TL;DR: Any good electric shavers, or should I find a Mach 3 replacement?
Backstory: when I was around 15 I started growing facial hair. After a while I started looking homeless so my mom got me an electric shaver. I was like, cool I'm old enough to shave. However I always hated the fact that afterwards my face would feel like sand paper and my neck would be red and sore as hell. So when I was around 18 or 19 I ended up with a Mach 3 after trying 2 other electric shavers (yet they were all the same style: 3 rotating blade spinner thingies).
The first time I used the Mach 3 my face was so smooth it was like those commercials for that new shaving cream where the guy is talking and suddenly a chick is all over his face with her hands and lips right? It was that good.
Fast forward to today: I'm 21 years old and lately it's been real rough with the Mach 3. Now I know to replace the cartridges on a regular basis, but this happens even with fresh blades on there. I have to really shave against the grain to get my face smooth and when I do it on my neck I cut myself a lot, get ingrown hairs, red and sore as hell for a few hours at least. I also end up with a pimple outbreak everytime I shave after letting my facial hair grow for a few days or so. Especially on my chin. This drives me nuts. In the end my face still isn't as smooth as that one time I first used my Mach 3. Man! I also have a Schick Quattro, but I only used that a few times cause it really sucks. 4 blades are not really better than 3, they just make it harder to get my mustache and sideburns.
So what I am wondering is: are there ANY electric shavers that can give a nice shave and won't make my neck sore. I know there are types of electric shavers other than the aforementioned tri-head spinner thing. I particularly want to avoid those at all costs. Alternatively any suggestions for doing it right with my Mach 3 or similar non-electric razor?
SC2 NA: exoplasm.519 | PA SC2 Mumble Server | My Website | My Stream
Now that you mention two blades, mcdermott, I actually did use one once. My brother and I went on a company sponsored trip to CES in vegas (we only spent half our time at CES of course) and he had a bunch of disposable excels I think, whatever the name brand 2-blade razors were. He said he uses them all the time, not just when travelling. Since I was like Mr. Beardman at the time I didn't pack my shaving gear. I ended up deciding to shave before visiting the expo and those worked alright. I can't say it was spectacular or different from my Mach 3, but I only used it once.
I may look into getting a two bladed razor sometime.
SC2 NA: exoplasm.519 | PA SC2 Mumble Server | My Website | My Stream
I use a disposable two-bladed razor for my face. What kind of gel or cream or whatever do you use with your blade?
I've never quite understood this. I go over the same area with multiple strokes all the time, and never encountered any problems (at least that I can recall).
Satans..... hints.....
The problem with electric shavers isn't so much shaving against the grain but that their mechanisms pull and cut (and occasionally throw in a tesit for good measure). The reason you shave with the grain with a regular razor is because shaving against the grain will cut the hairs below your skin, resulting in ingrown hairs, infected pores and general irritation. Shaving with the grain prevents this. Electric razors, on the other hand, are vicious bastards that will pull and twist and push your hair in all sorts of directions no matter what direction you shave in, meaning that irritation is generally unavoidable.
Solution? Bin the electric razor, it's no good for you.
I rub it all over then rinse it off with hot water, I hear this opens the pores or something, which apparently also helps. Then I just slap some regular shaving cream on and shave as normal - against the grain all the way. I use a Mach 3 Turbo and very rarely cut myself anymore.
what is this face cream you speak of?
That's the exact stuff I use, but I'm sure any brand will work. Click the picture for its page on some store website.
Make sure you vigorously wash (but not too hard) the parts of your face that you plan on shaving before you shave (According to my girlfriend, this would be known as exfoliation).
It clears up dead skin, and it is GUARANTEED to help clear up any irritation you encounter with the ol mach 3. Paired with a good shaving cream, you'll probably do better (bonus: exfoliation helps keep acne down too).
I hope that helps
Washing your face with warm soapy water before shaving also preps the beard, softening it up and encouraging the hair to stand up so it cuts easier.
I use a shaving cream before/during shaving, and after I get out of the shower I put on an after shave gel. Before I get started shaving, I wash my face with soap (dove, for the moisturizer). An electric won't get you consistently close.