Just saying hello.
Thought this was the best place to post since I'm an old 3rd ed player coming back to 40K for 5th ed. Played Night Lords back in the day, but am making a BA home grown called the Angels Ascendant. Color scheme is same as Angels Sanguine, but instead of halved black, they are halved Bleached Bone.
So hi all!
outside of that, hope you have a good time
So, enjoy your stay, just don't make any more new threads. just post about and try to get a feel for things. and I suggest you stay the hell away from wubble woo. because... there be monsters!
Actually the link Zot posted are the CF rules.
Oh come on, we're not that bad.
Yes, but if you actually read the rule, it really doesn't apply here. I mean, sure, it is technically against the rules, but, who here gives a shit? I mean, yes this should be locked it is not a good thread. But, no infractions are warranted and no flaming should be happening. And hasn't, and that's good on ya'lls.
Marshmallow, one time cardboard tube literally bit off my dick. I'm just saying...