so I bought 2 gigs of DDR2 ram today since i realized I only had 1 gig. I previously used DDR ram. My motherboard has 4 ram slots: 2 blue ones for DDR ram, and 2 yellow ones for DDR2 ram. The DDR2 slots are for 533 MHz , but I bought 667 MHz because it said it was backwards compatible with 533 MHz.
So I turned off the computer, unplugged everything. Waited for the light ont eh motherboard to turn off to know that there was no more charge stored. Grounded myself on the case, pulled out the old sticks of ram and put the 2 new ones into the DDR2 slots.
I then plugged everything back in, booted up the computer got to the desktop then got the dreaded BSOD. A thing to note is that I haven't gotten the BSOD since I got this motherboard 2 years ago.
So i figured the memory was bad so I put the old ram back in, booted up the computer and.... BSOD? wtf?
so now, no matter what RAM I have installed it will give the BSOD shortly after reaching the desktop. It does NOT give the BSOD if I boot up in safe mode.
tl;dr (what does that even stand for anyways?)
computer worked fine but only 1 gig of ram
installed new ram
got BSOD
put old ram back in
still BSOD?
booted in safe mode
what the hell happened?
since it works in safe mode, but not in regular it almost makes me think it's not the ram but I have no idea, i''ve never had this happen before.
regarding the bad DIMM slot:
but see there are two slots for the DDR ram and two SEPARATE slots for the DDR2 and no matter what slot I use 1 DDR or 1 DDR2 (tried each slot individually) and all cause a crash.
I didn't read you post very well, sorry for the useless post above.
Too long; didn't read.
Also what kind of motherboard do you have? Are you sure it supports DDR and DDR2?
OP, try running something like Memtest86 and see how that goes.
I used one of those can of air things and blew all the dust out before I removed the original two sticks of DDR ram. It was dusty as hell before I did that. I also removed the fan on the CPU heatsink becuase the heatsink was caked with dust on the top.
here's a picture of the BSOD:
this is with the old DDR ram in there, not the new DDR2 ram.
here's what it looks like inside (blue slots are DDR, yellow slots are DDR2):
tlI spent 30 seconds on the internet to find that it actually appears to be a mcafee problem, which makes sense because mcafee wouldn't load when you go into safe mode. You just appear to have bad luck and it happened to happen when you happened to plug in new ram. I wonder what happens if I say happens to many times in a paragraph?
i get frustrated and eat some tylenol
weird because I don't have McAfee, i have AVG. I'll try disabling that and see if it works.
I have previously tried using the info from the BSOD to figure out the problem and just got sent in circles, so I didn't really look too hard this time.
I'll let you know how it goes.
edit: nope uninstalled AVG and sitll BSOD. What's weird is that sometimes it happens immediately after I log into my username, and other times it takes up to a minute.
Then just turn them on one at a time until you get your error.
If you still bluescreen with everything disabled it could be something else possibly physical.
well now you have to reinstall windows most likely....
hope you didnt have any data on there you really wanted.
clear CMOS, insert DDR2, format and reinstall windows.
that was one of the first things I did, even before I asked on here, was to reset the BIOS to defaults.
ran memtest86 and got a bunch of errors and it stopped on test 4. I read there site but have no idea what it means. here's a pic:
edit: ran it again and 0 errors in the row thing but it gave teh same unexpected intterupt - halting error but only 74% through test3.
Run the test with your DDR now. If you are getting errors on that it may well mean you have a bad memory controller. If your voltage is correct while running each type of memory then they shouldn't cause a problem. Just reset the bios after swapping sticks.
I went through a similar problem with a P35 based board recently. I had been running some older DDR2 due to my previous kit giving out on me. I bought a Corsair Dominator 1066 kit and installed them. I kept getting lockups and crashes after that. Turns out my memory controller decided to take a shit as well.
You could try giving a bit more voltage to your ram and northbridge. Then run the tests again.
could I have physically broken something on the motherboard that is causing this, or woudl it just not work at all?
edit: I should note that it didn't flex any more than when i was just swapping in and out the DDR ram sticks before i bought the DDR2, it just seemed like an excessive flex that may have potentially caused damage if done multiple times, but then again this is only my 2nd/3rd computer since mine usually last for quite a while.
In my case I took it apart after it was replaced and found what appeared to be fluid that had leaked from a capacitor on the PCB. The fan felt like it took too much force to rotate (relative to every other fan in my computer), so I think it failed and caused the PSU overheat.
Thanks for the help guys.