So... I managed to get my spore account suspended for 7 days. I went to log in at the site and it says my account has been banned. Looking in to the issue, I got this response from EA "customer support".
Thank you for contacting EA In-game support.
After further review of your account, we have determined [Offending comment:Comment : Your mechs all kick ass... Best Mechwarrior 'Mechs I have seen by far. Check out my Mech creatures if you get time.
] is in violation of the EA Terms of Service.
“Strong vulgar language, crude or explicit sexual references … are always inappropriate Content for EA Online.†Please review section 2 “ONLINE CONTENT†for complete details.
As a result, your account has been suspended for a period of 7 days. Continued violations of the Terms of Service may result in additional suspensions and/or termination of your account.
Ajay Das
Player Relations
Electronic Arts, Inc.
Yep, I told a long-time friend that his vehicle creations "kick ass". Even after making an actual human being take a look at the comment that caused the suspension, the assessment is that "kick ass" constitutes "“Strong vulgar language, crude or explicit sexual references". Funny, the guy I made the comment to approved it.
So if you even mention "fuck", they will send the police.
I mean I remember the days when saying ass on TV before 9:00 was a big deal. Now they say shit in commercial breaks. Yeah yeah, it's just a word, but it just ain't classy.
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One might say UncleSporky "kicks ass".
One might...if one were completely devoid of class.
Shit is classy.
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I hope it's a game ban. If it's a forum ban I retract my previous apology.
He is saying it isn't the worst thing about Spore.
Oh, missed the "not" in the reading comprehension dwindles at midnight.
Anyway I think all this means is that the OP can't upload any creations until the time runs out. He can still play. Or so I've heard.
Damn son!
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Jesus christ this just makes me hate EA even more. I didn't think that was even possible.
I never asked for this!
Don't you worry about the House of Rape, let me worry about blank.
This needs an answer.
I can play the game, but since I can't log in, I can't save. On the subject of profanity, I always assumed the phrase "kick ass" was equine in origin. I would understand the suspension if I had called someone an ass, but even then I wouldn't consider it to be "strong vulgar language". I have to wonder what they consider weak vulgar language.
"doo-doo head"
Also, I made a pedobear and that has been fine, but I imagine that's only because I didn't write "the pedophile mascot who tries to rape little girls" in the description.
So did this guy's friend report him as a funny joke, or what? If there is a report button and they're still being proactive about it, I consider that bullshit. Luckily, Spore holds little fascination for me (not criticizing, just not my kind of game, much like The Sims), so I won't run into this problem myself. On the other hand, if they made Sim Ant 2 and then I was somehow suspended, I would cry bitter tears and rage at EA.
I still kinda want to buy it in the hopes that I will get to see King Dong...
Could They???!!!
Would "termination of the account" completely remove the ability to play the game? If so, oh lawdz is that some bullshit.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
Shoulda named it Rape Ape