Long story short, my boyfriend is joining the Air Force and leaving soon, very soon. We've lived together for three years and accumulated a lot of stuff, almost all of which he's leaving with me since he won't need it where he's going. I am cleaning up the apartment and trying to condense all our things into a manageable level to make the place more appealing to potential roommates.
But, what next? I want to find someone whose around my age (twenty something) and absolutely has to be into gaming, but after that, I don't know what to look for, or where. Obvious answer is Craigslist, which I've used in the past with varying results.
Basic facts... I have a nice but cheap 2 bed / one bath on the third floor, in the middle of apartment land in Spokane, WA. I can't really choose to move somewhere else because I have chinchillas (also, no smoking for their sake). I have furniture and dishes, everything set up but for the roommate's room (which my boyfriend still hasn't vacated). I would prefer to find someone in the next couple weeks, or at the very latest, before Christmas.
Where do I look for a roommate? If just from Craigslist, how do I find someone sane and financially trustworthy? If someone comes over to see the apartment and I don't like them, how do I politely say thank you but no?
Note: I'm a girl and love WoW, among other games, and would love to find another girl gamer, but that might be asking too much.
I'd ask them first
Not so much. My friends are either happily settled in Texas, Seattle, or Canada. No real friends in Spokane to speak of yet.
If you get someone off of Craigslist, have a friend over at your place and let that potential roommate come check it out. Observe their behavior and pay special attention to the questions they ask about living conditions... it clues you in on what they decide as most important. Ask them straight up about their living habits (but you will never know how "sane" someone is until you actually try living with them) and what their money situation is like.
If you don't like them, just say "well thanks for coming by, I've got some other people coming by to look at the place, so I'll let you know what's up once I've made a decision."
First of all, you might want to avoid making specific dates for specific people. People are dicks and may not show up, cancel minutes before coming, or just not call at all. We wasted two nights, lining up 6 people per night, and only 2 came.
So we put another advert up saying 'viewing sunday 12pm - 2pm, message for address' and provided them with the answers to every question i'd been asked.
Here's the ad we posted.
I had about 11 replies, but only 3 people showed up. I told the people that came that we had other people to come see the place so we'd call them back that night to tell them our decision. Less personal about them. Fib if you must. We had a 35 year old indian doctor ride to our place on a pushbike in 35 degree (celcius) heat, sweating like a pig and nervous as hell. We felt bad for the guy, because it was obvious he wasn't going to work. You'll know when you find someone you want to live with, you want to click with them on some level so you MUST be yourself when they show up. Be nice, but don't suck up, this is a business proposition after all; but if you can make each other laugh it might be good!
Hope that helps. By the way, absolutes like 'THEY MUST BE INTO GAMING' will probably restrict your choices, and whilst sharing interests is good, having to share game consoles may be problematic!