fucked up thing happened today
this guy from overseas was staying with us for a little while, and today he left for new zealand and further travels
i was feelin a little drunk from last night so i asked my mother to drive instead of me driving him myself and coming home, and afterwards we were gonna go to some temple and then my cousins place just cos its first day of the new year
which meant taking her car, a bmw, instead of my shitty basic toyota with no frills
as well as our dog, this little black papillon thing because sometimes she likes taking the dog places and i always try to tell her that it can be a hassle having a dog around and not everyone likes dogs and why not just leave him at home hell be okay but shes all nah he likes going places and dont make a big deal about it all the time
this isnt to say i dont adore the fuck out of my dog
so anyway we get to the airport and stop at the departures place where you just drop people off and leave
we get out of the car, get the guys bags out, say bye and he goes inside
now we havent moved at all from the car, but when we try to open the doors we find that they are locked
the goddamn keys are still in the ignition, all the windows are up, the car is parked in the sun, and the idiot dog has stepped on a central locking button
and having heard stories about dogs dying after being stuck in hot cars, this is a time for some motherfucking concern
the most that any of the security guys around can do for us is not write us a ticket, because they dont know how to get a car door open
so we call nrma car roadside assistance and after hearing about the dog they say we are top priority and theyll send someone as soon as they can
thinking it could take a while for anyone to arrive my mother starts calling my brother, asking him to go pick up a house key off someone else and then go get a spare car key to bring to us
meanwhile i am thinking about how that would probably take at least an hour and i would very much like to just smash one of the windows than wait that long
while walking from one side of the car to the other, trying to get the dog to walk across the button again but he needs a lot of coaxing and keeps stepping over it and is started to look kinda weary and i am looking at him feeling really fucking scared and thinking about how hot it must be in there since its already pretty fucking hot outside and how long can dogs last is it a few hours is it one hour is it less i do not really want to find out and i am standing next to the car looking at my dog and tapping on the window because there is nothing else i could do to comfort him
then the nrma guy comes along a few minutes later, wedges the door open, and sticks a pole through to press the button and open the doors
i got a bottle of water and an empty cup from starbucks for the dog to drink from and he seemed okay and it was a huge fucking relief after such a bad situation
throughout the ordeal i had made a few phonecalls, to nrma, my brother etc (my mothers phone was in the car)
checking the call records on my phone later it turns out the entire thing was only 15 minutes
but holy crap it felt close to an hour
so se++, you had any near-crises or bad situations recently that you would like to share with the class?
tldr: my dog got locked in a car in the sun on a hot day and i got to stand there and watch him slowly wither
Oh yeah, glad the dog is ok too.
just in case
You roll down the window at least enough to jam your arm in whenever you stop your car for a brief moment so, in the event that you lock your keys in your car, you can open them with no trouble.
The one time I did not observe this rule I locked my keys in the ignition, car running, and had to wait 15 minutes for my brother to bring a spare key. No biggie. When going over a mountain pass an hour and a half from home I almost did this, but at the last moment jammed my arm in the door, smashing my fingers, but preventing my cars from being locked inside.
In short, I learned to open the Goddamn window.
then criminals would be able to do the same thing
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she had locked her baby in the car on a january day when it was about 12 degrees outside
i said no biggy, ran into the store and got a wire coat hanger, borrowed 2 screwdrivers and pop the lock and got the door open
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just a man.
or perform a roadside abortion
ive got a monkey on my back Chico, and i aint proud of it
you've had your moment
Seriously, it's fucking scary how many Wal-Mart employees know how to fucking carjack.
Don't talk to me about your fucking dog.
or instead of going to the trouble of rolling down your window
just dont lock your fucking keys in the car
both take forethought, one rules out the other
They didn't lock the car, the dog did.
So the lesson is to not leave pets unattended in vehicles.
walmart employees are the sketchiest
they look all nice and smiley
but theyll fuck you up man
I got nothin
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Gotta clean off some ice? Roll down the window four inches, then get out, and scrape off the ice.
Its just a failsafe, even if I don't lock it, it helps remove the chance of my dumb ass doing something dumb.
That said, times to worry and panic, I have a story, but its kinda depressing.
Fuck it.
So like half a year ago I moved back to my ancestral home in Eastern washington state, to anyone familiar with the area, I am talking about the lower Yakima valley, the wine capital of the state. While there this cat we'd semi-adopted had birthed a litter of kittens. Man, you have no idea how horrible it is to get home from graveyard, walk into the garage to check on the kittens, only to find them all still, the mother nowhere in sight.
And then you shake that box, and none of the kittens move, because man, they're fucking dead. Some male cat has gone through and executed every last motherfucking one of them. Feel that tension, that worry, that panic?
And then you shake the box again, and faintly, ever so faintly, you hear the faint mewling. One has survived!
TL: DR that kitten is alive today because I fed it with an eye dropper until the mom was ready to re-accept it. I buried that litter of dead kittens with my own hands. You know what I named that survivor?
what walmart employees look nice and smiley?
all the ones around here look like they just got out of prison
I'm glad you got your dog out in time.
captain jack harkness is so fucking hot good god damn
do any of you duders watch torchwood?
One of the guys I work with, Roger - some of my coworkers used to call him Roger the Rapist. 'Cause he kinda looks like one. Always wears a cap, beady eyes, jacked teeth, wears plaid flanel.
But he's actually just down to earth and jaded and likes football. Probably the most honest person at the store, ironically.
i love giving nicknames to the walmart employees
my favorite is CroMag
this little hairy fucker with a unibrow and a forehead that slopes from here to the frozen food section
it has no central locking so i usually spend like a minute triple checking that i have the key and that the doors are locked and i never leave without the key even if im just paying for petrol and cant be bothered locking the door
except that one time i guess
but i think the central locking remote in the bmw has made my mother lax with her keys
it makes it pretty hard to lock the keys in the car
having a spare on the underside somewhere seems like it could be a good idea
maybe use some zip ties or somethin
also man i woulda had the windows down if she hadnt put on the air conditioning
too bad she switched off the engine but im sure having fairly cool air at the start helped at least a little bit delay the rise to damaging temperatures
though it is nice that my car won't lock while it is in park and running, so its impossible to get into that crappy situation (unless i manualy lock it which would mean i felt like locking my keys in my car on purpose) also: never have an olds intruge, if you lock your keys in your car you must use the automatic locks to open it wich are nearly imposible to hook. if you hook the door handle it won't open.
I don't really have any panicky stories of late, i mean winter driving is a little nerve wracking, but meh whatevsies.
unless you count playing bioshock... hot damn i can barely handle that game (i'm not very good with scary things, and all fps's kinda freak me out... too easy for things to get behind you)
as in
they are all nice and fluffy and soft but some of them are fucking assholes and that should show through some clear, disgusting appearance
like bodies covered in scales oozing pus
Oh my goodness no
it looks like someone slapped him in the face with silly putty
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i just calls em likes i sees em