So I just re-activated my netflix account to take advantage of the nifty (and it is nifty) little feature with my 360.
Now I want suggestions on things people consider good finds.
What tv shows, anime series, movies, whatever do people suggest?
Just to show you how close to the bottom of the barrel I am this is the movie thats next in my queue
Resident Evil: DegenerationThis is apparently the link to be my netflix friend. Feel free to add me.
I told him to get 4400. And Grath is awesome and agrees with me
I don't know what that means
a dog that plays sports tee hee it is so cute
for a great series about killing damn Nazis, Band of Brothers
for a funny series that will make your friends sure you're gay, Gilmore Girls
uhh get Departed
i am never going to watch all of these
As is shawshank redemption.
And No Country.
Well it doesn't work when you do it!
There are only so many ways I can recommend Avatar before it gets repetitive.
Centi's got my back though.
And all of the movies
for the best combination of whimsical, morbid, and witty, Pushing Daisies
for the best sci-fi western television series, Firefly
i laughed so hard I farted.
Star Trek (teh original series)
News Radio
Earth 2
Inspector Gadget
Thats all you need. Evar.
best damn movie ever made.
Its better than you remember. Unfortunately they made it so the LAST TWO episodes are only available if you netflix the discs themselves. tyrannical, indeed.
He's right, this is in fact a lot better than it seems.
If so, watch some stuff you've seen before on BluRay.
And it's Criterion Collection, so it must be good, right?