I got a new video card and monitor for Christmas to replace my Radeon 9600 and my old 1024 res. I put them in the next day, installed drivers. Looked odd at first; it was stuck on 4 colors and low resolution for some reason, so I reinstalled the drivers and it was working fine. That night I started playing some Left 4 Dead and about 10/15 minutes in I got a really strange crash. It looked like the computer was still running fine, except the monitor just lost the signal. I also lost sound so I was pretty sure it wasn't the monitor. Anyway, I reboot, no problems, everything seems fine. I figured maybe it was a software glitch or something.
Now it's back. It happened tonight as I was loading up Bioshock an hour ago, so I figure it's probably not a software glitch, so I reboot and start to look and see if maybe there's a new driver I missed (I installed the ones on the CD, and let Windows search online for new ones, but I didn't check online myself.) As I'm poking around, it happens again. I sigh, and reboot. Before I can even open a browser, it happens again.
It's a Sapphire Radeon HD 3850, and my mobo is an ASUS P4P800 with a 3.2gig processor. I'm guessing that I probably need to find drivers on another computer, burn them on a CD, and start my PC in Safe Mode to install them. Does it sound like a driver issue to you? Would
these be the drivers I need? I really need some help; I'm afraid to use my computer, lest I cause further harm.
EDIT: By the way, right before the last crash, I noticed that my cursor would only move left and right, not up or down. I have no idea if this is relevant; I'm just giving every symptom I can think of since there's so few here to go on.
If not, also check that 1) your power supply is sufficient to run the card, and 2) that the card is not overheating. There should be a min PSU rating in your card's technical info/manual, make sure yours is sufficient. Might have to open the case to check the label. Leave the case open, make sure the fan on your vid card is plugged in and running. I'm not familiar with Catalyst utilities, but there might be a temp reading available somewhere in the software.
You can always put your old card back in... If everything else above checks out OK, and removing the vid card fixes all the problems, you might just have a bad card.
> turn on light
Good start to the day. Pity it's going to be the worst one of your life. The light is now on.
I'll have to update drivers some other time. I've got a party tomorrow to set up, and it's 4 AM now.
The 6 HDs is unusual, maybe that could be pushing things over the edge when combined with the increased load of the video card during gaming.
> turn on light
Good start to the day. Pity it's going to be the worst one of your life. The light is now on.
It still happened, again during Bioshock. I think I'm going to try removing a couple of hard drives and getting rid of that splitter configuration.
I'd give you my PSU specs, but I don't remember what it's called and I (perhaps stupidly) threw out the box. I guess there probably isn't a way to find out on the computer itself.
White sticker...specfically the 12v rail and there may be more then one of them