So this is happening in my neck of the woods, and I found it kinda interesting, so here I am wondering about other people's reaction.
Basically, Micah Grimes used to coach The Covenant School Woman's basketball team, and in a game with another school, his team won 100-0, as apparently there isn't a mercy rule in basketball.
The Covenant School then quickly posted a statement on their website, saying ""It is shameful and an embarrassment that this happened. This clearly does not reflect a Christlike and honorable approach to competition," , signed by the Headmaster of the school, and the head of the board of director.
Grimes then wrote an editorial to the Dallas News
"In response to the statement posted on The Covenant School Web site, I do not agree with the apology or the notion that the Covenant School girls basketball team should feel embarrassed or ashamed," Grimes wrote in the e-mail, according to the newspaper. "We played the game as it was meant to be played. My values and my beliefs would not allow me to run up the score on any opponent, and it will not allow me to apologize for a wide-margin victory when my girls played with honor and integrity."
Aftewards, Grimes was let go of his coaching position, although the School refuses to say whether the decision to let him go was influenced by his editorial.
To add another quirk to the whole thing, in almost every article, it is pointed out that their competitor was a special school for slow learners and disabilities, and that they team had a total of eight people, out of the 20 women that attend the school.
Dallas Academy has eight girls on its varsity team and about 20 girls in its high school. It is winless over the last four seasons. The academy boasts of its small class sizes and specializes in teaching students struggling with "learning differences," such as short attention spans or dyslexia.
So several questions-
Should Grimes have stopped the game after he saw there was no way for the other team to catch up?
Is it really bad form not to? To the point where the school is asking to forfeit that victory?
This, pretty much. The match-up shouldn't have happened.
If he had asked to end the game early, you can bet that people would have seen it as an insult, too. "Oh, you just want to end it because you feel the special kids should just go home"
That's not honor and integrity and while I don't blame the Covenant players themselves, the coach should have said he made a mistake in not reigning his team in.
Note: The losing team has never once complained - the controversy has entirely come from the media.
edit: if they were purposefully running up the score against a disabled team? That's more than just the coach, the players shouldn't have been okay with that, either.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
So wait, if the losing team doesn't care and the winning team doesn't care, why do we care?
Who the hell gets any jollies out of beating special kids?
edit: If you guys are right and they were running up the score, that is pretty poor sportsmanship and is a shitty thing to do. High school sports are not a place to do that kind of thing.
but when the other team hasn't scored, it's not an accident, it's not them biding their time, it's them not being competitive at this game. at that point you lose all reasoning for running up the score.
and I mean, scoring 2 pts on every possession I wouldn't even consider offensive, you are there to play x amount of minutes, you can play them (assuming forfeit or ending early isn't an option) but I did hear the score got run up and all that.
Lots of three pointers, apparently.
They were shooting for the 100 point mark deliberately.
The winning team pressed until the end because, like I said, the crowd and assistant coach were driving them to score 100 points.
It matters to the players and their families. And I think it matters that we teach the concept of sportsmanship to young athletes.
We are talking about a man who, instead of just politely and inconspicuously exorcizing a demon, has to show off by sending it into a bunch of pigs and then sending the pigs over a fucking cliff.
Jesus Christ ran up the pig-off-the-cliff score in his battle against Legion. Why shouldn't these girls run up the score against some retarded basketball players?
Usually when there are blowouts in NHL games, you can see the winning team back off and stop pressing for scoring chances, only scoring when they'd have to deliberately not score. And that's professional sports.
From what I've seen other people mention elsewhere, the disabilities in question are learning disabilities. Like really bad dyslexia or whatever.
As for the "why the hell are they playing each other," private schools in Texas can join a group called TAPPS (aka the private school version of UIL), which sets the rules/matchups for sports. Their classification system is based on total enrollment, and both these schools apparently have 59-107 students all in all, which means that they're both classified in 2A. And since they're near each other, they're in the same district. So this was a standard in-district game, not anything crazy.
I didn't realize that dyslexia affected your ability to throw and catch balls.
Face Twit Rav Gram
However, the total pool of female students was 20. Many of the players were playing in their first (And now only) game.
You learn something new every day!
The coach got fired only after he spoke out against the apology. It wasn't the action but his opinion he got fired for. The real person at fault is the person responsible for scheduling this game.
I hadn't thought of that.
I've actually gotten pretty angry over this story in the [chat] thread more than once so I'll just say that this is exactly how I feel.
I'm rather confused what you would have the team do. Do the absolute minimum required to avoid the time based penalties then pass the ball to the other team? That's more disrespectful to the other team than simply treating them like real opposition.
I don't understand why the game happened in the first place but if it was going to happen treating your opponent with kid gloves is a fuck ton more discriminatory than engaging them like real competition.
If you quite something just because you lose one game, no matter how badly, you probably shouldn't be playing in the first place.
They didn't quit - they were pulled from the league.
12 points in the 4th quarter means it was 88-0 after three and from the versions of the story i read, they didn't back off until they reached 100. It was running up the score pure and simple.
Ok, seriously I'm out.
I literally laughed out loud at this post because this is so Qingu.
BTW, the demons asked Jesus to have mercy on them and put them into the pigs. Also, Jesus asked his disciples, folks he healed, etc. to not spread it around that he was the "S-O-N" of "G-O-D" *wink wink, nudge nudge*
Thanks for the laugh, though.