I played this all the time. In 4th grade, we had two computers in our class (!) and kids who did exceptionally well or got rewarded often got to use the computer for a day. They were DOS, no mice. Yes, I'm that old.
Then when my mother purchased a PowerMac in the 90s, I played The Oregon Trail II as one of the many (seven) games available on a mac. This was also very fun.
Strayth on
That's right.
INeedNoSaltwith blood on my teethRegistered Userregular
edited November 2008
Everyone played this as a kid
The random Slipknot music in that video was pretty lol
I played this all the time. In 4th grade, we had two computers in our class (!) and kids who did exceptionally well or got rewarded often got to use the computer for a day. They were DOS, no mice. Yes, I'm that old.
Then when my mother purchased a PowerMac in the 90s, I played The Oregon Trail II as one of the many (seven) games available on a mac. This was also very fun.
I'm not that old, but played the DOS version in 3rd and 4th grade, though the school system in CA wasn't too great then.
I preferred Yukon Trail as a kid over Oregon Trail :P
EDIT: I really don't know if the DOS or the Apple version came first, but the Apple version certainly looked crappier than the OP's screenshot. And was SO much better...
I played this all the time. In 4th grade, we had two computers in our class (!) and kids who did exceptionally well or got rewarded often got to use the computer for a day. They were DOS, no mice. Yes, I'm that old.
Then when my mother purchased a PowerMac in the 90s, I played The Oregon Trail II as one of the many (seven) games available on a mac. This was also very fun.
I'm not that old, but played the DOS version in 3rd and 4th grade, though the school system in CA wasn't too great then.
I preferred Yukon Trail as a kid over Oregon Trail :P
I preferred Carmen Sandiego - but she didn't teach me about dysentery or snake bites.
I played this all the time. In 4th grade, we had two computers in our class (!) and kids who did exceptionally well or got rewarded often got to use the computer for a day. They were DOS, no mice. Yes, I'm that old.
Then when my mother purchased a PowerMac in the 90s, I played The Oregon Trail II as one of the many (seven) games available on a mac. This was also very fun.
I'm not that old, but played the DOS version in 3rd and 4th grade, though the school system in CA wasn't too great then.
I preferred Yukon Trail as a kid over Oregon Trail :P
I preferred Carmen Sandiego - but she didn't teach me about dysentery or snake bites.
I enjoyed the original Carmen Sandiego, though as a kid I had no idea what the deepest lake in the US was.
I never played the original, but me and my brother had a copy of 2 for windows - until he lost it after using it as a prop for one of his "movies". :x But fine times we had, even if we rarely ever made it even half the way there. There was also a communal copy of Yukon Trail that we got in our class one year as kids - hoo, those were good times.
This and Odell Lake were my favorite Apple ][e games!
Lemoade stand was a close second though...
SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! I remember that from way back in my days as a young'in, but I could never remember the name for whatever reason! How I played that game back in the day, always fearful of the dreaded "angler" snatching me from the water!
Man, id like to say ive played this shit (dysentery pun?), but i hadnt even heard of it till a few years ago. My PC memories are a bit limited i guess but what year are we talking?
Witchsight on
KalTorakOne way or another, they all end up inthe Undercity.Registered Userregular
edited November 2008
Man the hunting in the Apple ][e version was bullshit. 3rd person little stick figure guy with a gun, impossible to aim at the lightning fast critters.
KalTorak on
HenroidMexican kicked from Immigration ThreadCentrism is Racism :3Registered Userregular
edited November 2008
The Apple version was mandatory 'work' in my 7th grade computer class. Good fucking times.
Man the hunting in the Apple ][e version was bullshit. 3rd person little stick figure guy with a gun, impossible to aim at the lightning fast critters.
I didn't have a problem with that as a kid
maybe you were just awful :P
I have a funny story about this game. I was playing Wolfenstein 3D at about the same time (at home), and was playing oregon trail at school. Was moving along, and a thief stole eight bullets.
I was like "he must be getting those eight bullets for the beginning of wolfenstein 3d lols lols"
I was a weird kid
MrDelish on
HenroidMexican kicked from Immigration ThreadCentrism is Racism :3Registered Userregular
edited November 2008
The first half / two thirds of that video in the OP was awesome. The rest only sucked because nothing happened.
I remember playing Oregon trail... I even found oregon trail 2 and 3 in a store one time a bunch of years ago and HAD to buy it. They weren't amazing I think.
Man the hunting in the Apple ][e version was bullshit. 3rd person little stick figure guy with a gun, impossible to aim at the lightning fast critters.
I didn't have a problem with that as a kid
maybe you were just awful :P
This is entirely possible.
Also when we played it in school it was like 6 of us playing all at once, and we'd fight over who got to do the hunting.
KalTorak on
MongerI got the ham stink.Dallas, TXRegistered Userregular
edited November 2008
My survival strategy? Buy nothing but ammo, and shoot thousands of pounds of bear that I can't carry back to the wagon.
Oregon Trail, Lemonade Stand, and some title where you ran a computer store were the three games I played to death in the shitty California funded computer classes.
I blame the state for turning me into a VG addict.
Unbeknownst to those early trailblazers, over a hundred years later America would be blessed with the game: The Oregon Trail, brought to us in 1974 by Minnesota Educational Computing Corporation, or MECC.
tsmvengy on
Raijin QuickfootI'm your Huckleberry YOU'RE NO DAISYRegistered User, ClubPAregular
edited November 2008
I have a shirt with an oxen cart on it that says "You have died of Dysentery"
I played through Oregon Trail at least a million times.
"You shot 1,400 pounds of food. Unfortunately you can only carry 100 back to the wagon."
Apparently your guy never knew he could just take multiple trips.
I have a shirt with an oxen cart on it that says "You have died of Dysentery"
I played through Oregon Trail at least a million times.
"You shot 1,400 pounds of food. Unfortunately you can only carry 100 back to the wagon."
Apparently your guy never knew he could just take multiple trips.
How far is each trip going to be? How many other predators (scavengers?) are around waiting to take advandage of easy meals? Why didn't the hunter actually travel in a party?
Except for the last question, I'd say it was a fairly realistic simulation of that aspect of the pioneer days. What with the settlers basically killing anything that moved and not using the game efficiently...
Oh man, amazing memories. I was part of the Indian Education program back in my elementary school (apparently we of Native American descent got fucked so hard in the past they decided to make up for it by letting us go to the computer lab three times a week), and I ALWAYS chose this game.
I think the hunting was my favorite part, though as a previous poster has noted it sucked only being able to cary 100 lbs of food back.
I can't remember if I ever beat it; probably not, that game was cheap as hell.
Now I just need someone to make a Guerilla War thread and my day will be complete. 8-)
Aye, Oregon Trail player here as well. There was never time to beat it though at my school: we only had like 2 computers that had it installed, and everyone wanted a turn.
VThornheart on
3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
Raijin QuickfootI'm your Huckleberry YOU'RE NO DAISYRegistered User, ClubPAregular
edited November 2008
Is there a freeware version of this anywhere? I've got a hankering to play now.
Is there a freeware version of this anywhere? I've got a hankering to play now.
Also know what was bitchin'? Our school had where in North Dakota is Carmen Sandiego. I had always wanted to know if other states had a Carmen Sandiego game.
Lemoade stand was a close second though...
Who didn't? Well, anyone born after 1989(ish) probably.
Then when my mother purchased a PowerMac in the 90s, I played The Oregon Trail II as one of the many (seven) games available on a mac. This was also very fun.
The random Slipknot music in that video was pretty lol
There is a hilarious LP about Oregon Trail, that was done by the same guy who did the conspiracy theory animal crossing.
Critical Failures - Havenhold Campaign • August St. Cloud (Human Ranger)
I'm not that old, but played the DOS version in 3rd and 4th grade, though the school system in CA wasn't too great then.
I preferred Yukon Trail as a kid over Oregon Trail :P
Because the Dalles are treacherous!
Critical Failures - Havenhold Campaign • August St. Cloud (Human Ranger)
Gal'durn whippersnappers!
Get off my lawn!
EDIT: I really don't know if the DOS or the Apple version came first, but the Apple version certainly looked crappier than the OP's screenshot. And was SO much better...
I preferred Carmen Sandiego - but she didn't teach me about dysentery or snake bites.
Critical Failures - Havenhold Campaign • August St. Cloud (Human Ranger)
I enjoyed the original Carmen Sandiego, though as a kid I had no idea what the deepest lake in the US was.
Stupid trivia to win the game
SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! I remember that from way back in my days as a young'in, but I could never remember the name for whatever reason! How I played that game back in the day, always fearful of the dreaded "angler" snatching me from the water!
Whoah! You know Odell Lake and Lemonade Stand!
I never knew if those were famous games or not, since I've never heard of them since playing them as a kid.
Do you remember Odell Woods too? And some game about running a bike shop?
And what was the game where you had to fly on a plane to some town midway through and the stewardess would ask if you wanted coffee, tea, or milk?
I didn't have a problem with that as a kid
maybe you were just awful :P
I have a funny story about this game. I was playing Wolfenstein 3D at about the same time (at home), and was playing oregon trail at school. Was moving along, and a thief stole eight bullets.
I was like "he must be getting those eight bullets for the beginning of wolfenstein 3d lols lols"
I was a weird kid
This is entirely possible.
Also when we played it in school it was like 6 of us playing all at once, and we'd fight over who got to do the hunting.
I would also do this when playing this game.
All right, people. It is not a gerbil. It is not a hamster. It is not a guinea pig. It is a death rabbit. Death. Rabbit. Say it with me, now.
Critical Failures - Havenhold Campaign • August St. Cloud (Human Ranger)
I blame the state for turning me into a VG addict.
Do not engage the Watermelons.
I played through Oregon Trail at least a million times.
"You shot 1,400 pounds of food. Unfortunately you can only carry 100 back to the wagon."
Apparently your guy never knew he could just take multiple trips.
Linda Rules!
How far is each trip going to be? How many other predators (scavengers?) are around waiting to take advandage of easy meals? Why didn't the hunter actually travel in a party?
Except for the last question, I'd say it was a fairly realistic simulation of that aspect of the pioneer days. What with the settlers basically killing anything that moved and not using the game efficiently...
Do not engage the Watermelons.
I think the hunting was my favorite part, though as a previous poster has noted it sucked only being able to cary 100 lbs of food back.
I can't remember if I ever beat it; probably not, that game was cheap as hell.
Now I just need someone to make a Guerilla War thread and my day will be complete. 8-)
Also know what was bitchin'? Our school had where in North Dakota is Carmen Sandiego. I had always wanted to know if other states had a Carmen Sandiego game.