I was just thinking about this today. My boyfriend and I have a lot of quirks and jokes, and a lot of them are ridiculous, yet make the relationship so much more enjoyable. In this thread, we'll share all those quirks of the current relationship we're in, a past one, or even in friendships that make us love or want to be around that person that much more every day.
Here, I'll start.
One night I couldn't fall asleep. It was one of those nights where you're exhausted but your brain is racing, and you just end up staring at the ceiling for 5 hours. I hate those nights. But anyway, my boyfriend, of course, has already dozed off. You see, we're the type of couple that like to, and find it comfortable to fall asleep entangled in eachother. One arm over a shoulder, legs all wrapped around and what not, and it probably looks ridiculous but whatever, we find it comfortable, and it does the job. We rarely sleep with our backs to eachother, but this night was one of those rare ones. I just couldn't sleep so I rolled over with my back to him. Well, all of a sudden I hear, "Get in the car.........get.....get in the CAR!.....why aren't you in. Get in!" and I look, and there's my boyfriend, arms all stretched out wide for me to "get in", sleeping. I roll over into his arms, and he instantly relaxes.
So now when I wanna get close, or cuddle, or what have you, I ask him if I can get in the car.
This is supposed to be a happy thread. So make with it!
It started years ago but now pretty much amounts to him going, "Guess what?" and then after saying what he responds with "Your poopy." and various other versions on it that I am infact poopy. It does go both ways I imply that he is poopy as well. He even has left a note typed in note pad on my computer so I would see it on my day off when I got up that just said YOU ARE POOP!
nothing else I can think of except the blanket wars. I like to sleep coolish where as he woudl be in a hermetically sealed room with a ceramic heater and 2 or 3 comforters or duvets. He is also very warm while sleeping while I sweat like a pig if I get to warm while sleeping. For the last few years we have had on ongoing battle of when the heater/heated matress pad/duvet get to go on the bed. Drives him nuts that I insist on having the fan on in the summer and the lighter comforter. Getting the electric matress pad has been somwhat of a life saver. He now stays mostly on his side of the bed rather than chasing me all over it like some heat seeking missle intent in drowning me in my own sweat.
I'm sure we will think of things and maek poast with them. It's funny- we do all sorts of odd things my friends found endearing but strange and I can't think of one.
We don't use names, though. Ever since I met him I've been calling him Sailor Boy and Navy Boy and he's called me Girl. I've now shortened him to just "Boy" since I no longer need to distinguish which one I'm talking about to friends. we also call one another "Hooker" as a name.
Using our real names, to each other/in public/ever is just weird to us now. Actually, using our real names is creepy.
-He calls her dude and nothing else.
-They sleep with 11 of their cats.
-They agree on almost everything. It's seriously creepy. They went Christmas shopping separately and several of their gifts had to be returned because they both got people in the family the same thing.
-When one's feeling sick, the one who's driving will swerve the car violently to try to exacerbate the sickness.
Her: "Be nice."
Me: "I am nice."
Her: "Tickling's not nice."
On the surface, nothing all that amazing, but we've had this conversation, verbatim, probably several hundred times.
I also tend to growl when I get frustrated with a game or something. Not a full-throated growl or anything, but more like just vibrating my tongue against the back of my mouth. My wife adores this.
So, I learnt how to purr, properly and everything.
It takes a lot of work, but I get a lot of loves.
My ex and I were like this, mostly because I knew she hated the sound of her name.
Since we broke up, I discovered that I find it incredibly attractive when a girl actually calls me by my name. o_O
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Like, not just when she's talking to me, but also when she's just talking about me to other people and I'm not around.
Some of her friends jokingly call me "boyfriend" now because I apparently pay more attention when someone addresses me like that than when someone uses my actual name, or something.
Take this girl, for example. She's an American, we met on Yahoo games. Now English isn't my first language, so she had a laugh correcting me from time to time when I made mistakes. Until one day I was talking about fishes for some reason.
"lol, it's fish."
"No, it's plural. Fishes."
"No, fish."
This argument has now been going on for 9½ years.
We've kept in touch through email, MSN, Facebook, phone, over countless moves across provinces or states, and whenever we talk we'll just randomly start or finish the conversation with "FISH" or "FISHES". We also try to shoehorn it wherever we can.
We also get into incredibly pedantic arguments (for fun, we're both laughing the whole time) about absolutely absurd things.
Like whether "blue" can be a verb.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
When I'm mad at my wife, I tell her that her bottom smells. This gets out of control, inserting things like "the odor coming from your bottom" into otherwise normal conversations. And I always find a way to get "butt" or "booty" onto her grocery lists. I think a lot of couples do this sort of thing. Like M2K being poop. We're all such children when it comes to our relationships.
"Ugh...I think...what's wrong? There's a fire...somewhere..."
"WHAT'S GOING ON? WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" (at 4am in the morning, when I had been fast asleep)
"Show me your license. You need a license for that gorilla." (This is my favorite)
Once I was a few feet away on the computer while she was asleep and I heard her muttering gibberish, and just in case she was trying to talk to me, I decided to wake her up and ask her what she was doing.
Still half asleep, she told me, "Uh...having a conversation, duh. On the grand stairs of the Titanic."
We've also been doing this thing for awhile where I ask her a question that has a key word in the answer (Such as "The first amendment provides for freedom of WHAT?") and she cycles through answers until she gets to the key word ("Press"), upon which I jump on top of her on the bed/couch/chair and give her a massive hug that "presses" her into the couch, or something equally cheesy with another key word.
Yeah, anyone I talk to about Quid hears him called "Boy". Most of my friends forget his name too.
Apparently, a few nights ago, while I was sleeping Quid was having a dream about doing commands in Chinese and was actually doing them TO me. Like, lifting my arms up, moving my left hand, and so on. The freak.
My wife makes great animal noises, including an awesome purr.
Sometimes, I go to bed a lot later than her. I stay up late to do homework on occasion. Almost every time, I have to move her, because she is splayed out across the bed, usually diagonally. I guess, picture someone lying on their side, with their arms and legs spread across taking up the entire bed. It's kinda funny to see, but even better that I can move her and she won't wake up. She's about the heaviest sleeper I've ever met.
The domestic abooose phrase is not one used in front of anyone else.
Also, we were pretty adamant about not saying "I love you" until we'd been together for a few years. We started dating in high school and acknowledged that the likelihood of us actually loving each other and not just wanting to bone really bad was pretty low.
We rarely get into argument-arguments, but since I really like arguing about anything when I'm bored, and she is a varsity debater, we tend to spend a lot more time than I feel is normal arguing about whether or not one can justify reworking the current school system or if you can justify sending one innocent to hell if you're god because he's tied to other guilty people with like a soul-tie or something.
I picture you as the Tackleberry family.
One of the characters on the last few seasons of Gilmore Girls did this. I thought it annoying and endearing at the same time.
She is sometimes easily startled. And her startle sound sounds similar to when she bumps, hurts herself, or something not startling but actually bad happens.
I come running everytime, and 75% of the time I get a look of surprise and am forced to chew on her head.
She comes up to my chin. So it's the perfect height. Nom nom nom.
Girlfriend heads are indeed the tastiest.
I've got a couple things:
About pet names, for some reason, I've always called her "lady" (which started as a Jerry Lewis impression, but just stuck), and she calls me "man" (not like "a man" or "whoa, man," but as if "man" were my first name).
There's also something else that we haven't done in a while, but when we get stressed out, we both get really frustrated and quiet. Once, when driving home, we were both freaking out about our respective stuff. I don't remember who started this, but for about 2 or 3 minutes, we yelled "SHUT UP!" at each other as loud as we could. When we had yelled ourselves hoarse, we started giggling and felt much better in general.
Have done for the 3 years we have been together - singing 'why to birds suddenly appear' and 'loving you is easy, 'cause you're beautiful' is fun. Especially in the supemarket line or something.
Same with putting my chin on hers and wobbling it backwards and forwards. Random, but fun.
We used to wrestle like this too until my partner lost a toenail as a result. Needless to say, we're more careful now.
Also, my partner and I tend to act like animals. I'll pretend to purr or yelp, and she'll pretend to comfort me as if I were a wounded or otherwise frustrated animal. I'm sure it would be perceived as really bizarre if anyone watched us via a hidden camera or something.
You know, I thought I was retarded for doing this. Glad I'm not alone in this bizarre behavior.
Also, my boyfriend and I get really into our debating, and generally we're fairly competitive with eachother ( for fun, not crazy). We've basically been counting and keeping track of all the arguments we've each one. I think he's at 27, and I'm at 24.
And apparently I like to hit on, and or feel up my boyfriend while I'm fast asleep.
Me: *poke* hey. HEY
Him: What. You're asleep.
Me: I loooove you.
Him: You're crazy.
me: No no. I looove you *crotch grab*
Check out my art! Buy some prints!
My ex and I used to do this until she told me she was pretending that I was a rapist. At that point, the game stopped being fun.
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I am usually punished with tickles
- My wife has a penchant for beating me up in my sleep. She'll have nightmares about people chasing her, and when they catch her, she begins to savagely beat them. And by "them" I mean "me". Fortunately, her thrashings in the dream world translate into gimping slap-fighting in the real world. I have, on numerous occasions, woken up to her flailing ineptly at my face while making sounds sort of like Beeker on the Muppet Show. We joke about it all the time.
- We have this crazy synergy, and have since we met; it allows us to pretty much destroy any other couple when we play any game that has us on the same team. About a week and a half after we met, the two of us and one of her close friends and that friend's boyfriend played this game called "Compatibility," in which (IIRC) each member of each couple has to pick a bunch of cards in response to certain categories or themes, and they get points based on how they match. It's a sort of "How well do you know your SO?" thing. We slaughtered them, even though they'd been together for several years. After two games of that, we played "Taboo", where you try to get your partner to guess words, but there's certain words you can't use. One of our exchanges went like this:
Julie: "It's... umm... God, you know, like... that thing..."
Me: "'Groove'?"
Julie: "Right!"
They never played games with us again. Fortunately, most of our friends are better sports.
I love this. My gf has a habit of randomly breaking out into song. Really bad songs at that. I've gotten to the point where I can pick out the song she's going to sing based on the way she inhales before singing, and a couple of times I've cut her off by singing the song instead. The first time I did that, she was pretty surprised.
Edit: We're currently watching Lost.
Not my significant other but.
One christmas with my family, my sisters decided to play picture this and made everybody join in.
One of my sisters was paired with my gf. They synergised like they had just fused into one uber creature, capable of reading each others minds.
Now, my gf is a lot more smart than me in a latent way. She doesn't bother to use it but, I know if I press her for more intelligent answers, she can, from a position of almost total ignorance, pick up a new concept, analyse it, and come up with the most reasonable, logical answer, in a few seconds. (Meanwhile I'm sitting here all day scrubbing away at finding the right answers. :P)
It turns out it's quite probable my sister is the same, because they got each others stuff in seconds.
I didn't even realise how smart this particular sister was.
Yeah, can't forget the dutch oven. Also I try to trick her into grabbing by junk.
this is awful and horrible I know and I'm sorry
but my pet name for my boyfriend is puppy and his for me is bear. we're puppy and bear. Like in a children's book or some gay ass shit like that. We never refer to each other as this in front of other people but when we're alone we'll do uhh things like our given animal. Like I will growl and swipe at things and he will 'whine' and be excitable.
god damnit I'm so sorry you had to read that.
The gayest thing