On April 20th Pepsi will start selling versions of Pepsi and Mountain Dew that use real sugar, rather than nasty high fructose corn syrup. The drinks will only be available until June, and while I’m hoping this is a test run to bring the big soda boys back into the sugar camp it probably has a little more to do with Passover. Jewish people who observe Passover generally don’t consume grains; hence the reason for seeking out sugar based sodas. Kosher Pepsi and Kosher Coke have been providing this alternative every year for awhile now, so no Jewish persons need go without a fizzy pop. But this is the first time Pepsi has made a serious push in the US market to test out pure sugar versions of Pepsi-Cola and Mountain Dew in a long while.
Of course you can still get pure cane sodas, if you search for them. Here in Syracuse I favor Jones Soda, a Canadian company, for my carbonated sweet drink choice. The great news is Pepsi has said the price for the pure sugar version will be the same as the traditional one. A concern since HFCS has been used for so long due to its absurdly lower price.
I know you shouldn’t really drink pop at all, but if you do it should be made with sugar. So go out and support this product, and even if we’re not eating or drinking healthy…we’re at least a tad bit healthier. Baby steps out of the office, and baby steps onto the elevator.
TL;DR: Pepsi is going to be releasing a pure cane soda, instead of using high fructose corn syrup. Both will be sold, and they will apparently let the consumers decide which is better and stick with it.
What're your thoughts on this? This sounds like a fantastic idea, in my opinion.
e: It looks like it's coming back in December!
I'd make a Mountain Jew joke, but that'd be pretty tasteless wouldn't it?
Yeah, I had no idea that Jews were into BMX Freestylin'.
Anyway, this can only be a good thing. If nothing else, I get a month of drinking some regular Pepsi that tastes a fuckload better.
This whole thing reminds me that I need to get a few cases of that Dublin Dr. Pepper business.
That and Lenninade.
I was mainly commenting on the fact that, were I in an area where you could find "mountain dew mouth," I would be scared for my life.
pepsi with cane sugar is still gonna be unhealthy.
Jones Green Apple and Cap'n Eli's Fruit Punch are fucking fantastic.
Cane sugar root beer is crap, though. For some reason every time I've had it (probably six or seven brands) it has always had a really artificial aftertaste. Something about cane sugar just doesn't work with an ol' fashioned sassafras. Although I haven't had a cane sugar birch beer yet, so maybe that works better.
No you don't. WalMart pressures suppliers into cutting standards and destroys anybody who refuses.
You're completely missing the point. It's gonna be delicious.
Well, I think you know what I mean. And Wal-Mart can't actually do crap to anybody until they're already dependent on Wal-Mart for their continued survival.
but so is cake frosting
Delicious cane sugar Pepsi.
Eh, a little from column A and a little from column B. Wal-Mart will make sure you're supply chain shit is in order and fucking efficient. To their credit they're willing to help suppliers with this. They will also continually pressure you to lower your production costs or at least what you sell to them at. It can be a vicious cycle, especially once you're dependent on having the outlet Wal-Mart provides to you.
I have seen Jones carried in my local Wal-mart, signal of doom or not, it's convenient.
Anyway if pepsi goes cane sugar, then that along with their better packaging would make me stop drinking coke.
I've heard stories that it'll use every bit of leverage it has to destroy you if you ever balk, even if you can survive them not carrying you any more.
And if we found out that Dutch scientists had just invented a new, more delicious cake frosting we would all be celebrating like happy Russian mice.
Eh. They're absolutely willing to walk away from almost anybody which is a big deal and quite uncommon. It baffles most business men who have no idea how to cope with that.
Chances are though, they're going to put both kinds side by side, and people are going to pick up the cheaper version, thus dooming the real sugar version.
thats why they will probably price regular pepsi up so that they are both the same.
Fuck corn.
they could also sell can sugar pepsi for less profit in order to negate any difference in the first few months.
its not gonna be much of a comparison if one costs more...
Also, while I like current Pepsi more than current Coke, I like sugar Coke more than I like sugar Pepsi.
I've been cutting back on my pop intake because a lot of high-fructose corn syrup is contaminated with mercury from the manufacturing process.