if this is old, let it be known i searched for the bioshock thread.
if it is old, let it be known that i am ashamed of this forum for not discussing it.
sea of dreams, huh?
All I can say is this was expected, but I'm still hard for it.
2008, 2012, 2014 D&D "Rare With No Sauce" League Fantasy Football Champion!
For reference, it is a different team (2K Marin), but the creative lead is Jordan Thomas, which is notable for two very good reasons:
1) He created Fort Frolic, which was almost inarguably the best part of BioShock.
2) He worked on a little game called Thief: Deadly Shadows, and personally designed a little level called the Shalebridge Cradle.
I'm a tiny bit hesitant because I felt like BioShock's universe didn't really need a sequel, but if anyone's going to do it, I feel like it's in good hands. I loved the original and eagerly anticipate more news.
So basically Bioshock 2: Sea of Urine.
You make that sound like a bad thing!
i completely agree. The guns only felt right when you first got the pistol, and it kicked all over the place. After that though, having to pump a million rounds into a splicer got a little old.
I would like more powerful rounds and less of them please. Get that old SS2 feel to the game.
You remember being terrified to go around the corner, no bullets to speak of, and absolutely no where to run.
Nah you're not alone. I loved the game and I still think the core shooter mechanics were pretty average.
A sequel huh. I'm fairly disappointed, there was a lot of potential for an awesome prequel. Not to say this looks bad, I just hope they remember that it was Rapture that made the first one so awesome.
LoL: BunyipAristocrat
Plot: Fantastic until 60%, then trainwreck.
Atmosphere: Patchy in places but generally good.
Detail: Great.
VA: Good.
Art direction: Nice on scenery, terrible on characters.
Gameplay: Average. If switching between various offensive tools had been easier it would have been more fun.
Overall: An above average game with a story/setting that rivalled Half Life until that scene at 60%. From thereon, confused, lacklustre and disappointing. Also, final boss fight was a goddamn joke.
So hopefully they'll fix what they messed up in the sequel. It deserves a second run.
Will I be in line on day one, forking over my cash and rushing home like a giddy schoolgirl at the prospect of revisiting Rapture?
Fuckin' a YES.
Will it work within the story we've been given? I don't know, but I can't wait to venture back into Rapture, whenever and wherever they let us go.
An interesting thought; what if we go back to Rapture not to right a wrong or finish off something left undone, but because everything else is going straight to hell, and whatever shithole THAT has become would still be better than the surface? The final days before Fallout, kind of.
That said, the grown Little Sister seems more on par with those shown in the "good ending", so I have doubts, unless she's the exception to the rule or something.
And the number of sequels recently that thematically undermine the originals recently makes me worry...
The Matrix, Star Wars, Indiana Jones were all undermined by their sequels. I would hate to see that happen here.
2009 is a year of Updates - one every Monday. Hopefully. xx
Star Wars was undermined by it's prequels.
Which is what alot of people here are asking for, a prequel.
Just wanted to point that out.
I think there is a tendency to judge the last section of the original too harshly since the lead up was so awesome. The post Ryan plot is not a trainwreck, it all makes logical sense and is pretty interesting, the problem is one of pacing. There needed to be one level post Ryan, where you escape the control and do the whole BD thing, then a boss fight. As it was the game took those two plot points and rubbed your face in them for another few hours of crappy fetch quest gameplay. Cut some time and noone would be complaining about plot.
The last boss though... yeah that needs fixing. By far the least interactive boss fight in a game that is supposed to be about using your crazy super powers to turn the environment against your enemy.
LoL: BunyipAristocrat
But seriously, while the lead up will likely require that one ending or the other is 'true' for that universe, it'd be interesting if they left the option open to have your chosen ending influence gameplay somehow.
Also, while I agree that a cash grab sequel (or merely a misguided one) is often detrimental, the love of SS2 after SS1 leads me to believe that a sequel (mechanically and gameplay wise, at least) could be done right by this company.
Furthermore, there is some sequel room. All of the endings lead to you making it to the surface with an entourage of Little Sisters, cleansed or otherwise. The good ending (and this teaser) indicate that you live to at least a somewhat old age and die. It's fairly natural for people to want to know more about their past, so it's not impossible that one of the girls decides to go back and see what's left, what they lost and what's been found in the (presumably decades) since? Or perhaps genetic tampering has some rather lasting negative effects, and they seek to rectify that? I'm sure there are dozens of hooks they could use that wouldn't have to feel contrived.
I totally agree, in fact I do kinda like the idea of a LS growing up and rediscovering her past. I don't feel like this is a moneygrab at all, its a new game in a series everyone loved. I'm not complaining.
LoL: BunyipAristocrat
I think maybe it'd just be smarter for you to avoid a thread talking about the making of a sequel to a game you haven't even played yet.
Then what are they doing in a thread about the sequel?
At first life would be great, and the game world would be open in a GTA type way (except you have to pay for everything, since this is Rapture and all). Then you get to watch that world collapse around you.
2009 is a year of Updates - one every Monday. Hopefully. xx
It just seems like a common courtesy that'd be nice, especially since the teaser trailer is being mentioned as an extra in the PS3 version, the trailer itself doesn't really spoil anything and it's at the top of the most recent page.
And anyone how says this doesn't need a sequel, apparently doesn't enjoy awesome.
As long your not some generic spec op guy going in to clean up the mess.
Killamajig and Scullykel999 on MTGO
My first time through I went with a wrench-heavy spec and it seemed easy. Buh?
I hope they revamp the combat/character progression/minigame thing so I can really say that Bioshock 2 is worth the purchase.
LoL: BunyipAristocrat
Which actually is probably why it's 60% for me. Game opens up, geographically speaking, a great deal after that bit. Lots to explore.
Assuming your argument is that the scene is later than 60% through the game, and not that percentage is somehow related to total time spent =P
And it would seem common sense to avoid a thread speculating about a sequel to a game you haven't played.
The games been out over a year now.