RPGs in that in Strategy/RPGs combat takes place in small maps where you can move your characters around and character positioning is important. Kind of like playing chess if all the pieces were replaced with anime characters.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
Trivial- i don't know if you have already experienced the GBA back catalogue, but if not, Slash's (i think it was his, anyway) other list will also provide you with some gems.
Gunstar Super Heroes, Zelda Minish Cap, heck- i'm currently trying to beat Advance Guardian Heroes, which although a significant departure from the original Saturn classic, still has enough of the frenetic brawling action to carve out its own niche. Having beaten hard mode, i'm trying to get through super hard, and i can definitely vouch for its awesomeness.
I'm going to say don't get Advance Guardian Heroes. Awful framerate, which those who like the game write off as intentional but don't listen to them as they are just silly, much less fun than the Saturn Guardian Heroes and finally it just isn't a fun game. Try before buy, at least.
I tried it again recently after not having touched it in years. It's still fucking abysmal.
Go find some half-assed licensed IP Final Fight clone if you want something that's more competent.
- The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (2017, colorized)
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
Tetris (seriously)
I'll probably toss it up on Goozex once I finish the puzzles currently available.
Actually, yeah, I made a list for GBA games as well. Fortunately, the GBA library is no longer growing, so it makes maintaining such a rec list easier. Although I would of course still add/subtract to it if people can think of good recs that aren't included.
That said, the list for GBA recs is so incredibly long, it exceeds the post character limit, so I have to paste it across 2 posts.
Anyway, you can see the list in the 2 sequential posts starting:
Post 1
Post 2
Or by going to posts #48 and #49 here.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
Seriously, you'd think that half the people here bite down on their screen instead of using the sylus. You don't need screen protectors if you're even a tiny bit careful with your stuff.
As for good games, Rhythm Heaven Gold is coming up, but I don't know when. You can always import the japanese version, Rhythm Tengoku Gold, as it's incredibly import-friendly (you can go through the whole game even without knowing any japanese, it's extremely intuitive).
My sister-in-law bought me a big briefcase-style case for my DS, games, and accessories and it included some cheap screen protector. Simply using the Nintendo branded stylus on it since June (with a few sessions of EBA) it's totally scratched up. I'm thinking of getting a "Best Skins Ever" for it. Anyone else use them? It's either that or the Hori ones in the store, both cost the same and I have the same style material of Best Skins Ever on my iPod.
Is the DS screen that good that it wouldn't be scratched up from use? I've seen the poor demo stations and didn't want my screen to turn out like that, so it hasn't been touched by a single stylus since it was removed from the box.
It doesn't take much for the DS to register input.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
I will say that EBA was killer on it. A single "SPIN" session and I could see the circles.
I fixed that for you.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
I played EBA and both Ouendan and my screen is still fine.
Just don't hulk-smash the screen. It's not that complicated.