Hey guys, first thread here and it's an important one. Been reading these comics forever and just never thought to post here, so here we go:
Not including handhelds, the only current generation system I own is a Nintendo Wii. I'm very happy with it, and I have over 30 games in my collection. 2009 is going to be a huge year for the system with games like Sin & Punishment 2, Fragile, and Disaster just to name a few. While there are titles like the new Marvel VS game that are coming out this year that have me giddy with excitement, the rest of 2008 is ...well... bare. Like... all I have to choose from is another sonic game, bare.
So what have I decided? To do what I always do in the middle of a console's life-cycle. Start by getting the other consoles.
This basically means I have to decide (until I can eventually get both) if I'd like to invest in the PS3 or the 360, and I need your help to decide.
Before that, let me tell you where I currently stand as far as my wants, needs, and just my general situation:
I do *not* have an HDTV. That means that while not having grainy looking black colors on my CRTV while watching DVDs, Blueray won't help me too much. However, I do plan on upgrading in the next year once I buy my first home (been saving for a while now
), but I'm kinda assuming digital distribution from things like Apple TV or Blockbuster's home unit will be more commonplace.
I'm *not* a fan of most FPS. Games like Bioshock are not going to be deal breakers for me as well as being scared in either a game or a movie isn't my cup of tea. Call my old fashioned, but I grew up with the arcades (and love consoles that cater to that type of gameplay, like the Saturn), so the worst I like to see in FPS is maybe the type of "horror" found in Resident Evil UC. I do like more arcady type of games like Battlefront though, which is mindless and fun.
I am a *huge* fan of racing, fighting, and flight sim games (like Ace Combat). Especially if there is little depth. I know that the 360 has a lot of these games as does the PS3, but I'm not really sure which would be better suited for it. While I used to like Need for Speed (like 2 SE on the PC) the amount of depth in customization honestly bores me, and I dont like driving around to find races.. I just want to race, have fun, and turn the console off. Games like GTA and Saints Row have zero interest to me. RPGs also have little interest for me. If I can't enjoy the game in the little bit of free time that I have, I don't want to play it.
I'm not a fan of the PS controller (the d pad/joystick config really needs an update since the 90's...) yet I'm not liking the 360 in many respects because of it's hardware failure rate, and other oddities like non-built in wifi, an outdated disk tray, and an overall "old" looking design in the console itself.
Also, given that I'm a big Apple fan (huzzah for iPhone 3G!), I usually try to stay away form M$, though I will admit, playing favorites like Battlefront are much more enjoyable on the old Xbox than on the PS2. However, my PS2 still gets play time, while my Xbox has virtually none.
So I hope you can see how I'm torn here. I'd like to start delving into other consoles while there is little to do on the Wii for the remaining part of the year, but every time I think I've decided on a console, I switch to the other. One console seems to have better games but horrible hardware, the other has great hardware but a library of games that is only just seeing some attention.
Sorry for the long post, but I appreciate your help in advance.
Also, not liking the 360 because the design looks "old" is ridiculous.
If I'm giving advice and you have to buy one, buy a 360. You only like a couple of games types and you don't seem excited about blu ray so why spend the extra money?
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
I have both ps3 and xbox 360.
To be honest I've probably played the xbox more, and that contradicts my answer above, but it's because I've had it longer.
The reason I like the ps3 better is probably because I'm a pc gamer, which means, given the choice, I'm going to play on the PC instead of the console. So my approach to console gaming is more casual. This means things like xbox live aren't worth the money (and online play is a big draw for me), so if I'm going to be doing some casual online gaming, ps3's a bit cheaper there. Also, I have no concern about the ps3 red ringing or anything like that. The exclusive games on each system aren't really too huge of a difference anymore, as it seems most games are cross platforms. I also love blu-ray on my big tv. If you are considering upgrading to an HD tv, recognize that blu-ray is a pretty awesome feature to have in your game system.
However, there are platform exclusives DO exist, which might influence the way you go. Xbox has games like gears of war 2 and fable 2 coming out which I will most likely get, but ps3 has Little Big Planet coming around the bend. xbox arcade has a lot of good cool games you might enjoy as well.
There's no easy comparison, because, in my mind, they're very close to being the same system with some pluses and minuses to each. But right now, when I buy a cross platform game, it's for the ps3.
The whole "horrible 360 hardware" thing really isn't as prevalent as it used to be; I can't vouch for the newer stuff personally as I still have an older 360 that only DREs once in a blue moon (and always with Dead Rising), but you don't hear nearly as many horror stories about the newer 360 chipsets. Lack of Wi-Fi is an honest shortcoming, although I believe you can use third-party wireless bridges that are much, much less expensive than the official Wi-Fi adapter.
I recommend DS though. You say you have over 30 Wii games, which means your tastes are probably similar to mine, and I am hopelessly addicted to the DS.
The fact that you don't seem to be set up for an HD console just goes along with getting a handheld as well. I am in the same situation as you and I would sooner buy a PSP than either of the HD consoles.
If you must pick a console though, I say 360. Disliking "M$" isn't really a reason to not get one. You probably dislike their operating system, not the video games on their console which are typically made by third parties anyway. And if you dislike the company itself, there's about as much reason to dislike Sony, with their hubris and constant attempts to make their hardware the world standard. And no, I don't really hate either company, I just mean that all major companies have their flaws and it's usually not a good reason to boycott their product.
Like Raijin said though, if you absolutely must get one, go for the cheapest console.
Also, M$? Really?
Apple whore$.
See I can do it too! :P
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
The arcade is only $100 (Figure I'd get a used HDD later) and the wii is $150. Both game systems library look pretty scarce when you consider I've bought most big name multiplatform games on my pc or ps3.
On the 360 what interests me most are certain Live games. (like castle crashers) and a few exclusives. (Gears, Fable). On the wii, you have Galaxy and Monster Hunter 3 and some casual games I can get the wife to play.
I kinda don't want to get a second console right now, since there are so many ps3 games I want this season already. (would rather get it during the summer drought) But the $100 credit sounds too good to pass up. (I think I have to use it right away to buy a new console from them)
What do you guys think?
Let me tell you about Demon's Souls....
I honestly think the Wii should be everyone's second (or first) console this generation. Sure right now there aren't very many games in the next few months.
But if you're JUST now buying one you have a huge number of awesome games to catch up on. Mario Galaxy and No More Heroes should be at the top of your list.
I see your currency-letters and raise you "денPhp£€"
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
If your wife doesn't like typical console games, and you think she might get into games with the Wii (and that's actually something you want to have happen), it's a good choice, because like you said, if you have the PS3, the only thing you'd be getting the xbox for are a few exclusive games. But to be honest, outside of video game online forums like this one, every one I know who has a wii pretty much stopped using it after a few days/weeks. Maybe I just have a LOT of unusual friends/relatives, but they've all fallen into one of two camps:
1) the camp could be considered 'gamers' (ie. people who have owned a game system before the wii) have universally gone back to their other modes of gaming after a few days/weeks of the wii.
2) the camp that never owned a system before the wii played it longer than camp 1, but eventually just got bored of the games they had, and never had a desire to go get new ones, they usually lasted 1-2 months. Except in the case of my mother, who bought the wii and wii fit and used it all of one time.
Edit: Actually, there's one exception I just realized to those two camps. I have two friends who still do use the Wii a lot, but exclusively play the virtual console games (the funny thing is they own most of the games they downloaded on their original systems).
Thank you so much for commenting on this.
OP, you obviously don't like the 360 so why are you keeping it on your list? Honestly you should just get a DS since it looks like an Apple product and you love the Wii so much.
I'm glad other people posted after the first innitial few (and wow, lots of posts already!). I thought I came here being pretty nice and open and I honeslty didn't appreciate being told that I "loathe conventional games". I don't really see how someone who owns hundreds upon hundreds of games can hate games, but to each their own I guess. Just becaues I'm not into horror, RPGs, or FPS doesn't mean there aren't a lot of games out there that are suited to me. Also, when I meant depth, it doesn't mean that I'm only looking for something like freakin Tetris.. I still have many days in which I'm at a console for hours.. it's just in the long run, something like Final Fantasy or Zelda, while I enjoy them, never get finished... ever, because my interest goes to newer releases and I simply don't have time to get through them.
I honeslty don't think I'm alone in this type of thinking, and I think it's perfectly ok to say that I don't like to drive around for 2 hours in NFS just to find a couple of only mildly entertaining races that all feel the same with the same "course".
Price is of no concern. And the decision doesn't seem to so easy to me at least "URAhonkey" or else I woudln't be asking . It sounds like you're saying to go for the PS3, but I'm also a little concerned to get a system that doesn't have much to play. Though many of the games like Motorstorm (which reminds me a bit of Excite Truck which I love) and that one dloadable with the planes seem very fun. However, it was my understanding the 360 had more games I liked/or look better like Virtua Fighter, Devil May Cry and Ace Combat. And the new trend of dloading half the game onto the PS3 before playing doesn't really excite me.
Once again, I'm sorry if I said something to get some of the short and pointed responses I got from some people, and I wasn't trying to sound distriminitory at all.. just trying to let you know my personal preferences in gaming. I appreciate the other responses here and I'll keep viewing this throughout the day.
Thanks guys.
Actually I was insinuating getting the 360 over the PS3 personally. I am loving my Wii60 combo. Great first party titles from Nintendo, and all the multiplatform titles on the 360.
Thanks for your response. Yes the Blue Ray feature may serve me later in the next year which is something to consider for sure. While games like Little Big Planet look great, I also would love to play REZ HD on a 360 haha, so of course while exclusives are great to consider, both seem to have ones that interest me. I played the first Fable and I don't think i'd really want to get into the sequel. Gears of war looks pretty good, and I've had my eye on that. Also, fyi ive never been a metal gear fan lol. sorry people.
Thanks for your insite though, it hepled.
You should check out Pure, an ATV racing game for 360/PS3 that's the high-def love child of Excite Truck and SSX. Seriously, it looks awesome, and I have it on my list of games to grab from Goozex when it eventually becomes available.
You're on an Internet forum, so regardless of what you say there will be several short and pointed responses; don't let it bug you. Since you have both a DS and PSP, you might consider redoubling efforts into those systems' libraries instead of putting the cash up for a new console, especially if you haven't picked up anything lately. Both the DS and PSP have had some pretty good titles drop this year.
Then the correct answer is to get both.
Or, just go to gamerankings or metacritic, look at the lists of the top games for both systems, and decide which list you like better. Bing bang boom.
Blu-Ray rumor
and it's comments like this that tick me off. I'm *SO* sorry I used an abbreviation. I also say SS for sega saturn and Ninty for Nintendo.
I also said that I'm not a fan of MICROSOFT (happy?) but facts are facts... the 360 has a lot going for it, and the games that were on the ps2 and xbox looked much better on the xbox and felt better controlling it (liked the controller more).
To put things in perspective, I also hate Sony with a vengance but I own all their consoles. i don't believe in either company's business practices, but when it comes down to it.. I make fun of a lot of companies for their decisions. Though I still buy their products because they entertain me.
I cursed like a pirate when I saw that the Motion Plus had been thought of since the Wii came out, and we basically had 2 years of time in which we could have had much better motion control, but it doesn't mean im going to go off and sell my Wii. I think Sega were retards towards the end of their "reign" but the Dreamcast and Saturn still house some of my most treasured games.
So please.. lay off.
Good point. didn't think of that honestly, thank you.
Supposedly hitting the $100 price point this holiday season too. So next year will be better.
While I can afford both, I never get two consoles at once. It's kind of hard to distribute attention to two new products and I'd rather take one in at a time, and when the "magic" of the device fades a bit, move on to the next one.
I will get both eventually, but I'm asking which console basically is the one that I should get into first. Thanks for your advice though.
And here I thought BR players will still 500 bucks lol. Tells you I havent been looking recently in movie players .
Typing MS is no more difficult than M$. The latter is a childish insult, the former is a commonly accepted abbreviation. Use the former.
So yeah, I would go with the 360, as long as you buy the Xbox 360 Elite, youll be fine, I dont believe there are hardware problems with those, (and if so they must be RARE as hell), theres a great list of old arcade games to download with new ones ever coming out, and yes, two words. Castle Crashers. Nuff said.
The_Scarab pretty much covers my opinion on the subject.
Also your OP did seem to have a lot more to say about the 360 than the other consoles in which case not getting it might be a good decision for you. I don't remember your OP mentioning the DS so I pitched it to you. I'm *SO* sorry for ticking you off *SO* much.
Thank you, your post was great. Appreciate everything you said, and yes, Pure is on my radar. Any big differences between the two consoles' versions? I havent heard of much coming to the DS and PSP as of late that I'm excited about, though DJ beat master (or w/e it's called) sounds great for the PSP.. i'll be getting that for sure.
yea, I know this eventually is just what I feel is right to do, but it's always good to get advice, ya know? I like what I'm seeing for the PS3 recently (*really* want to play Little Big Planet and MotorStorm 2), but if my library of games is going to be larger for my tastes (i'm assuming?) on the 360 and the hardware is of no concern.. maybe that should be my choice.
Noted! Thanks
I'd say take the money and simply buy more PS3 and/or PC games. (and or PSP/NDS games)
It doesn't sound like you want a second console enough that you'd be completely happy with a purchase like that.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
Careful... the Elites do have problems too. MS did revamp the console and up the warranty to three years but it doesn't make them impervious to the RROD. I have a newer model, though I'm not too nervous about it, I still keep it somewhere it has plenty of air to pull in.
Thanks in advance.
Alright, I'll have to research that a bit. thanks for the heads up.