MS Keynote wrote:Star Ocean will come to the Xbox 360 in Feb of 2009 for Japan, March 3 for North America
The game takes place prior to the first Star Ocean. The story is set after World War III and it follows mankind as they make their way into outer space.
Courtesy of icecream from neogafDengeki Impressions wrote:-A to Attack, LB/RB for Special Move, Y is Menu, B+Analog is Jump
-While attacking the Rush gauge fills, and when it's full you press X to go into Rush Mode
-The enemy can use Rush Mode too
-If you are ambushed by the enemy in the overworld, your Rush gauge will dramatically drop at the onset of battle
-Item Creation is in, Item and Enemy Collection and Battle Collection as well
-Skill and BEAT customization for the characters
Sad now.
and Edge Maverick?
Battles looks so slick.
Agreed, I'm liking how the battle system is looking.
And stupid names aside, it will probably still be a day one purchase for me.
Hmmm...I'm wondering what this "Rush" bar is though...maybe special attack or something?
Considering Rush seems to have replaced the previous Fury, it might be a sort of stamina gauge. I do hope we get more details as the press gets some hands on gameplay.
I wish they hadn't animated their cutscenes like an anime, though, with the exaggerated body movements and stupid mannerisms. Despite that I'm looking forward to it.
It's not you, it's me. I ... I just can't do this anymore.
I'm with Lunker on this one. I tried to finish SO3 twice and both times said fuck it on disc two.
Edit: That's not to say I won't keep an eye on this one just in case. I enjoyed the hell out of the combat in SO3.
And you think the old style was better?
I hope to God the voice acting is decent, (ex. NOT Farleen)
Also the main reason why I disliked 3, even though 2 was pretty much the same thing, was that unlike in 2, where Claude just FUCKED THE HELL ON UP and got stranded on a backwards ass planet with no real hope of escape and you just had to survive, 3 threw the possibility of escape and grand space adventures in your face for 48 goddamn hours and then whoops
English TGS Trailer
Another gameplay vid though it's mostly a cutscene.
Well the English VA seems better than IU's though the sample is quite small.
I'm really glad they saw that the x-360 was a viable console.
Shows a battle where you get the drop on the enemy dubbed Advantage Attack.
A particularly interesting video showing enemies using Rush Mode. Looks like they become very hard to stun if not impossible and they become very shiny. Seems very similar to the Tales Overlimit for enemies at least.
Looks really slick though.