Does anyone know what became of Kirkman and Walker's
Destroyer Max mini? Back in April, it was said it was going to come out in September. I have not even seen it solicited for January, unless I missed it somehow. I know Cory Walker is notoriously slow, perhaps even in glacial.
It looks really awesome.
from a word balloon thingy just after his manifesto thing.
So as of August, it was still "in the works", whatever that means.
from his forum at Image
And Ryan Ottley has said that, when the first issue of Destroyer ships, it will ship monthly until its conclusion. I assume he's in the know about these things.
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corey lewis doesn't finish anything
I kind of forgot about Lewis crazy comic about aliens that look like grapes. It seems pretty awesome.
I was hoping the reason for the delays was a good one-- like Marvel waiting until all of the issues have been turned in before shipping the first.
How many graphic novels have YOU MADE?? lawlz.
Anyway, yeah, everyone should keep checkin out SeedlesS. It'z the shitz. !!
And Sharknife 2 this year.
but my Copy of Sharknife vol. 1 says vol.2 is coming out like 3 years ago
Btw, I was 22 when I made Sharknife and Peng.... Most 22 year olds are getting stoned and wasting their time playing video games.
I mean, I was doing that, too, but I guess I felt accomplished enough to just chill out for a while after that ;]
And by chill out, I mean draw licensed Capcom books and get blow-fucked by every corporation wanting my art skillz.
Anyway, yeah, new books comin out.
new seedless was p great as well
Hot damn!
(in case anyone missed it the marvel april 2009 thread)
That cover is hardcore, but it kind of makes Destroyer look like a Skrull.
I've always wanted to see a hero clean out his rogues gallery. Maybe he realizes he is going to die or he gets a call from whoever saying his mass-murderer nemesis escaped again or was released due to insanity or whatever and he just wipes the slate clean. It sounds like The Destroyer is going to be cleaning up loose ends with a flame-thrower, a crowbar and his fists. Awesome!
Preview image. Reminds me of those Kick-Ass posters from a while back.