I've always had a super fast metabolism, but as of the past year or so it has been getting to the point where I will get painfully hungry only an our or so after eating a large meal.
I will also feel very ill, tired, and get extremely dizzy.
This all came to a head the other night when I was at my girlfriend's house and I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like I was about to die. I went to sit on the edge of her bed to try and collect my self and in the process woke her up.
She asks me whats wrong and it was at that point that I collapsed and fell off the bed on to the floor. She freaks out and asks me what to do, I ask her to make me some food quick while I get off the floor.
So I then eat what was the best ham sandwich ever, and feel better and go back to sleep.
I go to the doctors the next day and they say "Oh, you might be diabetic! Come back in a week and we'll see."
So, I go in tomorrow to find out if I am diabetic! Yay for maybe having a life changing condition!
a couple months ago I went swimming with ear plugs and now I have to clean my ear every morning because this gunjy liquid builds up in it
I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
@Bryceforvice on Twitter Facebook
"Son, you might have a disease where you go into a coma if you don't eat regularly. No more food until we know for certain."
Thats pretty much it.
All "Hey. Don't eat for 12 hours before you come in. Yeeeah."
Also I may have kidney stones. Shit.
get hot marge out of your av/sig, guy, you're tainting my childhood
And this couldn't have come at a worse time.
I have no job and no money to properly feed my self!
I'm not guy. Also Marge is hot, so deal with it.
So her sig is rather fitting I think
Lean protein and veggies. Yum! (and cheap)
@Bryceforvice on Twitter Facebook
Basically, going to college has become way more high-maintanence than it ought to be, since I have to have protein bars and other snacks on hand to keep myself stable during and between classes.
It's not that big a deal, really, it just means having food available to take whenever I head out. It's also given me a perfect excuse to figure out a better diet, which my body desperately needs.
Sucks man, I don't want that cause needles man
I am pretty weird, here.
The needles are the least frustrating thing about the diabetes.
The fact that I can't do any significant physical activity without a snack or something, lest I fall into a terrible mood, followed by insulin shock, is a way bigger pain.
MineCraft: Menetherin
Steam: Vloeza_SE++
my nanny has that
the good news is, you might just have the milder type, where you just have to regulate what you eat
the other good news is, at least you're catching it now, instead of too late
i'm trying to be positive here.
that is to say are you an embiggened man
or are you some rail-skinny dude
Like, one hundred percent, no sight at all blind? Or just super thick glasses legally blind?
beetus is a lot crazier a disease than people seem to think
you can like... lose limbs and die and all sorts of crazy shit if you don't get it under control.
JordynNolz.com <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
doctor had the idea in his head that the beetus might have caused me to have a stroke
apparently that is possible and is as good as an explanation as any for a 25 year old man getting waylaid in such a fashion
on the upside, i ain't got the beetus
hope you don't either, zombie
it sucks for every single person i know who has it, regardless of how bad or what type they got
maybe he's just a cookie fiend. that description is still funny though, like dudes kicking the door open and fisting a cookie in some dude's mouth who was just napping before class. i permit any of you dudes to just start shoving cookies in my mouth not just when i'm in a coma, but any time my mouf is open
like his eyes changed from blue to reddish brown and are permanently bloodshot and he wears sunglasses all the time so as not to scare people
but he directs movies and writes porn so it's not all bad news for him