Its Halloween again and it's time for all your favourite movie monsters to have a make over.
However only the CLASSIC monsters have been invited to the redesign party...
Frankenstein's Monster and/ or The Monsters Bride
The Mummy
The Wolf Man
The Creature From The Black Lagoon.
Redesign 1 or many, but just remember....
Its close to midnight and something evils lurking in the dark.
Under the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heart.
You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it.
You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes,
Youre paralyzed.
Cause this is thriller, thriller night
And no ones gonna save you from the beast about strike
You know its thriller, thriller night
Youre fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight.
Deadline: November 3rd
For those of you who frequent the conceptart.org forums this should be pretty familiar; tens of artistic combatants thrown together in to an artistic arena, each struggling for the honor of being dubbed a master of the visual arts. Those of you who succeed will be bathed in glory and the blood of their competitors, those of you who fail will be exiled to a life of shame and isolation.
The aim of this thread is to try and spice things up a bit here in the ol' Artist's Corner. This thread is for entries in to the challenge or the discussion thereof. If you'd like to suggest a topic for the weekly challenge, go right ahead, but understand that the last winner of the challenge has total control over the task (unless they have won more than two challenges in a row, see rules).
The rules are simple;
* One entry per person, per challenge.
* A contestant cannot win more than two challenges in a row.
* Winner gets the privilege of choosing the next challenge.
* At the end of a challenge, the thread is locked and a new one is begun.
* Stick to the challenge topic; no going off on a tangent.
* All formats welcome, whether they be traditional or digital; 2D or 3D; still or animated.
If you're looking for inspiration, check out the aforementioned conceptart.org forums (specifically the creature/environment/character of the week sections).
Hidden World
Red Vs Blue
Satan Teapot
Crime Fighting Hobo
(And am excited!)
Either way, there's a pretty good collection of various depictions of literary monsters/horror-related characters here (NSF56K) for inspiration.
EDIT: Also, the challenge description contradicts the rule that only one entry is allowed per person, per challenge. It's not a very important rule though, perhaps it should be omitted from future challenges?
Good call btw Cyber, I'm looking forward to working on something for this...
I guess I should investigate...
Ye shall onlyth redesignth ye old characters that are:
Frankenstein's Monster and/ or The Monsters Bride
The Mummy
The Wolf Man
The Creature From The Black Lagoon
All other characters will resulth in thee being punched in the babies...
The challenge master has spoken.
Good luck to everyone who enters though.
That's all well and good, but Wikipedia lists... others...and variety is the spice of life.
But hell, if you've spoken, you have spoken.
(hi guys).
maydaymayday ay ayayayayay
I never said anything about babies.
Did I?
Here is where babies come from:
My Website | My "photo-a-day" 2010
I thought Gill-man was The Creature?
purdy colors
Hehe, yeah I was kind of thinking about Bat Boy when I was sketching it, but I went ahead and did it anyway.
I miss The Weekly World News.
Why do I get things done so early?
Link to larger size
I hope I can squeeze some time in to get this done, this one seems fun.
My Portfolio Site
This will be here until I receive an apology or Weedlordvegeta get any consequences for being a bully
The background looks like soap scum but I don't care at this point; I rushed it enough.