Hi, guys!
I´m really excited right now, Moonstone Books just launched my comic, INFINITEENS (head honcho Joe Gentile tells me it hit the stands yesterday!).
No, I´m am
beyond excited.
200+ pages written, pencilled, inked and colored by me the story of 4 kids struggling to save their world.
Here´s a little pannel I "extracted" from a page to celebrate, this is Beverly "Twinblast" Garcia on patrol (she´s wearing a version of her uniform designed for celebrations and public occasions)
I believe beer is in order.
I'm a good few years from finishing my own Graphic Novel so I REALLY admire anyone who can put something that massive out entirely on their lonesome. Looks spiffed out as all hell.
Thanks, Lly!
Yeah, Infiniteens is an 8-part series running at 24-26 pages each. Add to that the covers and revamped pages and suddenly you´re well above the 200 mark. Why was I mad enough to commit to such an endeavor?
Well, I initially did 2 issues (50 pages) and submitted the project to ommitted Comics.
They agreed to publish it back in 2001, but they wanted to have the entire storyarc finished first.
"- Ok, then, I´ll finish the series." I said to myself. How little did I know...
And off I went to draw the remaining 150 pages. In the summer of 2003, I finally finished the series.
And just as they were about to release the book, Committed Comics went under and I ended up abandoned with the proverbial baby in my arms.
What do I do with these 200 pages? At the time I was working on the series Genie for FC9 Publishing, so I submitted it to them. They liked it and were about to publish it when they too went under.
Time passes and one day I decide to submit it to Moonstone Books with whom I worked in Vengeance of the Mummy. They liked it and agreed to pick it up and that´s the story. Whew!! Kids, don´t try this at home! Let´s hope three time´s the charm.
Hi, Antibodies! Thanks, I think you can get it in any comicbook store since Diamond is distributing it and they cover the entire US territory. If you don´t , try the Moosntone online store.
Good luck on your graphic novel, hope you manage to finish it and publish it with great success
Then we can compare experiences
The whole story about the comic could be a little comic itself ^^' whew.
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They´re so huge they master all they survey. All the rest of the indies are but breadcrumbs in the landscape, bugs to be squashed.
On the distribution issue, I think it´s a worldwide phenomenon.
Here in Portugal I grew up with comics in every stand. On my way to school it was hard not to see a comic cover hanging from a newstand. Nowadays you have to develop detective skills to find a place that sells them.
That is what´s hurting the insdustry, the lack of visibility.
Not the books, the stories or the art which, IMHO are better than ever.
Comics end up catering to older 25+ readers, alienating the younger generations.
Thanks, Ape2001! Yeah, when I say it was a wild ride getting here I´m not kidding. If I knew the trouble I´d have to go through, I´d have givenup a LONG time ago.
Hi, DarkPrimus! Infiniteens is an 8-part mini-series. All the issues are finished, pencils, inks and colors, 200 pages in total, so Moonstone decided to go ahead and release it on a monthly basis.
you can expect one issue on the shelves every month..... for the next 8 months, at least .
Then, if it sells well enough to warrant it, we can start thinking about making it an ongoing........
In which case I´ll probably need a partner, no way in hell can I play all the instruments on a monthly basis, story, pencils, inks and colors.
It will really depend on how well it does, which is why I am particularly nervous right now... :shock:
Looks great! Congratulations!
I think I´ve shown them around here before but anyway, here´s some random pages/covers.
Hope you like it
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Aw, well.... if you pick it up next week, please don´t forget to share your thoughts, I wanna know everything!
I loved the last story you did.
Thanks, exit,. If it serves of anything, I promise I treat the Infiniteens a lot better than I did Jessie.
I just did an interview for Newsarama where you can find a lot of juicy stuff about these kids.
Hi, tony_important. Diamond is distributing the book and I thinkthey cover Canada. If your bookstore gets regular comics like Marvel and DC, then I think they should get Infiniteens too
My Portfolio Site
As is the dude with the giant robot arms/shoulders
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
The tone in Infiniteens is a bit lighter than Silversparrow, though. There is danger and high stakes but I think the tone is more fun due to the interaction between the charaters and the situations they find themselves in
Thanks, Staleghoti. Pulsara isn´t really naked, she has an energy membrane surrounding her (much like Silver Surfer). It´s a sign of decay, actually, and anyone around her should be tiptoeing right about now.
Event Freaks don´t age per se (Pulsara is pushing 50 but she looks in her 20s). Instead, their superparticle field build up over the years til eventually they explode like a nuclear warhead. That longer you manage to stay in control of your superparticle field, the longer you´ll live.
Julian´s a tech artist and the guy with the flight suit. The flight suit eventually turns into pretty much the village bicicle, from the top of my head I can remeber at least two other people wearing it (including Luther´s girlfriend) in later issues.
It can reach speeds of mach 2.35 Above that, it starts bleeding more energy than its solar cells can replenish and it crashes.
really excited here. Dunno if you read comics but I got word from Joe Gentile (Moonstone Books) that another ish of my Infiniteens hits the stands tomorrow.
CBR is running a preview over here.
For those of you too lazy to click on links -and I know who you are-, heeere´s....
Packing bucketloads of action, the issue marks the kids´official baptism of fire by throwing them smack dab in the middle of a rescue operation gone horribly wrong.
With people shooting at them from the left and mindless, superpowerful Event Freaks trying to eat their livers (with a fine bottle of Chiant) on the righti, this is the moment of truth when we find out who´s grace under fire and who breaks under pressure.
In the wise words of Chief Barnes, "- Cape Ruseur´s days of peace and quiet are over, kids. Welcome to the war!"
Next time you find yourself trapped inside the wreckage of a crashlanded airship infested with superpowerful beings who are out to rape, killl and eat you (not necessarily in that order), you´ll be happy to know that you´ve got Infiniteens on speed dial.
I have to be honest here, it may sound cool to have your own book published but I would really like to know where I had my head when I decided that writing, penciling, inking and coloring over 200 pages would be "a piece of cake". :shock: