I'm honestly surprised there wasn't an SO4 thread beforehand.
And yes, it's better than SO3!
"AD 2064. Humanity made its third and most costly mistake. World War III. Weapons of mass destruction deployed with complete impunity, razed the land in the blink of an eye. People believed it's the end of the world. The planet Earth was dying. So humanity began to search for a new home in space."
"AD 2074 first contact. SD0001 first warp. SD0010 -- first official SRF mission. The first official SRF mission ventures forth into the great Star Ocean."
It is said that World War III ended in 2064, but the effects of the war remained. When humanity began to search for a new home in space, the USTA was established. In AD 2087, Professor Trillas Bachtein succeeded with his space warp experiments. This was the last day of the AD calendar and first day of the SD calendar. After the success of Professor Trillas Bachtein, the USTA began to secretly implement its SRF project. In SD 0010, the first official SRF mission begun.
Starring the cast of random dudes is Edge Maverick, who messes up the mental image of badassedness based on his name through his typical Japanese-inspired girliness. And there's his friend Reimi. For some reason they decide to get lost in space and hijinxs ensue.
Edit: Out now! Buy it, or you'll end up like Lymle here.
Edit: A list of new stuff to expect in Star Ocean 4:
* Blindside (known as Sight In/Sight Out in Japan)- a system of dodging an enemy's attack at exactly the right moment to circle around them and land at least one critical from behind.
* The Calnus- for once, you're given a ship! It's said you have much more freedom in traveling around space. Let's hope you don't crash the ship too often into underdeveloped worlds like in SO3.
* Rush Mode- every time you deal or take damage, a meter fills up. When it's completely filled, you can execute a series of timed button presses to unleash a super-move like attack, and other party members will occasionally join in. Think the Overlimits of the Tales series.
* BEAT (Battle Exalted Action Type) System- grant bonuses. Various types grant various bonuses. See under Important Stuff.
* Roommates- aboard the Calnus, you can dictate which characters will share quarters. Yes, this means you can put the cat girl and the busty elf chick in the same room, though no promises of funny business ensuing. These unlock some Private Actions ( see below).
* Physical Special Attacks no longer consume HP! And I'm fairly certain you can no longer die if you lose all your MP.
* Rage- See below, under Private Actions.
Returning Stuff:
* Symbology (known as Heraldy on other planets)- the magic system of past SO games. Same old, same old.
* Item Creation- a different Welch, but she seems even more annoying than her previous incarnations.
* Private Actions- like before, characters can either like or hate Edge. Between this and the Roommate thing, a party member who is close to Edge will go into a "Rage" if he's close to being KO'd in battle.
* Battle Trophies return.
* Eyes that are way too big for their faces.
Playable characters (possible spoilers):
Edge- member of the SRF, wields a sword.
Reimi- Edge's friend, also in the SRF, wields a bow.
Faize- an Eldarian, wields a rapier and magic.
Bacchus-D79- a scientist turned android from Mophus, wields guns.
Lymle- the required little girl from Lemuris, wields a wand and magic.
Meracle- Lesser Fellpool (aka: catgirl) from Roak, wields claws.
Myuria (aka: Not Judith)- the required busty elf chick from Mophus, wields a staff and magic.
Arumat- leader of a special division on Eldar, wields a laser scythe.
Sarah- a Featherfolk from Roak, wields a spear and magic.
Reviews are up!
Important Stuff:
Item Creation- After a short time in, you can go into a room in the Calnus and make items with Welch. In order to do so, you either need to find Recipes or create them yourself. You do so buy putting up to three characters in little brainstorming sessions. Based on what characters you use and how potent their creation skills (Edge's Smithery, Reimi's Cooking, etc.) are, you'll create different recipes. Then you go out and hunt down the items needed to make it.
BEATs- Battle Enhancement Attribute Types give your characters bonuses and some abilities. BEAT: S (Strike) boosts your Attack, Intelligence, and Hit, and teaches you abilities tied to Blindsides. BEAT: B (Burst) boosts your HP, Defense, and Guard, and teaches you abilities tied to the Rush Gauge. As you win battles, your rank in these increases, granting you better parameter boosts and new abilities. You can freely switch between them. BEAT: N (Neutral) gives you all the parameter boosts you gained from both S and B, but at the lack of any of the abilities.
I've played SO 2 so many times, and man was 3 ever disapointing. Especially with all the build up it had on various gaming sites.
Man, screw that stupid Fury gauge.
Buy PSP... Buy Star Ocean 2... And let there be much rejoicing!
I like video 3, mostly because it appeals to my love of ridiculously high combos.
Fuck SO3. Stupid horrible game. Suicidal party AI, fucked up crafting system, shitty guage mechanic and SUPER ULTRA MEGA BEYOND HORRIBLE PLOT.
So I heard rumors of SO4 on teh PC?
Currently playing: GW2 and TSW
I played SO2 after 3 and I prefer 3 in nearly every single way, shape, and form. While the plot twist was retarded beyond all reason and the minecart creatures can die in a fire, the battle system itself was actually fun. Anyone who actually died from MP loss also really sucked at the game because I got all the way up to the post-game sphere dungeon and never once died from it. It's actually there to help you because a lot of bosses have a criminally low amount of MP. So instead of whittling down 50,000 HP, just get rid of 20,000 MP.
That aside, I'm actually really looking forward to this game. I already know that I should expect to be stuck in Amish country for the first half of the game but.... it's just so pretty. It's a pretty game. The battle system looks fun too.
Edit: It should also be mentioned that the guy in charge of SO4 has expressed great interest at making erotic games. Just felt everyone should be aware of that fact you know? It's going to make the female characters in SO4 kind of... awkward.
Also, a lack of a PSP tends to impede upon the playing of Second Departure.
Edit: Oh, and I recall hearing that SO4 is three discs long. So yeah, Disc 1 is essentially guaranteed to abandon you in Amish country.
I liked SO3 better than SO2, but didn't really like either of them that much anyway.
I loved it when I fought monsters in areas that weren't completely open. My party members would get stuck on the walls. Yay!
I hope SO4 fixes my biggest complaint about party management in SO3; if you wanted to give a command to a party member, you had to do it when they weren't doing anything. Sucked that you couldn't tell them to do it and they would do it as soon as they could.
Ahhh Gilder. The voice of reason. Thank you my friend.
Not really. If that is what you want just play Mass Effect.
It's because they start you out in space and the covers always use space and such. The first few hours of SO3 were all "Oh man, we're on a spaceship resort! Oh shit, robots and lasers! This is awesome! Now we're going at the speed of light and I'm talking to 5 different races of people! This is sweet! I really like th- wait why the fuck am I on a green forest where wells are the most advanced thing created? I'll get back to space soon right? The next planet isn't some kind of Medieval planet where I get locked up in jail and escape through some kind of icy tunnel system right?"
Exactly. They make a huge fucking deal about futuristic bullshit in the intro/packaging and then they bury you in the dark ages for 95% of the game.
Currently playing: GW2 and TSW
At least Bacchus-D79 (who has, quite possibly, the most ridiculously awesome name) is a cyborg with a bunch of lasers.
Well ok, I guess that works for SO3, but it seems everyone just expects every Star Ocean game to be like the first (and I suppose later) part of SO3, and the series has just never been like that. Well, whatever.
You can do that in Rogue Galaxy though! I know you just love the heck out of that game!
My only beef from what I've seen of the game is that horrible, Japanese doll art style they have for the characters. I'll get through it, but I can't say it's my personal favorite type of character design.
BLARG. Im too excited to play this. I cant keep coming to this thread.
SO2 is fun!
SO3 isn't!
Look to the right and you can plainly see that!
I think this and that are the only two new games that I know about that I want that are coming out next month.
SO2 does the same thing, although admittedly it doesn't cocktease as bad as SO3 does. First off the cover is all blue and spacey looking. Then this is word for word what's written on the back of the original box: "Discover what's out there. In an endless sea of stars, at the edge of the universe, a singe fateful encounter is about to take place." Then some stuff about a meteorite crashing into an unsuspecting planet. When you say endless sea of stars, you've put space into our mind. Not windmills. Not farms. We're imagining at least some semblance of futuristic stuff. If you're able to travel to the end of the universe, you're using a spaceship.
So that's two out of three games taunting with space. Anyone want to tell me how SO1 teases you? I haven't played it so I can't say.
My unpopular opinion on SO3 is only matched by love of Legend of Mana and hatred of Secret of Mana. I'm a rebel like that I guess. If you'll excuse me, I need to go pop the collars on all of my shirts and then go take down the Sharks up on lookout point while riding my sweet hog over a couple of buses.
Fantasy medieval world. Crisis looms, caused by space war. Space farers intervene and present solution. Solution is to travel back in time. And at the end, the very very end you have the briefest of segments fighting in said space war.
Currently playing: GW2 and TSW
So pretty similar, sort of sci fi elements but largely set on a fantasy/medieval world.
I guess my main point is that nobody should be going into SO4 expecting it to be different than its predecessors in this regard. It could be, but don't count on it.
I'll admit, I was afraid the answer was going to be that SO1 actually does take place in space. I can rest easy now. Do you even take any futuristic weapons? SO2 teased you with your laser gun and then it breaks so you fight with stones attached to sticks and stuff.
The reason it got me so bad in SO3 was it was the first SO game I had played. So going to medieval world was really disappointing. In SO2 it wasn't that bad and now I'm going into SO4 already expecting it. When you know it's coming it isn't so bad. It's just.... why do it at all? Just give us space. It's a nearly untapped market. All there really is is Mass Effect and Xenosaga. Maybe KotoR as well.
Only futuristic weapon I can think of:
There's a lot I don't remember about her but either she's magically controlling said orb or it's a robotic guardian. As to wether or not she's the dead sister or part of an ancient race or a timetraveller...fuck knows.
Edit: The wiki says as follows:
'Mavelle Foresson
She is a wizard-like character who accompanies Ronyx and Millie to Ionis. Her weapon is a magic orb that she throws at the enemy. Unfortunately she cannot attack a second time until the orb comes back to her. She has little attack power and short attack range; however, her speed in casting Techniques are unparalleled. One of the more complex characters to recruit. If you've chosen Ashlay or Ioshua, Mavelle will join. If you don't have Ashlay or Ioshua, but instead Cyuss or Phia, she will not join at Ionis. If you have none of said characters, and choose not to have a drink at the reunion in Ionis, she will join. You can remove her from the party permanently if you have Ioshua in your party and visit a certain room in Sylvalant Ruins.'
Bullshit. The game never expressly explained her powers, origin or the orb.
Currently playing: GW2 and TSW
Nothing's been said on Trophies so far, but they could probably just use achievements for a few of them.
You know why everyone hates 3?
Star Ocean motherfucking 3?
They never get off the rock.
It's all a video game.
THAT'S why people hate Star Ocean 3
Fayt was a really sucky character though. It's easy to hate the game for him. He really got screwed though because what happened wasn't his fault either. It was a big space attack because someone aggro'd the wrong enemy group. Fayt and friends were just too new to take part in the battle. Also I already said the plot twist was dumb. It's easy to hate it for that. People need to take off their rose-tinted glasses though for SO2 because it has just as many flaws as SO3.
Seems like the Japanese version uses anime character art while the English uses CGI. Also, judging by the first picture, the upper right corner seems to imply that not all battle fields are circular.
I hate kid characters that join your party in JRPGs. Have there ever been any that weren't annoying little shits? I think Infinite Undiscovery was the worst offender.
Mom: Please, take my children with you into battle for no apparent reason! I'm adamant!
Her twin children (ugh): Please take us with you!
Main character: What? No! That's a HORRIBLE idea!
Stupid female party member: Sure, we'll take them!
Of course, the CG version was outsold by a factor of 10-1, because large eyes on a semi-realistic character model is downright creepy
You made me look that up. I'm half expecting lasers to start shooting out of her eyes. She's so creepy!