If you love tea, this is the thread for
Green tea!
Black tea!
Darjeeling tea (a type of black tea)!
Oolong tea!
All of those teas come from the same plant, but what about other types? Earl Gray and Ceylon? It's all welcome in the tea thread!
I'm drinking a cup of Organic Green Tea right now... So delicious!
Goddamn, I love tea so fucking much!
I have a cup of mint green tea every morning, and a cup of either irish breakfast or chai every afternoon
I pee so much
English Breakfast.
Or as Starbucks like to call it - Awake!
Or as the English call it - Tea
Does he still work in the tea shop?
EDIT: I also have those cans of Arizona Tea every once in a while but I really don't they they count at all.
I'm all for Earl Gray. Really, I am. It's delicious and full bodied.
But the tea of teas is darjeeling. This is not up for debate!
There is a reason England conquered India... It was for the tea!
It's Sil's favorite.
Sweet tea is pretty fucking awesome.
BBQ places have some of the best sweet tea.
the only kind of tea that can end a war
I will fuck your hair right off.
Seriously it's awesome and I've been using mine almost every day for like a year. You can buy the starter set for $19 and it comes with like 4 samples of loose teas and that is a ridiculously cheap awesome deal.
This thing made me love tea.
Drinking hot tea is like drinking hot soda. X_X What is wrong with you people up there?
That's on my wedding registry!
I love this to death and the store I worked at just stopped stocking it.
I'm going though withdrawals I think.
I am literally boiling with rage.
Like a Kettle.
Not making Earl Grey.
What the hell is wrong with you?
Hot tea is goddamn fantastic! I'm not ragging on iced tea, it's also awesome, but it's not really comparable. It's like hot and iced coffee: You love each for different reasons.
My favorite winter-time drink is some steaming hot ceylon tea with honey and cinnamon... Oh dear God, when is it gonna snow??
my friend is a green tea nut and he has one of those things and is always raving about it.
I feel like all that tea must have made the sea delicious for like fifteen minutes
Gotten some crabs cranked out on caffeine
what is the deal I have never even had earl grey is it gross or something
Earl Grey is delicious. Sil just has no taste.
It is the tea people say they like when they want to appear knowledgeable and worldly, when they've only ever heard of it on Star Trek.
Also, its horrible.
I hate you all.
I am sulking now.
Tastes like fucking smoke
So, I drink bagged tea at work and loose leaf at home. I usually have 3 cups per day (with each meal) so breakfast and dinner is loose leaf, lunch is bagged.
It's okay, though. Whole Foods sells a box of 80 organic green tea bags for $4. And it's amazingly good for bagged tea.