Getting rid of a Trojan (looks solved)

KurnDerakKurnDerak Registered User regular
edited December 2008 in Help / Advice Forum
So I seem to have gotten a nasty little trojan stuck on my computer sometime friday, as everytime I start up AVG detects it. I have only started up twice since then, the first time I tried heal and this time I did move to vault. I'm not sure if it worked as both times right aftewards I did a scan and came up with nothing, but haven't restarted yet.

It looks to be called BackDoor.Generic6.EEU, and put itself in Windows\new_drv.sys. I searched online and came up with absolutely nothing on that, but I got some things on other BackDoor.Generic6.XXX that make me things it's just a new variation. It seems to be deleting all of my cookies so I have to retype in names and passwords on sites each time I get back in, which makes me want to get rid of this very quickly.

I did a HighJackThis scan, but looking at the results I'm not really sure what to do with the results staring at me, so I can post that if need be.

Edit:Okay, I think I got it. Did a malwarebyte's scan and that picked up quite a bit that AVG was missing and zapped it. Also did a scan with The Avenger as it was on the list of things to do on one of HijackThis's forums, and it didn't seem to find any rootkits. Didn't get any warning when I restarted, so I'd say solved.

KurnDerak on
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