Apparently Konami came to visit IGN to pimp the new Castlevania game (which is not a hard sell) and brought along a few 'lower-tier' titles to save themselves a trip or something.
Titles like
Suikoden Tiekreis. Yeah, they just thought they might as well slip it in there somewhere. Since it's just, you know, FUCKING SUIKODEN!
There's a video available, and apparently they have some pretty cool stuff planned. Check it out:
...each member of the team has a pre-set name and class, but each also change as you equip them. Since the world is 2D with 3D models overtop (similar to Rune Factory), that means you can morph and tweak the characters as you see fit, with every piece of equipment, weapon change, and visual detail changing on the fly based on your equipment. The interface, on-the-fly equipment changing, and overall style reminded us of Soma Bringer, and if we can't get Nintendo's flagship action RPG here in the US, believe us when we say Suikoden is a more than welcomed substitute
Suikoden with a robust loot system? Hell yes. But it gets better:
Konami states that Suikoden will be a one of a kind experience on DS when it comes to online, allowing players to interact in a full Wi-Fi community, leaving and picking up party members for others to take on additional quests and power up when away from their own cart. Once that quest is finished (or, we'd assume, a certain amount of time passes), your character will come back with added levels, skills, items, and equipment. Not too shabby.
I'm wondering what reward you get for leveling up and equipping someone else's character, since they have to provide some incentive or no one will ever bother. All in all it looks very promising, and I'll be buying this at some point for sure. Now, let's close with some pretties.
Famitsu scans, spoilered for the bigness...
Someone needs to let them know that super zoomed in shots of those 3D character models are definitely not a good idea...
Battlenet: Judgement#1243
psn: KupoZero
I don't care about online play.
Um, other stuff sounds interesting.
Steam: Feriluce Feriluce#1995
Because... all my dicks.
I was excited when the original thread started, now that IGN has a preview up, and English text on the screenshots, I'm even more happy. Can't wait!
Judging by the preview... did they mean it was coming out this year? There's too much shit already!
Though I'm worried that the screens look a little cluttered. I have faith that it will work perfectly though.
"Check out this awesome game! I will never put this away! I will never need pockets again!"
Then I will go to jail.
Check out "How to Break Into the Industry. Any Industry."
"I thought this was solid and I will shamelessly steal it. Hope you don’t mind." ..... Paul Barnett, Design Manager of Warhammer Online
This is going to be an awesome reason to replay and awesome game. The same way that the remakes of Final Fantasy IV and Chrono Trigger kicked fans in the butts to try it out again. Suikoden is one of those games you always wanted to play again, but it was just more of the same when you did it. With a neat little handheld remake like this, I'm more than happy to blow some time doing it all again.
Though they might still put out Suikoden on the PS Store. I dunno.
Ahh, I guess I should have read the article more carefully. Either way, I'm very pleased for another Suikoden is making it's way on the market. But I'm slightly less excited, considering the lackluster quality of the previous 2 iterations. Four and five just weren't up to snuff with the classics.
Let's go with styles. 2's is a shame, maybe. But the evolution from 1's will always be welcome.
I think this style would be fine if it had decent character design to go with it, but so far I've seen far more that are generic or that I dislike than I've seen that I've liked.
Watching the videos...
The quality of the flashback/flashforward animation was laughable in pretty much all respects. Dialogue, voice acting, and animation were all fairly terrible. The standard intro movie was actually pretty good, though, since there was little movement, no speaking, decent music, and I was left fairly satisfied by the characters they showed.
The normal spoken dialogue was at least passable. Based off the small sample, it's still a step back from 5's, but I should be able to tolerate it.
Battles look a little uglier than i'd feared.
Still hate the main character.
Overall, I'm probably a little more optimistic than before.
Please, expand on this statement.
I'd generally been hearing otherwise.
Gameplay-Terribly basic. The same combo every single time. New skills are basically the same as the old ones. The entirety of 'customizing' your character is basically limited to 'deal more damage'.
This might be alleviated a bit in the Phantasy Star Online vein by an addiction to getting the coolest new equips, but as far as I'd played (four or five chapters), I wasn't getting things I would really classify as awesome. And I was getting them at a pretty boring pace (maybe one weapon upgrade per fairly long chapter). I'll grant that this may improve later on, but it's a snoozer to start out.
However, you get a whole hell of a lot of equipment you can't even use, and it is completely worthless owing to the fact that you can't customize your allies. I probably hold this against the game more than I should, but it's just ridiculous that in a game that is essentially focused on finding equipment and using it, they would limit your ability to use it. Being able to equip your partners would have added a hell of a lot to the game.
Story-Generic and terrible. See: Saturday morning cartoon comment above.
Music-Okay. Maybe slightly better. Can't really remember, honestly, which is why I'll just assume okay.
I wouldn't probably say it actually sucks. But it definitely hasn't drawn me in as the bastion of awesome that it was made out to be.
characters tradable online? does that means the times where we got 108 characters, each of them more developed then many main characters in other games are over?
NNID: carmofin
3DS: 2852 6971 9745
Throw me a PM if you add me
It very specifically states that the 108 stars are back, and characters aren't 'tradeable' - you kind of loan them out, maybe for specific side quests or something that can only be done that way, and the character you loan out 'returns' to your cart with some bonus EXP or a new item or something.
And I would agree with the art style. 1/4s Boring. 2/3/5 had the best artist, in my opinion.
So, maybe 15% chance it's completely unrelated.
And I just realized that the weapons thing means more Bronze Sword and less Tengaar++.
Anyway, Due Fiumi seems to have quite a bit more information than IGN.
Things from there and the other five Suikoden Tetris threads we've had recently-
Four member party
Porpoise people
Magic points instead of Magic levels
Considering the pummeling my wallet is receiving this holiday season, the spring date is good news.
I wish they'd remake 1 & 2.