I need help. For serious.
I just got home and saw my iMac was off. Odd, considering i left it on before i went to uni.
Trying to turn it on, I watch it just........return back to off. No fanfare. This happens just after the apple logo pops up, and the busy indicator swirls. (still on the grey boot screen)
Tried this about a million times, no change.
Tried booting into my XP partition via boot camp. Sucessfull.
Only problem in that partition is the sound does not work.
Only thing to have changed was that I installed DOWII and steam on my XP machine, followed with a few improper shut downs. (Holding the power button down etc.) I didn't do those at what would seem to be a critical time though, so i have no idea why my OSX partition will not start.
I have to rush off to work now, but if anyone has any wisdom I would REALLY REALLY appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.
It doesn't usually help if the problem is very serious, but it does work on occasion. Plus, it would be helpful for troubleshooting if we knew the machine could boot OS X off of a DVD.
Filesystem verify or repair failed
The log has a bunch of stuff about (it should be 1 instead 0)
Am i boned?
DiskWarrior is a good disk repair tool if it turns out your backup is corrupt too.
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Sorry to drag this back from the depths. I did fix my main iMac, eventually i was able to restore a 3day old time machine image. Some annoying niggly things, but its mostly better.
This clicking whirring thing however, has been happening with my Air, and for quite some time. Its never doing it constantly, just an occasional spate of clicking/whirring, no longer than 3 seconds. Is that the same thing?